WOW...another outstanding turn out at my
PAR-TAY! Thank you ladies for showing up and bringing all your neat thrifty finds with you...looks like there has been a lot of thriftin' going on. With soooo many incredible make it hard for me to pick just four to highlight...but here it goes for this know the drill...grab my cute little starfish button because you have been featured at
Please click on each blog name and go by to check out the story about these amazing deals...some were FREE and others only 50 cents!
Sherry@Creations From My Heart
Angie@Sandals and Daisies
Julie@Less Than Perfect Life Of Bliss
Tammy@The View From Here
Very nice finds by all the girls!! I didn't know you had this event, Linda. I'll jot it down so I can join soon. Our weather here is warming up so we should start having more yard and garage sales. Fun, fun, fun!!
Happy Thursday!! :-)
Love all the finds. TFS with us! Be blessed. Cindy
Those were great finds! Great makeovers too!
Had fun visiting everyone!
There were ALOT of great finds and I enjoyed seeing all of the great treasures everyone is finding ... gives me tooo many ideas! Judi
Such fun finds...and do-overs..hugs, Linda
All are such great finds. That last one is so unusual. Wonderful!
Patricia :o)
I have to tell ya...I now look forward to Tuesdays...and I know the finds are just going to get niftier now that it is almost garage sale season! Thanks for featuring me! I have discovered so many fabulous blogs since joining this party!
Hugs ~ Angie
I met some of the nicest bloggers yet through your party!! Great Ideas too!!!
And I didn't know you get a starfish -
I L-O-ve it!!!
Boy don't you have fun! Happy Friday! Stop and visit some time - Jennifer at jennsthreegraces
Such wonderful finds! I am dreading that I haven't participated yet, but I will definitely join the party Tesaday!
Thanks for hosting the party and for stopping by my blog and for the nice comment. I'll be back next week...I just got all my Easter decor up!
I was a little late to the par-tay this week darn it! It was already closed when I stopped by. I'll be on time next week!
How cool is that...You put my candle post in as one of your favorites for Nifty Thrifty! Thank you and thanks for coming by to visit and signing up for the giveaway. Good Luck and see you next week at the Link up party!
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