Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thrifty Flooring

I am really not thrifty when it comes to flooring, but this time I went the thrifty route. In 26 years of marriage, Mr.CC and I have never installed peel and stick flooring until now. When I went looking for new flooring for a bedroom, I came across this self adhesive embossed vinyl plank and I was SOLD when I heard the price. It has the LOOK and FEEL of handscraped wood and best of all, we can install it and save a lot of money on installation. So are you wondering where this is going? It's going in a bedroom at our beach condo...oh yes...I'm at the beach with the balcony door open and enjoying hearing that wonderful sound of the surf (I could listen to it for hours). With the temps in the 70's, it feels like a spring day here and I'm okay with that. I better go for now and get back to work, please check back in for the reveal of the new floor...I think you will be surprise! I also will be sharing the brand and where you can find it.
                                  So happy to have ya here,

                                 Can you see how it looks
                                      like handscraped?
                                 So very EASY to install!!!!
                               Now I wish that I had time to
                                spend here reading a good
                              decorating book or magazine...
and looking at this view!
Oh well...maybe another day!
still going on, so if you have not linked
up, then click here and join us!

Linking up here...


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I can't wait to see that flooring all down. I need to replace the floors in the guest bedroom and this may just be the ticket. Hugs, Marty

Debbiedoos said...

WOW I can't wait to see the end result. Looks great!

Judy said...

Hush your mouth! I'm so jealous of you being at the car thermometer showed 77 today!

Well, it's supposed to rain here tomorrow and get some more bad weather like we had on Monday....hopefully it will hold off until I get mama back from the dr.

Now hurry up and show that bathroom!!!! (LOL)


Anonymous said...

I used this type of flooring in my kitchen and I think it looks wonderful! My home has original hardwood except the kitchen floor was damaged and we had to replace it and went this route because it was just me and my son and it went down like a breeze and everyone thinks it is original to the it!

Eileen @ cottage beach house said...

Isn't it wonderful the stuff they can make nowadays? It really does look like it has been hand planed. Beautiful shades of color n that one that you picked, Linda, I can't wait to see the whole room done! It is looking awesome. Don't you just love this nice weather too? I am in New Jersey, not quite as warm but I will take 54 over 24 anyday!

Bliss said...

I'll come back for the reveal if you promise not to go into detail about the surf. That's cruel teasing.


Helen and her Daughters said...

Looks great so far, can't wait to see it when it's finished!

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Love the look. Awaiting the reveal.

Andrea said...

I love that flooring! We used it in our bathroom at the coast house and it has been the perfect choice! You will love how easy it is to clean too!

Kaybe said...

Hurry up & get done so you can go play. BTW - I'm having a give-away you might be interested in.

savvycityfarmer said...

well shut the front door!!

no way

wait, it's that easy!

thanks for linking!!!

Retromodgirl said...

What is the brand of flooring? It is beautiful.

Andrea said...

Wow, this looks like the real deal. How cool that it is so easy to install. Great choice!

Pam Kessler said...

Wow, that looks nice so far. That should work perfectly in the condo. Don't work too hard though - go take a walk on the beach for all of us Northerners.

Donna said...

It looks like the real thing! I wouldn't want to leave the swing and the view :)

Karena said...

Linda you make everything look so easy! I know the floors will be wonderful!

Art by Karena

gail@My Repurposed Life said...


the floor is going to be awesome! I can't wait to hear the details! You tease!


Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Linda, I am rather envious of your beach time. I am sure the floor will look wonderful. Thanks for linking to the Open House Party this week. Hugs, Sherry

Pamela said...

Cant wait to see it done Linda!! I wanna come and visit!;)

Gail said...

Looks great Linda! Do you think this type of flooring would work in a master bathroom? Can't wait to see the big reveal! Enjoy your day and don't work too hard. Gail

Kellie Collis said...

Oooh! The flooring looks gorgeous! And it's not yet even finished! Also loving the swing. Have a delightful day, Kellie xx

Tammy@Beatrice Banks said...

Looking great! I've used this flooring too and absolutely loved it. Ours was K-Tech. No one ever guessed it was not wood. So easy to clean too!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great place to be! And the flooring is beautiful. Can't wait to see it finished...Enjoy your weather :)

A Few Pennies said...

I wish I had some of your energy! (and I'm behind on everything around home lately--want to thank you very much for the party mention--I am so honored for that)---I love the look of your new flooring: question--is this a product you can get easily from a Lowe's or Home Depot? I want this for my room upstairs. Thank you so much for sharing--can't wait to see the photos. (jealous of your sunshine and warmth--enjoy!) Patty

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

I will share with at the reveal post, where you can find this awesome floor.


miss flibbertigibbet said...

That's going to look great! I have wood floors throughout my house...even in the bathroom and they are fine. Unless there is an overflow, splashes of water do no harm. AND I have even had an overflow and no lasting problems...go for it!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

So jealous here in Pa. it's gloomy and rainy oh well at least it's not snow! I can't wait to see the reveal of your guest room, the floor looks so easy but certainly looks like wood!


Heaven's Walk said... that you've gone and made me completely crazy with did it go putting the flooring in, Linda? lol! Believe it or not, I'll be installing some Allure Resilient flooring (like you purchased)next week! My girlfriend and I are going to try to do it ourselves. Sooo....any inside tips or advice you could give me would greatly help two gals who don't have a clue what they're doing! lolol!

xoxo laurie

Honey at 2805 said...

Anxious to see the results. Thank you for sharing your project at Potpourri Friday!

I want a beach condo, house, tent maybe?

Jane said...

So far, it looks great! Please give more information on this flooring...and show the final photos.

Diann said...

Linda, you are such a tease! I can't wait to see the reveal. So far, the floor looks fantastic. Oh, and I am very jealous of your weather! Thank you for joining TTF and have a wonderful weekend!

raggygirlvintage said...

Sounds interesting, thing you'll have to sell me on it, look forward to seeing the finished floor!

Sarasota flooring services said...

The better the installation the sturdier and longer lasting it will be. Make sure you have someone who is skilled and experienced installing your floor to ensure the quality.

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