Located on the beautiful Alabama Coast in Orange Beach and situated perfectly to be private yet convenient. This was our OLD neighborhood. We had a second home here for 3 years. We have so many great memories that were spent here on Ono with family and friends! Step on the Island and leave your cares behind. The gentle trade winds sooth and relax and sets your frame of mind to “IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE!!!”
Approximately 6 miles long and hardly a quarter of a mile wide, it is home to about 1500 residences with plenty of room to still grow. The Island is entirely in Alabama, but it straddles the Florida / Alabama line right where the world famous FLORA-BAMA bar is located. Here are some pics from Ono...hope you ENJOY looking!
This is my fav...always enjoyed riding my bike by and dreaming...sorry you just can't get a good shot of it from the street...it's SOUTHERN LIVING at it's finest!

As you can see...we didn't live like some of our neighbors!