Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wedding...Getting Ready

Okay... now let's all get ready for the BIG day!!!! Time has come to put on the clothes that we had spent so much time picking out. Oh my...I sure hope we don't have any a broken zipper...a ripped seam...or even awful stain... front and center on Haley's beautiful that would had sent this MOB into a crying fool!! Thank goodness...none of these happened and all went just perfect...oh happy day! Time flew by as we were getting ready...I felt like it all happened soooo FAST! People had told me that the day would go by so fast and I can say...they were so right. My favorite part of this time period was when we all circled around Haley and had prayer for her. As we held hands...everyone said a prayer for her...this idea came from her SWEET GODLY sister Mary Claire. I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of my daughters...they have both turned out to be strong godly young women. We had not told our photographers that we would be doing this and we got started she was not in the we were praying she came in and right away started capturing this very special moment of the day. I will say...I'm so glad that we got all of it in photos. Thank you for coming by and now let's see a wee bit of our day.
                            Your friend,

              As the MOB...I knew that this was
             perfect dress when I first saw her in

                       Oh soooo many buttons!!!



                Love all that beautiful lace!!!

                          You just never knew when the photographer was getting
                                    a pic...I was very surprised to see this one!


             Of all the thousands of pictures that we have...this one is in
                                    my favorite top 5!!!!

                 A time that I will never forget.

                         Oh brought tears to this BRIDE!!!

                            Relaxing after a delicious brunch!

          Her something old was her grandmothers
               hanky...her grandmother that she
            never knew. My MIL died six weeks
               after my wedding. I have always
               tried to surround my girls around
                  some of her beautiful things
                  and she had plenty of them.

Linking up here...
Potpourri Party
Inspiration Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Show and Tell Friday


Unknown said...

Linda, this is beautiful. So emotional. TY for sharing your family day ... elegant gorgeous bride.


Loui♥ said...

absolutely beautiful!!!
Beautiful Mom..
beautiful Bride!!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh what beautiful pictures!! I loved the picture of you helping adjust your daughters veil.


andrea@townandprairie said...

These are so very elegant... I love the one of your daughter in the foreground with you adjusting her veil in the background. It's very symbolic and well presented. The dress hanging from the chandy was glamorous! andrea@townandprairie

Cassie Bustamante said...

these pictures are so so sweet. and just look at that dress!

Olive said...

Linda, I love that ya'll prayed. olive

Unknown said...

Such beautiful photos of your very special day, Linda.

Arabella said...

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. My favorite photo is of you and your daughter holding hands...brought tears to my eyes.


White Ironstone Cottage said...

I cant wait for our daughters big day
Thank You for all of the beautiful pics and inspiration
You both look gorgeous

Linda @ A La Carte said...

These are just wonderful photos. I too love the photo of you and your daughter holding hands during the prayer. I have a photo of Sara and I holding hands before her wedding and I treasure it so much. So much love in the air at a wedding. hugs, Linda

Jane said...

Gorgeous photos!! You looked very pretty my friend!!
Congrats on getting back in the business! I've been very happy with sales in my booth so far...made my monthly rent the first week so I can relax a bit the rest of the month :)

Sheets on the line, love in my heart. said...

thank you for sharing such precious moments of your life. you and your daughter have much to look forward to.

At The Picket Fence said...

Oh Linda, what a lovely post. Thank you for sharing these precious moments with us and letting us have a glimpse into this beautiful day! Your daughter was just radiant...for sure for outwardly beauty, but one can see her inner beauty shining through as well! What a happy day!!


Unknown said...

Linda, such wonderful photos.. I have tears in my eyes... thank you for sharing this special day with us you and your daughter look amazing.

Jane said...

Linda, your daughter is a beautiful bride. Her real beauty, like yours, shines from within...the beauty of a godly woman. (She is worth more than gold.) What a special moment captured in time...praying together for the ceremony, and, I am so sure...for the marriage! Best wishes to the young couple...and to all the families.
Jane (artfully graced)

Debbiedoos said...

Just beautiful Linda. The one of you and your girl holding hands really is priceless, so sweet. You all look so beautiful!

judi said...

beautiful photos. the one of you and your daughter's hands are the favorite here too. such sweet, happy moments to cherish. congratulations.

Kathryn Ferguson Griffin said...

Linda, that is so beautiful! Your daughter looked stunning and you looked radiant! My favorite photo is the two of you holding hands! Hope your Sunday is grand! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Beautiful photos Linda! You both looked amazing and I love that picture of the two of you holding hands! Martina

Unknown said...

Beautiful. I'll confess, I get a little teary eyed looking at wedding pictures.

Lisa said...

Looks like it was a picture perfect day. Your daughter and you are both so beautiful. Love her amazing dress. My favorite picture is the one of you two holding hands in the prayer circle.
Thank you for sharing some of this special day with us.


Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Linda, What a beautiful bride! And MOB as well! What a precious time. Since our oldest was married just this past May these photos bring back such precious memories. And just fyi, this MOB was a crying fool! LOL! And like you, the day just flew by. But oh, so many precious memories! Love the photo of you and your daughter holding hands. Priceless!

Pamela said...

Soooo beautiful Linda! Thank you for sharing with us!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

From one Linda to another....Beautiful. She is a beautiful bride. You will treasures these moments forever. I was touched by you holding her hand. Thanks for sharing and by the way, I am your newest follower. Where have I been to miss this? ~ Linda

Carol Ann said...

I'm just now viewing these pics from the links in your post today. Beautiful pictures! Your prayer pictures touched my heart. Thanks for sharing--Carol Ann

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