Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Need Your Opinion

Okay ladies...I need your opinion! I have reached 1000 followers...please pinch me...are you  really telling me that 1000 gals out there read this that makes me nervous!!! I never really thought that my blog would ever get this BIG, but it has and that makes me really HAPPY!!! So since I have reached this milestone...guess what? Yes...I want to THANK all of y'all with an awesome this is where I need your opinion...what kind of GIVEAWAY should I have? Please tell me what you like to or maybe a home decor item that I purchase just for you...I'm open for any suggestions that you might have. This is a very SPECIAL GIVEAWAY to me and I want it to be SPECIAL for you too, because without all of y'all...COASTAL CHARM would not be where it is guys are the BEST!
                                   Hoping all of y'all have a wonderful weekend...I will be spending mine
                                                                             at the beach, 

                                                   Thanks from the bottom of my heart!


Judith @ Creating Balance said...

congrats linda! You can't go wrong with a hobby lobby gift card! or a lowe's gift card! BUT it would be special if you picked out an item, too. It would be like getting a present from a friend!!

Moore Minutes said...

Congratulations! This is exciting!! You've got such a fun and beautiful spirit so I'm not surprised. ;)

I'm a gift card lover. Fun idea.

Simply Debbie said...

Just look at that beautiful face of yours, your kind spirit, and reread some of your posts and you will know why you have a 1,000 followers.
I think a Hobby Lobby gift certificate would be a dandy give away but I think it should just come from your heart. Take, like, an old enamel bowl and feel it with old vintage things...things you love...we all love what you love or you would not have a 1,000 followers.
Have A Sugar Sweet Day....(I wonder where I found that quote...wink...wink)
Simply Debbie

Blue Creek Home said...

Congratulations! I am one of the happy 1000 followers who loves to come by and visit with you.
It's fun here because you are a very gracious host to everyone.
I'm just thinking that since you are a charming coastal gal - yes, I meant to reverse that :} - that a beachy, shelly, white, boatish, fishy, seaglassy, sailish, prize would be fun...but gift cards are always good.
I know you will find something great.

totally off subject:
Looks like we are going to lose Cam! Can't blame him though!!! Alex is predicting that Kim Kardashian is going to go after him when he's pulling in the big bucks. Alex is so funny - but who knows? Maybe we need to warn him!!!

All That Glitters said...


Loui♥ said...

congrats on reaching that milestone..
my humble opinion:
a gift card (VISA OR MASTERCARD)where the winner can spend anyway they choose.
As much as I enjoy Hobby Lobby, or Lowe's, I personally enjoy a card I could spend wherever on whatever!
but ultimately, the choice is yours..
again, congrats on the milestone!!
warmest sandy hugs..

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Linda, Congrats on 1000 followers and you deserve every single one of them. My vote would also be for a gift card. Maybe a Visa,MC or a card for an on-line shop. I love Hobby Lobby but unfortunately there is not one close. Something beachy would be great! I know, how about a week at your beach condo? Just kidding!!

Destiny said...

I'm thinking Starbucks or Cracker Barrel...but then again, I'm tired and hungry right now ; ) Anything from you would be special - CONGRATULATIONS on reaching 1000 followers! That's SO great! I think I'll be excited when I reach 100 LOL Have a great weekend!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful. You can never go wrong with a gift card. Have fun at the beach. Sounds like a great weekend to me. Love & blessings from NC!

Anonymous said...

Well all of us who follow you know why you have 1000 followers- because your fantastic and give all kinds of inspiration and are just plain nice!

bee blessed

Grannys Attic said...

Congratulations! The reason you reached 1000 followers is because you have inspired all of us so much! I think anything that you pick out would be great just because it came from a "Very Special Lady" who has such great taste in what ever she does. Just look at that beautiful snapshot you posted of yourself. Inspiring!!! Have a wonderful time at the beach! Blessings, Vicky

Breathing In Grace said...

Congratulations!! That's awesome. I agree with your first commenter....a HOBBY LOBBY gift card sounds great!!! :)

Lynn said...

Congrats on your milestone Linda:@)

ChRiS said...

gift card would be great and something that anyone no matter where they live could use......something that is online or close by to a winner. congrats on your milestone and many more to come!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Congratulations Linda! We follow you because we love you!!!


Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Congratulations! You have such good taste...anything your heart would be wonderful. So excited for you!!!

Vicki said...

