Have you been to the Dollar Tree lately? I have and guess what I found? These cute little FAKE plants (that look real)!!!! What do you think...do they look real to you too? I'm lovin' the POP of GREEN that they have added here at my nest. If you need a POP of Green at your nest...stop in and pick up a couple of these THRIFTY goodies!!!
We are finally getting some
much needed rain...my
grass really needed
it, so I'm a happy
camper today,
Added this darling burlap bag and
she now lives here next
to my kitchen
Another burlap bag and this one
made her home here
on my mantel.
Now this one has a SPECIAL home here
on the NEW addition to my
NEST...I will be sharing
it next week at NTT...just
let me say...I LOVE IT!!!
Small twig basket came from World Market,
only $2.99...less 25%...another THRIFTY
NOTE...Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays is
still going on...click here to
join in!
Linking up here...
Creative Share Wednesday
Show and Tell
Upcycled Awesome
Penny Pinching Party
Whatever Goes
Open House Party
Strut Your Stuff
Thrifty Things Friday
Featured Yourself Friday
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays No.56 and a Giveaway
It's that time again...can you believe it? The weeks are just flying by. I always say time flies when you're having fun and I always have fun here at NTT...I sure hope you do too. Every week I look forward to see what fabulous things you are going to share with us so we can be inspired or learn how to be more thrifty. This week I'm going to share a few thrifty items I found while I was spending some time at my beach condo...yes...you can find some awesome deals at the beach...keep this in mind while you are vacationing on the shores. My favorite deal that I found this weekend is coming later this week...so don't forget to come back to see what I got...just let me say...you sooooo don't want to miss this goodie! We have another wonderful giveaway this week...it's a darling black and white flirty APRON that was donated by Becky over at CLASSY SASSY COUTURE ...now I know all of y'all could use an
extra apron...I know I could. It's always makes me feel great to have on a cute apron while cooking...how about you? Becky has a lot more than just aprons, so go by and check out all her beautiful items. Thanks Becky for being a part of NTT this week. Okay ladies, I almost forgot to announce the WINNER of last weeks giveaway...Laurel at CHIPPING WITH CHARM you have WON that cute cute FLORA DOORA...please e-mail me with your mailing address...congrats and I hope you enjoy using it in your home...I sure do enjoy mine. Now let's get this party started...link her up!
Thanks for coming and
I hope you have a fun
Look how cute she is!
7 ways to WIN!
* 2 entries-go by and visit Becky at CLASSY SASSY COUTURE and LIKE her on FACEBOOK and come back and let me know you did this.
* 2 entries-go by and check out all the beautiful items that Becky has to offer and come back and tell me what your favorite item is.
*1 entry- become a Coastal Charm follower (if you are already one...just let me know).
*1 entry -link up to NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS and leave a comment.
*1 entry-blog about the giveaway or add it to your sidebar and come back and let me know.
More white ironstone to add to my collection!
Isn't she a beauty?
They only cost me .99 cents each...now
that's so NIFTY THRIFTY!
Another pretty milk glass beauty
for only $1!!!
Look how pretty she looks with some
fun flowers!
For .25 cents...I added another
milk glass bud vase to my
A silver tray with handles for only
.50 cents!!!!
Got this cute basket for FREE!!
And this is what I'm going to do with it...I will
be making me a PB knockoff
moss basket!
(this pic is from Pottery Barn)
I'm linking up here...
Tabletop Tuesdays
Tuesdays Treasures
Tip Me Tuesday
Anything Related
White Wednesday
Show and Tell
Upcycled Awesome
Whassup Wednesday
Anything Goes
Penny Pinching Party
Whatever Goes Wednesday
Strut Your Stuff
****Please everyone, follow these guidelines!****
1. Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, include the NTT button in your post (copy and paste the html code under the button…the button is located on my sidebar). Please make sure that you have put my NTT button or my blog name with a link on your post where it is easy for others to find it...the more people at the party...the more fun we will all have here.
2. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from garage sales, thrift stores, consignment shops, craigslist and even those awesome deals that you find at any retail store. Also you can share any thrifty DIY projects...love seeing what y'all can make on a dime!
