Monday, July 19, 2010

Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays No.21

Hello's NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS time again and I can say that things are much better here at COASTAL CHARM this week! WOW...this blogging world is full of some sweet and caring folks...the comments that all of you sent out to us last week were so wonderful...they meant the world to the both of us and I would like to thank all of you at this time for praying for us during this time...THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU! I'm so happy and thankful that I still have Mr.CC in my life...he is one AWESOME husband and father. On July 27 we will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary...I just can't believe how fast the years have gone by...each and every one of them have been so wonderful! The day before Mr.CC was robbed at gunpoint, we had the opportunity to go the FREE Jimmy Buffett concert in GULF was one outstanding show! The gates opened at 3:00 and at 2:00 we were offered two tickets from a co-worker...timing could have been a little better, but what the heck...we had tickets and off we went!!!! The concert was just a little over a mile from our condo, so we got there in plenty of time to find a great spot for the two of us. The concert was soooooo much FUN...Jimmy did an outstanding job entertaining all 35,000 of us there on the BEACH!!! As a local here on the Alabama gulf coast...this concert meant more than just was all of us (including Jimmy) coming together on our shores to have a few hours of FUN! THANK YOU JIMMY for this FREE was one NIFTY THRIFTY show!!!!
The love of my life...Mr.CC!
We were both just a little HOT here waiting for the concert to start, but it was so worth it!
Jimmy doing his thing!
Gov. Bob Riley was there near us giving away hats promoting our great state!

****Please everyone, follow these guidelines!****
1. Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, include the NTT button in your post (copy and paste the html code under the button…the button is located on my sidebar). Please make sure that you have put my NTT button or my blog name with a link on your post. I have seen that some of you have forgot to do this…so this is just a sweet reminder.
2. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from garage sales, thrift stores, consignment shops, craigslist and even those awesome deals that you find at any retail store. Please do not link to an Esty shop or something similar (I will delete the link). If I see that your post is not really on track with the NTT theme and also if you don't link back, I'll delete your link...please don't make me do this. It's common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
3. Please go and visit the other participates and leave a comment about their treasures and thrifty ideas…this is what makes the PAR-TAY so much FUN! What a great way to meet new friends.


the cape on the corner said...

happy happy upcoming anniversary!

All That Glitters said...

Linda! I'm so glad you got to go that concert!!! It looks like it was so much fun!!!! did you know that Jimmy has never had a #1 hit!?!!!! That's what my hubs told me anyway! That's really hard for me to believe. Anyway! Happy 25th wedding anniversary! That is just amazing!!!!


Becca's Dirt said...

Wow girl - I did not see your post last week. What a terrible experience. Glad that you all had such a great time at the concert. Jimmy is a good guy to do this for the gulf coast.

Becca's Dirt said...

PS Happy 25th wedding anniversary. That is a great testament to your kids and family.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Linda,
I'm so glad that everything is ok. You and Mr. CC look like you're having a great time.


Darlene said...

I saw on TV that he had done a concert there. How FUN that you got FREE tickets to go! I had not seen your previous post but I am so thankful that Mr. CC is alright. What a scary and traumatic event!!! WOW, I hope he can get over it and be fine when showing homes....he is in my prayers.♥

Decorchick! said...

Looks like y'all had a great time at the concert. :) Happy anniversary too!!

Donna said...

I didn't know Mr. CC was robbed at gunpoint ... how scary! I am so glad he and his client are okay. I was away from the computer most of last week.
I watched Jimmy on TV and thought about you! I am so glad everything is okay!

Blondie's Journal said...

Happy 25th!! We celebrate ours next year. Time flies by but each moment is magical!

How neat to meet Jimmy Buffet. I have never been to one of his concerts but would love to go.

As always, we up North here are thinking of all of you.


Jane said...

Hi Linda,
I've been away from the computer on vacation and had not read the post about your husband being robbed at gunpoint. I'm sorry to read about his experience but happy that he is OK. I can't imagine how scary that must have been.
Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. CC - Enjoy your day together.

Mary Ellen said...

Linda, hope you and your family are doing well. I've been thinking about you since your last post. Happy Anniversary!

Mary Ellen

Diann said...

Hi Linda!

I am glad you two are having a better week! I would have loved to gone to that concert! And a great big Happy "upcoming" anniversary!

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

So glad you had fun and what a great opportunity!! 35,000 people is so GREAT!!

Glad everyone is doing better!! God IS good!

Lou Cinda :)

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

So sorry to hear about the robbery with your husband. How horrible. Glad that they are both okay. Scary I'm sure. Happy Anniversary to you both!

Looks like the concert was loads of fun. Hope you stayed hydrated!

I'm linking up today with stuff I found around the house. That's as thrifty as it comes!

Anonymous said...