WOW..what a milestone. That is terrific. I think we are a grateful bunch and get excited about all giveaways. Let's face it, we can always use a gift card! Those are easy to ship too. If you find a special treasure just make sure you consider shipping and packaging. My December giveaway was very heavy and had to be professionally packed. I had taken that into consideration in advance but still wanted to do it. I was recreating something in my house for a reader and had fun thrifting and shopping for just the right thing. I think when you find the right item, you'll know. Check your comments and see which posts received the most feedback? That is what helped me pick a giveaway.

laxsupermom said...

Congratulations! What a terrific milestone! I'm sure whatever you choose for the giveaway will be well received. You wouldn't have so many followers if we didn't all like your style.

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

Hooray! That is awesome! Gift cards are always nice. Like money you didn't know you had.
It's a joy to be counted as one of your followers/friends. Congrats on this milestone!

~Tonja~ said...

Congratulations! What a terrific milestone...anything from you would be a pleasure
Have a Blessed day

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

That's great, Linda. Anything you want to do will be fine!

Lori said...

Congrats! Wow, that is an accomplishment. I don't care what the prize is as long as I win!

Sherri said...

Congratulations Linda!! That is quite the accomplishment! I think any giveaway you had would be great!! Have fun this weekend!

Gracie's Cottage said...

Congrats...whatever you choose will be just right, I'm sure!


Kristi said...

Congrats!! Pick something easy to mail. :-)

Erin said...

CONGRATS LINDA! I have no opinion on this, but CONGRATS!!!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

1000 followers is awesome! I really enjoy visiting your blog, so I can understand why the other 1004 do too!

Looks like gift cards are the big hit.

Cathy said...

Congrats! I think I was number 1006 this morning. I just wanted to thank you for making a comment on my brand-spanking-new blog (Cha Cha Chicks). I doubt I ever get up to 1000 followers, but it is nice to see that someone out there has been by!

I just retired and so this is going to be my new hobby...I have not even learned 'how' to add the sidebars and all of the cute doo-dads I see on other blogs...but I will learn!

Thanks again for your encouragement, it means a lot to this Newbie.


Victoria said...

I'm sure the winner would be thrilled with anything:) You're so cute, I love your hair!

Olive said...

Yayness 4 U! Whatever you decide.

Jenni said...

Hi Linda~

Congratulations on reaching 1,000 followers! That is awesome! :) I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)


coastal femme said...

Congratulations! your blog. A gift card sounds wonderful,but anything you choose would be special!

Susan Freeman said...

Wow ~ Congrats! Anything you choose will be wonderful. I am so happy for you!!

Susan and Bentley

Anonymous said...

Not a clue but congrats on reaching 1000!!!!! Wahoo

Ms. Bake-it said...

Awesome! What a milestone! Congratulations on 1000+ followers. I am definitely one of your happy followers.

Have a fantastic weekend!

~ Tracy

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

Hi Linda,

You know, they say cash is king, but I always like it when someone puts together a prize that reflects what their blog is about, more or less. (Think "Miss Mustard Seed in a box".) Your style is distinctive, and that's why people are drawn to your blog. Why not pick something you'd like for yourself and give it away?

How exciting! 1000 followers! Congratulations!

Melissa said...

That's an awesome achievement!!

I personally like gift cards. :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Congrats on 1000 followers! You so deserved! Your blog is fun but it's you I come to visit. A gift card is always fun and anyone who won it would love it. What do YOU want to do. Hugs, Linda

Cassie Bustamante said...

does goodwill do gift cards? since your big party is nifty thrifty tuesday might be something that has to do with thriftiness? maybe that or i owuld love something you made... i always appreciate the things people make most. kristi from the speckled dog made me a knitted cowl, and yannet from 3 sun kissed boys sent me sand dollar ornaments she glittered, and i just adore them both!

littlethings1 said...

I like the comment above by Cassie , does Goodwill do gift cards !! I really dont follow blogs or go back to them because of the giveaways , your blog is just adorable , congrats on 1000 followers !! Right now I would take the beach, could you mail that? You are lucky !! Have an enjoyable day at the beach !

Jessa said...


Melissa Miller said...

How wonderful and sweet of you Linda! Everyone loves a gift card. :)

the cape on the corner said...

that is amazing! and wonderful! i'm going to suggest gift card, to keep things simple for you. i won a giveaway with an 11 dollar shipping charge-i can't believe that! don't forget shipping charges!

Brenda said...

How wonderful is that. I still have not made it to 100 yet. I think anything you offer would be happily received.

Anonymous said...

