Monday, July 12, 2010

Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays No.20
Hello everyone! I'm so sorry that I'm late with the party this week, but today has not been a good one for my family...Mr.CC was robbed at gunpoint late this afternoon while showing a home...he is a real estate broker here on the gulf coast. The best news is he is OKAY and ALIVE...Thank You Lord! Him and his client (male) were standing in the driveway in the daylight when two young guys approached them...both with guns...stole their car...Mr.CC's computer and briefcase. I had a party planned for today, but at this time I don't feel I can go on with the party...I hope you all understand and will come back next week with all your NIFTY THRIFTY TREASURES!


Decorchick! said...

Oh my goodness Linda I am so sorry. That has to be a traumatic nightmare. Thank the Lord he is ok. Wow. Hope you're doing ok sweety.

Anonymous said...

No need for apologies, my friend. Thank God that he wasn't harmed, except for perhaps traumatized, which is more than bad enough. I'm glad that he's home and safe with you now.

Unknown said...

Prayers for you and your family that you may find some peace tonight.


iheartsunnydays said...

OMG - thank heavens they are both safe now. Take care :)

Cap Creations said...

Oh my that's horrible that this has happended. So glad they are okay and safe now. And as Jan above me has said no apologies needed. Take care of your family.

Nina @ Momma Go Round said...

That is so awful! Thank goodness everyone is ok and I pray that those responsible will be found and brought to justice. Take care and I hope you can all have a peaceful rest of the week.

Wendy said...

So sorry to hear about that! I'll be praying for y'all because I know from experience that having things stolen from you makes you feel so weak and vulnerable. I can't imagine having to face the person who robs you, and being in such a situation!

So glad that everyone is safe!

afistfullofweeds* said...

My home has been burgularized before..I know how you feel..I just feel very angry that some people are so low down that they forceably take others hard earned property, money, and whatever they please! Nothing worse than a thief and a low down liar! Iam very happy Mr. CC is safe from the heathens now!! I hope they get caught!

Rose @ Confessions of a Curbshopaholic said...

Oh Linda, How awfull. Glad everyone is ok. I hope the perps get caught quickly so they can't do it to anyone else.
Something like this can really rock your world.
Take care and for goodness sake don't worry about blogging, no apologies needed.

Sandy said...

Thank Goodness Mr.CC is ok!! So sorry for all that happened!

Katie said...

I am so so sorry. I am sure you are all going through a lot of emotions right now. I will be praying for you...and that they find those guys to get your car back....or maybe you want a new car. So maybe I won't pray that.

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh, Linda! I am so sorry! But I am so glad that they are both fine! I cannot even imagine how frightening that must have been! Don't worry about us. Take care of your family!...hugs...Debbie

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Linda, how frightening! I am so sorry, but thankful that nothing worse happened! That is unnerving and will make us all stop and be more aware. Thanks goodness they are ok physically! Linda

Amanda said...

OMG I'm so sorry! Thank goodness he wasn't hurt, but I hope they catch them and you get your stuff back!

Amanda @ Healthy House on the Block said...

I'm so sorry to be reading this! And how scary! I'm so glad he's okay and I hope it's a quick recovery for your family!

Anonymous said...

Really sorry to hear about this but thankful that he is OK!!

littlethings1 said...

I am so sorry , I pray that you will recover all that was taken from you . So thankful that your husband & client are safe. You just rest up for now !!

La said...

Linda! That is horrible. I'm so glad everyone is safe.

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Oh my! I am so sorry. I understand the ripple effect such a thing can have on one's family! I am so glad that everyone was/is okay, although shaken up, I'm sure.
I truly hope they find those culprits.
take care of yourself and mr cc.

Sue said...

Linda, Sending good thoughts to you and the hubs. Hope the police find the culprits. Will post my goodies next week. Thanks and take care. Sue

Christie said...

I am so glad everyone is okay...I am so sorry! That is so scary. Take care

bj said...

Oh my goodness...I am so glad no one was hurt.
Very sorry this had to happen.
xo bj

Life in Rehab said...

Oh my heavens Linda, that's so horrible! I'm glad everyone is alright, but I can well imagine how shaken you are. Tons of prayers your way.

Melissa said...

I totally understand. The thieves got away with a lot of stuff but at least the most important things were spared to you - the lives of your husband and his client.

Thank the Lord.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Totally understand. I am glad they weren't harmed in any way. Just things taken. Those can be replaced.

Unknown said...

Geeeez...I can't believe this has happened. It's just so violating and... scary. You always hear about it, but never expect it to happen to someone you know. It's really bad out there cause of this economy. I'm glad that they weren't hurt. Hopefully you get your things back without damage. We had someone try and break into our garage about a month ago, but the alarm went off, scaried them away. My neighbor unfortunately, had his home robbed couple weeks ago. Very scary. But, being robbed at's crazy. I hope everything works out...and stay positive, I know it'll be hard. Be safe.