3. Please go and visit the other participates and leave a comment about their treasures and thrifty ideas…this is what makes the PAR-TAY so much FUN and what a great way to meet new friends. I would love for you to add yourself as a follower if you haven't already and please let me know, I love to know when I have a new friend. I appreciate all your comments, they really make my day.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Beach Time
My little time at the beach was so relaxing...sat out on the beach...did a tad bit of thriftin'...added a few new items to the condo and went along with Mr.CC to take some pics of a new listing (I will share those with you later this week). The weather was just PERFECT...sunny and temps in the high 70's...can't get any better than this...so out to the beach I go with my umbrella, chair and books...all ready for some awesome beach time! I will be sharing some of my thrifty finds with you later on...today lets see what I added to the condo...come along with me and take a look.
Enjoy your day and I will
see ya on Monday at
Made a stop at our local Tuesday Mornings
and found these PB knockoff pillows.
They look just like PB's pillows, but without the
PB price tag...these were $19.99...PB's are
$37.00...so I feel like these were a deal!
The true color does not show well...they
are a light green apple!
I added this red monogram to a $1.00 glass platter
that I found while out thrifin' last summer
(monogram was won at a giveaway) so,
total cost $1.00!
Can't go wrong with a $1.00 decor item!
I have a thing for burlap
that's not a bad
Still way to COLD for a dip here!
But a dip here...is just fine!!!
See me way up there on the
8th floor?
My little piece of heaven!!!
Linking up here...
Sundae Scoop
Sunday Showcases
Keep It Simple Sunday
The DIY Showoff Project Parade
Met Mondays
Making Monday Marvelous
Craft Link Party
Amaze Me Monday
Fair Weather Forum
Wow Us Wednesday
Show Off Your Stuff
Enjoy your day and I will
see ya on Monday at
Made a stop at our local Tuesday Mornings
and found these PB knockoff pillows.
They look just like PB's pillows, but without the
PB price tag...these were $19.99...PB's are
$37.00...so I feel like these were a deal!
The true color does not show well...they
are a light green apple!
I added this red monogram to a $1.00 glass platter
that I found while out thrifin' last summer
(monogram was won at a giveaway) so,
total cost $1.00!
Can't go wrong with a $1.00 decor item!
I have a thing for burlap
that's not a bad
Still way to COLD for a dip here!
But a dip here...is just fine!!!
See me way up there on the
8th floor?
My little piece of heaven!!!
Linking up here...
Sundae Scoop
Sunday Showcases
Keep It Simple Sunday
The DIY Showoff Project Parade
Met Mondays
Making Monday Marvelous
Craft Link Party
Amaze Me Monday
Fair Weather Forum
Wow Us Wednesday
Show Off Your Stuff
Friday, March 25, 2011
Pillow Talk And A Future DIY Project
Hello ladies...hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend...I'm here at the beach and the weather is just perfect. Now if you are having snow this weekend...please don't be mad at me...just head on down here and join me:) Do you find yourself buying a lot of the same decor items for your home...like lots of lamps, candles, pillows or maybe you have a thing for rugs...come on let's hear what you have a weakness for? Well...one of mine is PILLOWS...I have a hall closet where I store lots of extra throw pillows...I really love changing them out during the year, to get a fresh new look. My pillow habit really isn't too bad, because I always get a great deal on them...never pay full price (50-75% off is the norm). The other day I was in a local salvage store (about 70% of the inventory is from Target) and guess what I found? Yes...there they were just waiting for someone to take them home...get this...all the pillows are only $5.00...so I gave two of them a new home. I'm also sharing with you the old mantel piece that is now hanging above my bed. We have plans on adding some beadboard and molding, so a headboard will be born here (just gotta find some extra time)...I hope that we can get it done before the summer months arrive...wish me luck!
Thanks for coming
and I hope you
come back
What do you think? Will some beadboard
and molding make an awesome looking
headboard? I'm all ears
and would love to
hear your ideas.
This old window has a special
place in my heart,
it came from my great-grandparents
home that was built in the 1920's.
Not bad for only $5.00!!!
My other $5.00 beauty...found a home
here in our den.
Thanks for coming
and I hope you
come back
What do you think? Will some beadboard
and molding make an awesome looking
headboard? I'm all ears
and would love to
hear your ideas.
This old window has a special
place in my heart,
it came from my great-grandparents
home that was built in the 1920's.
Not bad for only $5.00!!!
My other $5.00 beauty...found a home
here in our den.
Linking up here...