Hey Linda!
Thanks so much for stopping my blog---I swear I'm just drawn to milk glass!
Congrats from your newest follower :)

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

How exciting! My one year blogiversary (is that a word?) is coming up and I am thinking about giving away an Etsy GC. If Etsy doesn't do that than maybe one to a favorite shop.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! That's so MANY followers! I just passed the 100 point and that wasn't easy! Whew. If you do the gift card, like others said, I would make sure it's everywhere - i.e. I've never heard of hobby lobby so I looked it up and the nearest one is in NY (I'm in MA) and after the address it says it's not open yet. You're doing something right, keep it up!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! When its a give away, I can't be picky. Anything is great.

Cass @ That Old House said...

Well congratulations! 1000 Followers is quite an achievement. :-)

As for a Giveaway, remember that you can't please everybody, so just go with what feels right to you.
And remember there are no Hobby Lobby stores in the NY area. I'm just sayin' . . . .

Simone @ Doberman's by the Sea said...

Congrats! I'm sure anything you pick will be fine. Perhaps something that goes along with your blogs theme. Have a great weekend. said...

2 Congratulations are in order! One for the 1,000 followers and one for the Auburn win! Enjoy both :)

La said...

Fantastic! Congratulations!

I think the prize should be to spend THIS weekend at the beach. I live in Ohio and it is NOT beach weather here. :o)

Jane said...

Congratulations Linda!! I'm not going to be much help because I'm just going to say whatever you decide will be appreciated by your readers!!
That was some game the other night.....I was so hyped up I couldn't get to sleep!!

Jacqueline said...

How wonderful, that is just incredible that you have that many followers. We were laughing about what if all of the followers commented on every post and you wanted to comment back! Life would be a little hectic wouldn't it. I am so happy for you. Any giveaway that you win is the best kind!! I have to say I have never been a winner and now since starting blogging I have won a few things and that is sure fun to get a surprise in the mail. Have fun deciding.
I am an official follower now!

Lori @ Projects Plenty said...

Congratulations! Having 1000 followers is quite a milestone. My vote for a giveaway would be something you choose. I have been a follower and appreciate your wonderful blog.


Low Tide High Style said...

Congratulations Linda, you deserve each and every follower you have, and I'm happy to be one of them! I know that whatever way you decide to go with a giveaway it will be special, just like everything you do!

Kat :)

alice said...

Linda, A big congrats! I have been out of the loop for a I am so tickled for you. You helped me many moons ago with some computer questions! I am down under in the land of OZ for the month. Keep being the sweet and helpful gal that you are!
smiles, alice

Jill said...

Congratulations! I hope one day my blog will be as successful as yours. It's a lot of hard work, but clearly you've done a great job to get 1000 followers!!! As far as a giveaway, I like gift cards. They're easy to ship & deal with, and it appeals to the most people because they get to pick what they like. It's ultimately up to you though, and I know whatever you choose people will love it! :) Enjoy the weekend!

Diann said...

Well Congrats Linda! that is awesome!! Gift cards are always awesome but opening up a package is so much fun as well. However, it would be so much cheaper for you to send out a gift card than mailing a box. And let's face, we are all about the "Nifty and the Thrifty"! LOL

Sue said...

Congratulations on your milestone, Linda! I have got to get caught up and get going with blogging again! I am so busy and posting is way down on my priority list right now. But I wanted to say hi to a few friends, so Hello Linda! Any give-away prize would be fun to win, but a personally chosen gift would be what I would like. Gift cards are nice, too, though~ and cheaper to mail! Hope you are enjoying better weather than us up here in cold, blustery Ohio. At least we've had no snow for a while! Hugs,Sue

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Congrats to you Linda! You have always been a warm and welcoming blogger and it's always great coming by here. Anything you decide on would be great!

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

I am so happy for you! What a wonderful milestone! I love visiting here and find it very easy to see why you have 1000 follwers!

Lynda said...

Congrats! I had 30 hits in one weekend...and I'm thrilled....but it's not about the gift...who cares? anything free is great! It's the giver that is special!

Jamie said...

Congratulations! Wow, what a party it has become!

I think any giveaway you choose would be fabulous, I always enjoy your posts.

However, since you asked for suggestions...some time back you gave away a subscription to Coastal Living. I would love to win that! ;)

Savannah Granny said...

I love the view from your bedroom window. It is awesome. I have to walk or ride my bike several blocks to see the ocean. Thanks for following. I am honored that you would follow such a newbie. Ginger

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