I am hoping they replay the concert on tv, but nothing can match the energy of being there in person.
To be offered tickets an hour before the show - wow!

Love Jimmy!

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda!

Happy summer! Thank-you for sponsoring this event! I appreciate you!


Unknown said...


I am so glad to hear things are going better this week! It looks like you had a great time at the Jimmy Buffet concert. Jimmy is the best! I don't know if I ever thanked you a few weeks ago but Thank You for posting my giveaway on your sidebar! I really appreciate great blog friends like you. Have a great week!!!

Gayle said...

So good to see Mr. CC and you enjoying the concert after such an ordeal. And thanks for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday.

Sue said...

I missed your post from last week, so needless to say I'm late with my shock and well wishes. I'm so glad that your story had a happy ending. You just never know, do you? We were robbed a couple of years ago (we didn't see the people, thankfully) and it really changes how you think about things.

My husband is a big Jimmy Buffet fan. It is his dream to see him in concert...lucky you!

Painter's Place said...

Happy Anniversary and it looks like ya'll had a wonderful time at the concert!! Glad Mr. CC is ok!!!How scary!!!

Janna said...

I must have missed your last post about your husband getting mugged. I am so glad he is alright. I would like to link up sometimes, but I'm still trying to learn how to do it.

bj said...

I'm a huge JB glad you got to see him...

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh, what fun, Linda! My sister would be soooo jealous...she's a big Parrothead! lol Heck, I'm jealous! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fabulous time was had by all! Love Jimmy Buffet...he was always one of my dad's favorites.
I'm so sorry to hear that your husband went through that!! Thank goodness he is OK!
This is my first time joining the party. Thanks for hosting!
~ Jo :)

Unknown said...

i watched the concert on tv and 2 more times this week (thank you, dvr). i cried when jimmy sang the new version of "when the coast is clear". i wish i could have been there. we are going to navarre beach next week with my parents. we were going to cancel, but decided to do our small part and support the economy down in our favorite part of the world.

Barbara Jean said...

Thanks for hosting Linda!!

Looks like your concert was so much fun!


barbara jean

Unknown said...

Glad to have you back in full swing. Looks like Jimmy Buffet was an excellant choice to get your mind off things.

Thanks again,


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time and congratulations on your upcoming anniversary!

Pat Harris said...

First, Happy anniversary! Second of all, I am so envious of you to go to the Jimmy Buffett concert. I watched on tv but know it wasn't near as exciting being there. He is such a great guy to do this for the gulf coast. We all love the area and hate to see this happening. It hurts my heart. Praying better days are ahead.

ChRiS said...

i was looking for some music this am and i am a country lover so i went to CMT site and i found this....... can watch the full concert here. HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY.....25 yrs is such a milestone now a days seems kids just give up

Anonymous said...

Seeing all the great link photos makes my heart flutter!! I love a good find.

Congratulations on your anniversary. Lucky you. Great concert. Hubby and I have our 25th as the next anniversary also and yes, those years have gone by so fast.

Anonymous said...

Glad things are going better for you this week. Thanks for hosting another party.

Kim said...

I've been away for awhile. I just can't imagine how frightening that must have been for your husband. God was certainly watching over him. We must never take anything for granted.
Thanks for hosting another great party. We used to go to Buffett a few years back - what a hoot!!

Life in Rehab said...

We just celebrated 20 years, and we're such Parrot Heads we honeymooned in Key West! The concert looks like it was a lot of fun.

Sandra said...

Great way for a celebrity to give back to his home area and citizens!

The Decorative Dreamer said...

I just stopped by to check out all the nifty finds from everyone, I've been on vacation so did'nt catch your post last week. First, I am very happy to hear you were able to go to the Buffett concert and have a great time. I can only imagine how much everyone needs that down there! Second, go glad to hear you husband and the other gentlemen were not hurt! How absolutely horrible, to go through this after all yall have been through. I hope they catch these guys and nail em, please keep us udated. Thank God for keeping them safe!

Anonymous said...


I was so sorry to read about the recent events but glad to learn your husband is well, the items lost were things and the most important things in life, aren't things. Happy anniversary! It is an achievement and one you should be proud of. I wanted to invite you to stop by my blog. I recently posted about my seashore town and thought all my 'blogging shore sisters' would enjoy it.

Your Friend,

j said...

I am RIGHT HERE near the coast and didn't head down for the concert. I knew there would be a huge crowd. WHEN did I get so old that "huge crowd" trumps "Jimmy Buffet"... omigosh, that's depressing.

Glad you had a good time!

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

How fun to go see Jimmy Buffet! I have never been but I just found out its good painting music! Thank you for the visit and the sweet comment, that means a lot coming from you.
Happy anniversary to you both! I will be back for your next link party.

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