Motivate Me Monday
Thrift Share Monday
I Made The World Cuter Today
Made With Love Monday
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Springtime at Pottery Barn
Have you been to Pottery Barn lately? I went in last week to check out the casual china and flatware that Haley has registered for...I love both of the patterns and look forward to a dinner at her new home with Cam (I guess Mr.CC and I will be invited over for dinner...at least once)...do your get invited over to your grown kids homes for dinner? So, Haley if you are reading this...don't forget that it's fun to entertain your parents...we will be waiting:) While I was there I did a little shopping (I guess it's called window shopping, when you just look and don't buy)...going back later to make some purchases...wonder what I'm going to buy...any ideas? Now let's take a look at what I was drooling over.
Hope you have a great day...I'm on
my way to my beach condo
for a couple of days...I
so need me some
beach time!
See ya soon,
I love the idea of using a moss basket like
this one at the wedding...any thoughts
on that? Now thrifty me will not
be paying $89 for this one...I'm
going to make my own...wish
me luck!
Now this Woven Vine Basket at $49 has also got
my attention.
Look at these cuties...thought that
$39 wasn't a bad price for these
wooden carved bunnies.
Great choice...easy to mix and match!
Also another beautiful choice...just a
few more items and she will
be all set up and ready
to entertain (her parents...he he)!
Note-All pics taken from Pottery Barn.com
Linking up here...
Anything Goes Party
Inspiration Friday
Hope you have a great day...I'm on
my way to my beach condo
for a couple of days...I
so need me some
beach time!
See ya soon,
I love the idea of using a moss basket like
this one at the wedding...any thoughts
on that? Now thrifty me will not
be paying $89 for this one...I'm
going to make my own...wish
me luck!
Now this Woven Vine Basket at $49 has also got
my attention.
Look at these cuties...thought that
$39 wasn't a bad price for these
wooden carved bunnies.
Great choice...easy to mix and match!
Also another beautiful choice...just a
few more items and she will
be all set up and ready
to entertain (her parents...he he)!
Note-All pics taken from Pottery Barn.com
Linking up here...
Anything Goes Party
Inspiration Friday
Monday, March 21, 2011
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays No.55 and a Giveaway
Here we are at the 4th week of my one year birthday celebration...yes...NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS is now 13 months old!!! I have another awesome GIVEAWAY for you all this week...it's a darling FLORA DOORA bag from Jane. I know that some of you are already friends with Jane and have some of these cute bags already in your home, but if not...then be sure to go by and meet her and check out all her other bags in her Etsy shop. These cute little bags would make wonderful Easter baskets...filled with goodies for your loved ones. This week I'm going to share (show off..he he) one of my all time favorite THRIFTY treasures. Last week I headed down to my beach condo and on the way there I hopped in at the Restore shop and there she sat on a shelf...just waiting on me to find her...now what could she be? She is a darling little spice rack...my first thought was that...she looked like she came right out of a POTTERY BARN store (maybe she did). Funny thing is...I had just came from Pottery Barn and while I was there...I got soooo many wonderful ideas, that I will be using around here at my nest. The next best thing was her price tag...get this...she was only $2.00...yes...two bucks and she was heading home with me. Take a look where I have her for now...I'm sure that she will get moved around a lot here...that's just how I do things here at Coastal Charm. Okay ladies...what have you found lately? Looking forward to seeing all your treasures...makeovers...and thrifty ideas...so link up and let's get this party started.
Visit around and meet some
new friends...that's always
Isn't she is the cutest bag ever?
**Please note...flowers and starfish are not included**
7 ways to WIN!
*Mandatory Entries*
* 2 entries-follow Jane over at FLORA DOORA and come back and let me know.
* 1 entry- become a Coastal Charm follower... would love to have you as a blog friend and reader.
2 Extra entries -link up to NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS and leave a comment.
2 Extra entries-blog about the giveaway or add it to your sidebar and come back and let me know.

See why I fell in love with her!
Look at her cute little labels!
Lovin' her wood handle!
This was my first thought of how I was going
to use her...love how my camellias
look here in my kitchen
So simple!
The wire basket fits right in
here in my
kitchen decor!

Linking up here...
DIY Showoff Parade
I Made the World Cuter Today
Metamorphosis Mondays
Twice Owned Tuesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Whassup Wednesday?