Anne said...

How frightening!!! So glad that your husband and his client are alright. So many times it goes the other way...I know, our daughter was murdered, and her friend was shot multiple times in a robbery just 6 years ago.

the cape on the corner said...

my goodness, this is unreal. best to you and your husband, and i am so glad he and his client are ok.

Lemon Lane Studio said...

Thank God all are safe. What a reminder of the world we live in and to cherish those we love.

Heather said...

Praise the Lord for protecting your husband and his client. Find rest in Him, what a terrifying experience.

Suzanne said...

Oh my gosh, I am so relieved everyone is ok, but what a horrible experience! So sorry that all those things were stolen. I'll be thinking of you...

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Linda Sweetie...
Oh my gosh, Praise God they are both okay. I am so sorry to hear that they have gone through such a scary ordeal. I am just so thankful that nobody was hurt. I have heard of this happening before with real estate showings. The two of them had angels around them.

Please catch your breath today. Breathe and take it easy. Tomorrow will be better. It will take you DH a while to go back and show houses I am sure. It is a reminder to me that we live in a very bad time right now. People are getting very deseperate.

I hope they find your car. I know it will be a nightmare calling and canceling cards and getting new ID's made today. When our daughter's ID was stolen several months ago, it became her worst nightmare. They even took out credit cards in her name, and were charging to the hilt. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Be safe sweet friend. Please know that you are so loved. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

Laurie in SC said...

Oh, Linda, how horrible. I am so, so sorry you're all going through this. Don't worry one bit about the linky party. Please know I am praying for all of you. Take care of yourselves and know we care!!!

trish said...

Oh my goodness. Please don't apologize. So good that no one was hurt. Thank God! I am praying for your family. I am just north of the Gulf Coast, if there is ANYTHING I can do, do not hesitate!
Sincerely ~ Tricia

Anonymous said...

Family must always come first.
It is traumatic when people behave that way but we have to be grateful the men were not injured. Things can be replaced. (Although it is a pain to do so.)
There will be justice of one kind or another for the offenders down the road.

Probably put a damper on the client's enthusiasm for that area.

Pamela said...

Thank God nobody was hurt!!! Many prayers for you all!

Mary Ellen said...

Oh my goodness Linda! How scary! So glad your husband and his client were unhurt ((hugs))

Mary Ellen

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! So glad they are okay. Scary though for all of you.

Blue Creek Home said...

How horrible. We just never know what any given day will bring. Thank God they are both safe.

I knew something must have been going on when I checked around 10:00 last night to see if you had posted the party. Right now a party is so unimportant.

You guys hold each other tight and I know how thankful you are that you can.

I will say it again...God IS good!

Love ya

Anonymous said...

I cannot even imagine. So sorry. ((Hugs)) and prayers to you and your family.

Ami Allison said...

How scary and horrible! I'm so sorry. Thank God Mr.CC and his client are ok. I will pray for ya'll today.

Suzanne@Meridian Road said...

Holy Guacamole, woman! Of course we understand~so glad no one was hurt.

Unknown said...

I am so sorry. Take care. Everything will be ok. Material things can be replaced. So glad nobody got hurt!

Cassie Bustamante said...

oh my goodness. my heart goes out to you and your family. i am SO glad he is ok, but how scary is that? wow. i can't imagine how scary that was for him and for you. you are in my thoughts.

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Linda! I am so so sorry and just appalled that this has happened! I sound like my grandmother when I say, What is this world coming to! But it is so true!! I am so thankful that they are both okay and the things that were taken are replaceable!! I do hope that they catch whoever did this!! It just makes me sick that this sort of thing happens so often in our society!

I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

Take Care

Lou Cinda :)

Cecily said...

Holy cow, Linda! I'm so sorry and my thoughts are with you and your family. Just horrible.

kelley @ the eclectic owl said...

I am so sorry Linda! What a scary situation! I am so glad to hear that he and his client are okay. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

Diann said...

OMG Linda! I am so sorryto hear about this! How absolutely horrendous and frightening! Thank God your hubby and his client are okay!!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Linda I am so sorry this happened. How scary! I am just so thankful that your Husband and his client are unharmed! OMG you are all in my prayers. Sorry I didn't see this until now, my internet has been down. Bless you!!

All That Glitters said...

Linda! Last night something just told me something ain't right. I have been thinkin about you all day and now I read this. I'm so sorry and glad that their both alright. I hope they catch the idiots and justice is served! Keep in touch Miss Linda! My prayers are with you!

The Single Nester said...

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry to hear this. The world is crazy and it is so sad to hear things that are happening in it. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Claudia said...

