Saturday, March 20, 2010

A New Family Member

Yes...we have a new family member! My nephew and his wife had their first child this week on St.Patty's Day. Welcome John to our family...we are all sooooo in love with are one SPECIAL little boy and we are all looking forward to watching you grow up to a wonderful man...just like your father! My nephew Nick is like the son that I never had...I almost feel like I became a GiGi this week...but I didn't this time...but I will try to be a wonderful GREAT Aunt! I'm so looking forward to some babysitting time:)I made a little gift basket to welcome John!I used some rub-ons on this little cross with John's monogram...I'm lovin' how it turned out!


Brenda said...

Congratulations - what a cutie!!!!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

What a beautiful baby. Congratulations.

Creations By Cindy said...

Congratulations! He is such a doll baby. Love the cross you made Linda. So special. I am sure God has great plans for this little man! Be blessed. Cindy

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Love it, congrats
Take care

vintage girl at heart said...

He is truly a Blessing.
I just love the way new babies smell and sound!!
Enjoy being auntie Gigi!!
Your gift basket is adorable..what a wonderful idea!

Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh my gosh! What a beautiful baby! So sweet. I want to hold him.

That cross will be a treasure for life.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Auntie! He is just Beautiful.
What a great idea for a gift tag.


Donna said...

He is precious! Give him a big hug for me! The gift basket is adorable!

Kelly @ Make It Sparkly Mama said...

Oh what an adorable baby! I could just snuggle him right now! My baby is 18 months old and a wild little thing! Cute gift basket too!

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Aww, what a cutie! CONGRATS!!

Darlene said...

Hi Linda,

He is beautiful!!! Babies are such a sweet blessing. LOVE the beautiful cross you made on the basket. Congratulations!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a beautiful baby! WELCOME to this world!

Low Tide High Style said...

Oh Linda, how wonderful! And what a lucky boy to have such a wonderful Great Aunt! Welcome to the world baby John!

Kat :)

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Linda Sweetie...
John is just absolutely beautiful. I am so thrilled for all of you. He has lots of hair and such beautiful skin. So sweet. I can smell that baby smell. Isn't it wonderful?

I love your package that you put together for him, and that cross is adorable. I am going to keep that craft in mind.

Our 8th grandbaby is going to be a c-section looks like June 11th or maybe before, he is growing fast. We cannot wait. Babies are so much fun, especially when they go home at night. Grandparenting is wonderful.

Congrats again to the family sweetie. Thanks for sharing this beautiful blue bundle. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

Mama Thompson said...

Congratulations...that is so exciting...and he is SO cute!

WhiteWhispers2u said...

Welcome lil Man! I too am going to be a new GiGi(cute) in the next week or two, my first.We also will be welcoming a new lil Man and his Auntie's are very excited too! Enjoy~Kim

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Congratulations to all! Newborns truly are little angels brought into this world. So very sweet! Many blessings, Tammy

Blue Creek Home said...

What a cutie! I love the basket of goodies.

Grace @ Ruby Moon Designs said...

What a beautiful and precious baby boy! Congrats to you and to John's mama and dada.

Blessings, Grace

Stephenie from Decorating Addiction said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new addition! He's precious. Enjoy him!

Jamie said...

So precious! Congratulations Great Auntie!

~ Regan said...

Congrats to the WHOLE family!!! What a beautiful baby!! Awwwww...... His little nose is just the cutest thing! I bet you are going to be a great Great Aunt. You look like you are on cloud nine hold him!

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

So happy for you Linda! He is beautiful!

Lou Cinda :)

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Congratulations. He is a beautiful baby!!!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

What a beautiful baby. I know you are so proud! The cross turned out great. That will look cute in his room. Love & blessings from NC!

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