Thrift Share Monday
Tuesdays Treasures
Good Life Wednesday
White Wednesday
Thrifty Thursdays
Catch-as-Catch can
Open House Party
Tip Me Tuesday
Trash To Treasures
****Please everyone, follow these guidelines!****
1. Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, include the NTT button in your post (copy and paste the html code under the button…the button is located on my sidebar). Please make sure that you have put my NTT button or my blog name with a link on your post where it is easy for others to find it...the more people at the party...the more fun we will all have here.
2. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from garage sales, thrift stores, consignment shops, craigslist and even those awesome deals that you find at any retail store. Also you can share any thrifty DIY projects...love seeing what y'all can make on a dime!
3. Please go and visit the other participates and leave a comment about their treasures and thrifty ideas…this is what makes the PAR-TAY so much FUN and what a great way to meet new friends. I would love for you to add yourself as a follower if you haven't already and please let me know, I love to know when I have a new friend. I appreciate all your comments, they really make my day.
Visit around and meet some
new friends...that's always
Isn't she is the cutest bag ever?
**Please note...flowers and starfish are not included**
7 ways to WIN!
*Mandatory Entries*
* 2 entries-follow Jane over at FLORA DOORA and come back and let me know.
* 1 entry- become a Coastal Charm follower... would love to have you as a blog friend and reader.
2 Extra entries -link up to NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS and leave a comment.
2 Extra entries-blog about the giveaway or add it to your sidebar and come back and let me know.
See why I fell in love with her!
Look at her cute little labels!
Lovin' her wood handle!
This was my first thought of how I was going
to use her...love how my camellias
look here in my kitchen
So simple!
The wire basket fits right in
here in my
kitchen decor!
I'm not sure yet if I'm going to
take off her labels...what
do you think?
Linking up here...
DIY Showoff Parade
I Made the World Cuter Today
Metamorphosis Mondays
Twice Owned Tuesday
Wow Us Wednesday
Whassup Wednesday?
Thrift Share Monday
Tuesdays Treasures
Good Life Wednesday
White Wednesday
Thrifty Thursdays
Catch-as-Catch can
Open House Party
Tip Me Tuesday
Trash To Treasures
****Please everyone, follow these guidelines!****
1. Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, include the NTT button in your post (copy and paste the html code under the button…the button is located on my sidebar). Please make sure that you have put my NTT button or my blog name with a link on your post where it is easy for others to find it...the more people at the party...the more fun we will all have here.
2. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from garage sales, thrift stores, consignment shops, craigslist and even those awesome deals that you find at any retail store. Also you can share any thrifty DIY projects...love seeing what y'all can make on a dime!
3. Please go and visit the other participates and leave a comment about their treasures and thrifty ideas…this is what makes the PAR-TAY so much FUN and what a great way to meet new friends. I would love for you to add yourself as a follower if you haven't already and please let me know, I love to know when I have a new friend. I appreciate all your comments, they really make my day.
Blogging Friends and I Have A Winner
Since I started my blog way back in August 2009, I have made so many wonderful friends thru my blog and I hope to start meeting some of y'all (in person) in the near future. In the past few months I have received some great gifts from some of y'all and each and every one of them are very special to me. Today I'm going to share with you the latest two gifts that I have received. The first one is from my friend Kat from Low Tide High Style...she is an outstanding photographer and she is now selling some beautiful floral note cards that show off some of her wonderful work. If you have never met Kat...then be sure to hop over and introduce yourself...she is really one sweet gal. Now the second gift just arrived this week and it came from another sweet gal...her name is Erin and her blog is Peony Wire Works. Erin has been very busy making some really "cool" items using chicken wire and I was honored that she sent one of her first pieces...it's called "The Monogram"...it's sooooo my style and every time I look at it...I will think about my dear friend Erin. Both of these ladies have an Etsy shop, so go by check them out. Anybody want to know who the lucky winner is this week? The winner is...Tammy at TAMMINNIE'S DESIGNS SMILES...TAMMY! This handbag is so cute and I hope you enjoy using it with all your Spring clothes...it's so nice that we are now wearing them...I love it when it's time to put away my Winter clothes...how about you? Don't forget...I will have another great giveaway this week at NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS...so please be sure to come back and join in on the fun...hope to see ya there!
See how beautiful her photography is...Thanks Kat!!!
I also received a real sweet note
from Erin...THANK YOU...I
See how beautiful her photography is...Thanks Kat!!!
I also received a real sweet note
from Erin...THANK YOU...I
Look how cute it is hanging here on
my shabby china cabinet!
sure to tell them...that Linda said HELLO**
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