Welcome y'all to the Coastal Charm booth!!!
Are y'all wondering why Marian aka Miss Mustard Seed
and I are posing with this workbench that I had for sale?
If so, the answer is...when Marian spotted this piece
in my booth during set-up Friday afternoon, she just
had to have it. Yes, this awesome workbench went back
home with her, so you all will see it again in her studio.
I had such a good time meeting other bloggers and so people that
follow me here, on my little ole blog. Thank you all for following
me here and also, thank you for coming out and shopping with me.
Here, I am posing with Judy @Judy Pimperl...if you don't know her
blog, just click here and check it out!
It warmed my heart, when my
two daughters drove almost three
hours to support their momma!
Thank you Mary Claire and
Haley! You two, are the best
daughters ever!!!!!
Sue @Shop at Blu, was nice to help me unpack
my goodies, so I could get my booth set up in
time for the dinner party, that we where invited to.
I can so see that a trip to Birmingham, is in the near
future, so the two of us can do some pickin' together.
Click here, to visit Sue over at her blog.
Without this guy, I could never do what
I do, so let me give my sweet hubs a
BIG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
Mr.CC you ROCK!!!!!!!
P.S. To find out what I purchased at The Chapel
Market and to see pics from the other booths, then
be sure to come back to PART TWO!!!!

I'd love for you to stay connected with Coastal come on over and join me there!!!

Linking up here...
Be Inspired
Feathered Nest Friday
Shabbilicious Friday
Show and Tell Friday
Junkin Joe Party
Let's Talk Vintage
MET Monday
Vintage Inspiration Party
Home Sweet Home
The Scoop
Inspire Me Tuesday