Hello everyone...time has come to announce the WINNER of my COASTAL GIVEAWAY...first I would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who entered my giveaway and a SPECIAL THANK YOU to all of you who helped me spread the word about our beautiful ALABAMA beaches! The WINNER of a one year subscription to "COASTAL LIVING" is...Sissie at "SISSIE'S SHABBY COTTAGE"...congrats and I hope you enjoy every issue as much as I do! Please check back with me this week for another FUN giveaway here at COASTAL CHARM!
Congrats to Sissie!!
WooHoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! I was coming over to see what you were up to and lo and behold I find out I'm the winner of the Coastal Living Magazine subscription!!! Yipeee!
As you know I live on the coast of NC, so I always try to pick up a copy. I'm so excited and thrilled that I won.
Thank you so much Linda, I really appreciate the giveaway!!
Congrats Sissie!! I am so happy you won this. I know you will enjoy that magazine.
Just found you. Great blog.
Hooray for Sissie...I love her blog and her to pieces!!
Congrats to Sissie, I know she will put her subscription to good use, she is so talented and such a sweetheart!
Well LInda, I'm getting ready to pack my bags and take a trip back to the Gulf at the end of the month. Wish I could swing by Alabama, but when I get there to give the beach a big hug, I hope you'll feel it all the way up there.
Oh Linda Sweetie...
How exciting. I love Sissie. Congrats sweetie. I am so thrilled for you. It couldn't be going to a sweeter person. She will be savoring each and every page when they come in the mail.
I will be keeping an eye open for your next giveaway sweetie. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity.
Country hugs sweetie..>Sherry
Congrats, Sissie!
Congrats Sissie!
Yeah for Sissie!!! Lucky girl:)
I was coming by to see how the Gulf situation is going and I see that Sissie is the lucky lady!!! Congrats!
How are things there? I don't always believe what the news says, so I wonder what you hear...
Congratulations to the winner! :) I hope you are doing well!
Thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello. I feel badly that I haven't been by more! My blogging/blog visiting has become even more sparse since school got out, BUT I intend to remedy this! I miss visiting you all, and am going to do it on a more regular basis! Hopefully, you are having a wonderful summer so far! :)
What a fun giveaway! Congratulations Sissy...you scored. Have a fabulous weekend...
Oh, I'm so glad I found your blog....from a comment you left for me about my little owlie give-a-way. Hope your Sunday is a blessed one...Deb
We live in southern Mississippi and this past March we decided we wanted to buy a condo either in Alabama or Florida--so we made our offer and not two weeks later that BP thing happened. We could've backed out but decided to stay the course (our condo is located in Perdido Key and isn't right on the water) and we are so glad we did. We didn't consciously start out to help out the Gulf Coast economy but we certainly have! Wish I could be in Gulf Shores today for the big Jimmy Buffett benefit concert but stuck at home with a sick kitty cat for a couple more days. Best wishes to you, my fellow Coastess!
Although I live in the middle of the continent...I love everything beachy and coastal! I'll be back to visit.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. Have a great week....Julian
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