Monday, July 5, 2010

Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays No.19

The holiday has come and gone...I hope all of you had an awesome time with family and friends...I sure did! My family spent the holiday at our beach condo here in beautiful Gulf Shores, Alabama. Last week was not a good week for us here on the coast...we had lots and lots of BP oil washing up and very high surf from Alex. There is light at the end of the tunnel...our beaches were cleaned up by Saturday morning and the sun was shinning bright for the weekend...had two beautiful fireworks Saturday night in Orange Beach and another one Sunday night here in Gulf Shores. This years celebration was one that we will never forget here on the Alabama Gulf Coast.

This week at my NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS PARTY we will be looking at some awesome treasures that have been found by some of my THRIFTY friends. Please be sure to click on their blog name and read about these "COOL" thrifty treasures and tell them Linda@Coastal Charm sent you over!

Be prepared before you leave home for a day of THRIFTIN''s what I try to have with me.

1. Room in the car to put all your large pieces!

2. GPS or a map!

3. CASH (ones if possible)!

4. Small tape measure

5. A list of sales that you want to check out!

Check out this beautiful "Frenchy" pillow at NINA'S NEST...handmade by Linda!

Sue at "SULLIVAN and MURPHY" found this awesome table and don't want to miss this one! this gal Jennifer at "ALL THAT GLITTERS" is one busy lady...she is always finding some really neat treasures. Check her will not be disappointed!

My new friend Sharon at "ELIZABETH & CO." came by last week to show off her table...when I saw it...I was sooooo jealous and you will be too!

****Please everyone, follow these guidelines!****
1. Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, include the NTT button in your post (copy and paste the html code under the button…the button is located on my sidebar). Please make sure that you have put my NTT button or my blog name with a link on your post. I have seen that some of you have forgot to do this…so this is just a sweet reminder.
2. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from garage sales, thrift stores, consignment shops, craigslist and even those awesome deals that you find at any retail store. Please do not link to an Esty shop or something similar (I will delete the link). If I see that your post is not really on track with the NTT theme and also if you don't link back, I'll delete your link...please don't make me do this. It's common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
3. Please go and visit the other participates and leave a comment about their treasures and thrifty ideas…this is what makes the PAR-TAY so much FUN! What a great way to meet new friends.

I'm linking to the following parties!
Thrifty Thursday


Anonymous said...

I am never first! WooHoo! Thank you for hosting. I will hop over and see the featured blog posts.
Hope everyone had a great holiday and good to hear some oil is being cleaned up.
I also like bringing a strong helper to load things onto the roof of my van when I go salen.

Blue Creek Home said...

I am so glad you ended up with clean beaches and sunshine - ya'll certainly deserved a break!

I love every one of the treasures you highlighted!


Wendy said...

I am so glad you share with us about the shore and keep us up to date on what it looks like. I have referred to your posts many times when the gulf comes up in conversation. There is nothing like hearing it first hand from someone who lives there. My heart goes out to everyone affected.
I am glad to hear that they cleaned them up and you enjoyed fireworks.
Sorry, I have no items to share today. I am suppose to be down sizing...LOL!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Linda, I am so glad the beach was cleaned up so quickly. That gives us all hope! Great garage saling tips. And, THANKS for featuring me. That makes all the tedious work on the pillow worthwhile! Very nice of you! Linda

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

I am so glad that you all had a wonderful 4th and the oil was not a terrible problem. Praying that things will continue to be good for you all on the beaches on the Gulf. That white sand is so gorgeous!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Diann said...

Glad to hear you had a good 4th!And it is so wonderful to hear about the beaches!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Linda! I'm so glad you were able to have a great 4th at the beach! We all need to support the businesses along the Gulf coast this summer! Have a wonderful week!...hugs...Debbie

Herbgirl said...

Thanks so much for the visit and the invite. I just added my link and can't wait to visit the others. I'm thrilled to find you as we go to Orange Beach every year in September. We love it there. Been wondering about the beaches and am happy to hear they are keeping up with the incoming oil.
Hugs N Herbal Blessings, Mandy

Jamie said...

I remember reading Jennifer from All That Glitters last week when she posted that, she really did rack up on the deals!
Glad the beaches are cleaning up. Thank you for hosting!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Hi Linda, Thanks so much for visiting and featuring my whitewashed table. As a new blogger, I am overwhelmed by the generous spirit of the lovely ladies in the blog world - so positive and encouraging. And your blog is delightful! So happy to have more inspiration. Thanks again. I'll visit often!

Donna said...

What a collection of treasures!

Grannys Attic said...

Still praying for everyone effected by the Oil spill. Glad you had a great 4th and got to see all the fireworks. We had beautiful weather and enjoyed some local events. Thanks so much for the party it is always so much fun to post and see what other treasures bloggers have found. Blessings, Vicky

All That Glitters said...

girlfriend! I could kiss you! I haven't had time to put my treasures up this week. I hope you had a great 4th! We went on a little trip to Gatlinburg, TN. I still have not mailed that flag! Mrs. Linda it might just have to arrive with no pretty tissue paper! lol!

I hope you still love me!

Tootsie said...
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Tootsie said...

Okay...I got it..I am all linked if you don't mind...delete the panic attack I just had in a previous comment! haha
this is a great party...thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

As soon as I return home and come off my "blogcation", I am so joining up to your fun Tuesday parties! Have Fun!

P.S. I'm having another CSN giveaway if you're up for something fun!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting! I have you linked up through my Linky Love Library :)

~Lori S.

Amanda said...

Thank you for hosting!

Suzanne said...

Glad to hear the shore is getting better and that you were able to enjoy a nice weekend. Thanks so much for hosting this fun party. I always enjoy all the creativity!

Mary Ellen said...

Glad y'all had a great 4th at the beach!

Mary Ellen

Unknown said...

Great Features this week! I was also glad to hear about the beaches being cleaned up. I have been following the news and have been so upset by what has happened in the Gulf.

Sandra said...

So happy you were able to enjoy family at your coastal home, the beautiful beach and the firework shows!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

So glad your beaches were pretty by the holiday. Will things ever be totally normal again?

Thanks for hosting the party.

I would love for you to join in the linky party fun my way.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm a little late...I didn't know you hosted a link party each week. I just found it, so I'm going to go add the link to my post now. Thanks for hosting!!
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs ~ Jo :)

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