I thought I would share with you a project that my family took part in last year...it's called OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD. The four of us loved putting our boxes together and I know you will too. I started saving some shoe boxes months ago, so I would be ready to go when the time came around and now it's that time to fill them up! You can go
here to check out the info on how your family can take part in this wonderful project. I bought most of my items from the clearance racks at Target and also at the dollar section. Here is my post from last year...I hope it will give you some ideas on what you can fill your boxes up with, if you decide to take part in OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD.
This year I wanted my family to do something for children in need...my Mother has been taking part in Operation Christmas Child at her church for the past couple of years...I checked the project out and it was just what I was looking and praying for. The project is part of Samaritan's Purse...founder is Franklin Graham. This is what you do...get a shoe box...pick the sex and age of your child...pray for your child...go shopping and buy items that you feel they would need and also FUN items (remember this is a child). My daughter Haley and I went shopping for our four children and came home with more stuff than we could fit into the boxes! I can say this was by far the best shopping day that I have ever had. We filled our boxes...sent a photo Christmas card of our family with a note to the child...and off they went!!! Next year we plan on doing this again...this time we will be filling up two boxes each. Please check this project out if you are looking for a way to help children hear the word of God...Merry Christmas!

This box is for a girl...age 8-10...here is a list of the items:
Pair of jeans,Hannah Montana boxers, underwear 10 pack, lip gloss, hairbrush,candy,
pens, pencils, toothpaste, toothbrushes, notebook, make-up bag, stickers, bookmark, soap, beanie babies and t-shirt.
This box is for a girl...age 13-14...here is a list of the items:
Dress, boxers, bra, underwear 10 pack, notebook, hairbrush, lip gloss, make-up bag, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, stickers, candy, pens, pencils, hair clips and beanie babies.
This box is for a girl...age 2-4...here is a list of the items:
Pink pants and a matching blouse, pink shorts, denim shorts, three pairs of Disney socks, one pair of Hello Kitty socks, one pair of Santa socks, baby doll, beanie babies, mickey soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, Belle bracelet, Disney necklace, stickers, candy and hair clips.
This box is for a boy..age 5-9...here is a list of the items:
A pair of shorts, t-shirt, frisbee, velcro catch game, slinky, harmonica, math cards, pencils, pens, stickers, brush, mirror, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, bath towel, crayons, coloring book and bubble gum.

This is an awesome way to start off the Christmas season...please spread the word about this amazing project!!!!
Linking up to these fun parties!
Show and Tell
Transformation Thursdays