Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm In Love With My Hydrangeas

I just LOVE this time of year on the coast when my HYDRANGEAS start blooming! I have two large bushes and one small one in my backyard...I wish I had more...maybe one day I will. Yesterday I cut a few out some vases and jars and here is the outcome!

This little jar came from Ikea...had a cute orange candle in it...I just luv to recycle!
Luv this shade of blue.

$1.00 vase from the Re-store.
A little "COASTAL" touch!

The Girl Creative

Always Nesting


Deb said...

Those are beautiful. I love hydrangeas, they remind me of East TX at the lake.

Mary Ellen said...

Beautiful! Would love to have some hydrangeas in my yard. Are they easy to care for?

Mary Ellen

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love hydrangeas I think that is what I want as a Birthday gift from my Honey!!

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Beautiful Flowers! Nothing is better than spring and flowers in bloom.

Suzanne said...

Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. Of all the colors, the blue ones are my favorite!

Anonymous said...

oh i wish i had some real hydrangeas!! such beautiful flowers!! i love them :)

red.neck chic said...

Good grief - those are GORGEOUS!!!

;-) robelyn

Girl with the Curlz said...

So pretty!! Gotta love ikea.

Erin | Bygone Living said...

So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Love them!! Mine haven't bloomed yet..and I have tons..i cannot wait!!
Yours are beautiful!!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

I LOVE hydrangeas too. Mine are just about to bloom. They are the best..they keep so long in a vase and the plant keeps on producing all summer.
Your look great!

Don't know if you saw my picture of a hydrangea in bud or not.

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Peonies and hydrangea are my favorite flowers! Your blue beauties are breathtaking! Love them!


Comeca Jones said...

So full! They are beautiful. I have one tiny pink one because my Pink Hydrangea is so new.(Pout) I love your blog I will be back to visit.

Rustique Gal said...

Linda, I love them too, and your blue ones are gorgeous! I just planted a pink one and may try to turn it blue next year. The directions are on the tag. I always enjoy your posts and your comments!

KimMalk said...

So beautiful - I'm green with envy :).

littlethings1 said...

Love that color! My daughter bought me a wonderful one just that same color last year , bad thing ... it didnt winter well ! I was sad , as they are soooo pretty !

Olivia said...

Oh my these are breathtaking! I love it!

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Beautiful! I have featured mine in my last two posts. They are gorgeous this time of year aren't they! Love the tallest vase you have, looks wonderful!

Darlene said...

I LOVE your blue hydrangeas....mine are actually Nikko Blue but my soil is wrong for them to bloom blue. They are still a really pretty pinkish/purplish color. If you go on my favorites on my sidebar Manuela at The Pleasures of Homemaking tells in a link in her post about hydrangeas (and hers are beautiful blue too) how to propogate them. She has beautiful ones and has propogated all of hers after buying the first one. I am trying it on mine right now!!!!!

Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

Just gorgeous!!! I've always wished that I could grow a huge busy of them=0)


Tara@JustDevineStyle said...

I wish I could grow them here. They always remind me of my Grandmother! She had some beautiful bushes in front of her home.

Jane said...

I love hydrangeas too and your blue ones are beautiful! I don't have any hydrangeas in my yard but my parents do. I guess I need to go pay them a visit and see if the flowers are in bloom yet.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Wendy said...

I was just looking at our's today and they have tiny buds starting!! Thanks for sharing your photo's with us. They are the most beautiful color blue! I just love them fresh or dried!!

Prior said...

I'm in love with them, too! Lezlee

Nancy at said...

I love hydrangias. I also wanted to say thanks for being my very first follower on my new blog
I'm following you too!

Laurie in SC said...

Linda, I love hydrangeas as well. In fact, I just did a post on mine this week and I'd love for you to see them - here's the link:
Yours are certainly beautiful!

Anonymous said...

They are so gorgeous. This is the first year I've planted them, and I don't know why I didn't sooner. Thanks for sharing.

Darla said...

They are beautiful. Do you ever try to change their color?

Kat @My Tots Exactly said...

New follower from Follow Me Fridays!

Wishing you and your family a great weekend.

~~ Kat ~~
My Tots Exactly!
My Tummy Calls
My Game of Chance

Danielle - Belleza e Luce said...

Hi! I'm a new follower!

I love blue hydragenas - I cannot wait for the bush in our backyard to bloom.

Hopefully, you can stop by my blog too!


Vonlipi said...

I too love hydrangeas. That blue is totally gorgeous! Thank you for sharing :)

Tammy @BeatriceBanks said...

My hydrangeas are in bloom too! Aren't they fab? I have them sitting around all over the house too. Nothing like the freshness of the blue color and to think it's free right from our yards. God is good!

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Such a pretty color! Love them, mine have died in the backyard, tyring hard to bring them back to life! Have a great weekend!

Kimberly said...

I definitely love the blue. Just too bad there's not some orange in there too. :) War Eagle!

Anonymous said...


Julianna said...

I can't get my hydrangea to bloom. It has never had any flowers on it all! Stopping by from New Friend Friday. I'm a new follower. Hope you stop by! Have a great weekend!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Hydrangia's are one of my favorite flowers and yet I have never tried to raise them. For some reason I always feel I don't have the experience and would lose idea why I feel that way..but..perhaps this year...perhaps...
See the comment Julie??? Well, that is what stops me. Do you feed them something special?? I must read up...and maybe that is why I put it off...but...I REALLY do want some in my yard!
Have a safe weekend!

Cottage and Cabin said...

What beautiful shades of blue...elegant, but simple, too. These add such a wonderful pop of color! Have a great Memorial Day Weekend! Debbie

Vintage Remixed said...

The followers are so lovely. Have a great weekend, Linda.

Erin said...

Love 'em...

~Bry~ said...

I have got some that I need to go cut for vases! Following from Friday Follow!

Beth said...

So beautiful!!! Ours aren't blooming yet. I do have one mature hydrangea and about 10 purchased this year and last year so someday I will have many of these beauties, of several varieties. Hydrangeas are a fabulous flower and yours is so pretty. Glad you shared it today!

Tootsie said...

I am seriously jealous!!! I wish I could grow huge blooms as pretty as this!!!
I am just so happy that my hydrangeas have survived the winter!
thanks for linking in this week! see you again soon I hope!

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh, I love hydrangeas--these are spectacular!!
Cindy Adkins

Granny Annie said...

Lovely and refreshing.

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Beautiful Hydrangeas. Love the color. Thanks for linking this post and sharing at Woo Hoo! Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

My favorite flower. Gorgeous!

Emily {Frilly Details} said...

So pretty!!! I can't wait for my hydrangeas to bloom.

Sarah Davis said...

I am also in love with your hydrangeas, not to mention, extremely jealous. I've tried and tried to find a nice place in my yard for them, but they hate the Texas heat and start looking ragged about a week after they bloom :( Thanks so much for visiting my blog and commenting on the master bath. I look forward to your posts, as a new follower.


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