Oh Linda, how absolutely terrifying for your husband and his friend as well as for you and your family. Thank goodness they are alright, that is the most important thing. Take care - be with your family.


Prior said...

My! So thankful they are both ok! How horrible!!! In broad daylight, not even alone, just trying to work for a living! Wow... Lezlee

Beach House Living said...

Thank goodness no one suffered physical injury but I'm sure the over trauma will be around for quite a while. Broad daylight? How awful. said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Glad everyone is okay :)

Unknown said...

Linda, my jaw dropped as I read your post. I am glad that everybody is ok! Don't even worry for a minute about not hosting a party this week. Keep strong and god bless you and your family!

Shellbelle said...

Linda, first, I'm so thankful no one was hurt! My landlords just came by and told me they were robbed at gunpoint the other day here in our little town and then I saw your comment. This just upsets me so much, when good people become victims. With all you're going through on the Gulf, this is the last thing you even needed to worry about.

I'm sitting here thinking about what I should say that would be comforting and words won't come. I've never known anyone who was robbed and now in one day, I learn of two.

Be safe and know we are all thinking of you and yours. On a good note, I am so glad you two were at the Jimmy Buffett concert! That is so cool!!!!!

Kati @ Housewife_Swagger said...

ohhh my goodness, thankfully he is still alive, this is heartbreaking. I hope the law catches up with them. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Linda, What a terrible thing to happen! I hope these guys are caught before they do hurt someone.
xo, Sherry

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Oh Linda, I'm so sorry that this awful thing has happened. Thank God that he is alright.

You will be in my thoughts Sweetie.


Jen T said...

OH Linda - My heart sank. Praise the Lord he's ok and so is his client. How frightening - you two take care of each other and I'll be back by later. I'm praying for you guys..BIG HUG - Jen

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Linda - I am so sorry! :( So glad Your husband and the client is ok. No one should have to go thru something like that. I do hope they are caught and punished.

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Sending good thoughts and hugs your way!

Annie Louise said...

Oh my goodness, I am so glad that they are alright. How frightening, being robbed and confronted with a gun. I certainly hope the law is able to catch up with these guys.
Sending good thoughts your way,

Creations By Cindy said...

Linda, I am praising the Lord with you right now that they were not hurt! Oh my how terrifying! God was so good to cover them with His protection. Bless your heart! I know you all are pretty shaken up to say the least! My prayer is that these guys will be caught! Be blessed. Cindy

Unknown said...

That's horrible and so frightening. Glad he is okay.
We were burgularized in a rental condo in Orange Beach last winter and I thought I was never going to feel safe again.

Big hugs to you both.

Low Tide High Style said...

Linda, oh my goodness I'm so sorry this happened to your husband! I just read your post and am shocked at this news! I'm very thankful your husband and his client are both alright and I hope they catch the two thieves quickly so that they aren't able to do this to anyone else!!


KimMalk said...

Good grief, Linda! I'm glad your husband is okay. I can't believe that--two men in broad daylight!

Anonymous said...
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Jerri junque said...

We had scum that broke into our home last year. And then came back a few day later while we were home and peaked through the window. Scared me to death and then, I got mad when I found out he was a young man that needed money for drugs. And lived on our street. It gives you a uneasy feeling, in your own home. I can't imagine at gun point. Your family is in my prayers.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Whoa! That's terrible. So glad they are safe.
Sending hugs.
xo jj

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Just checking back in with....and hoping everything is getting as normal as it can after going through something as horrible as this...

Still keeping you all in my prayers...

Lou Cinda

Tardevil said...

Oh my goodness, that is horrible. Please do stay safe. People are CrAzY these days! Glad your hubby was ok.

Rettabug said...

Linda, thank God he is alive to tell about it!! How awful!! No wonder you don't feel like having a party. {{HUGS}}

Everything that was stolen can be replaced. Its just stuff, so let it go & just help him get over the shock & the aftereffects.

We had a break-in once...nobody was home...but I was jumpy & a nervous wreck for months after. Expect that of him, too. It really stays with you in your mind.

Hugs & prayers,

Sylvia said...

Linda, sorry for posting so late, was without a computer but my heart goes out to you and your family and Thank God your hubby is safe and sound, along with his friend.


Cass @ That Old House said...

OH NO! I didn't seer this last week, and can't believe it!

My Mom was fond of saying, "If it doesn't bleed, don't worry about it," so I guess I'm grateful that THINGS were your only loss -- and that Mr CC is just fine -- but how terrifying!

You must be a nervous wreck. I know I would be! My husband came home from working an overnight shift at a radio station in NYC this weekend, and calmly announced, "Oh, there was a murder on our corner this morning." WHAT? Yes, someone was shot and killed at the corner downtown where he works. Scary world.

and SO glad your husband and his client were not injured.


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