It's going to SNOW here at COASTAL CHARM...1-3 inches...it didn't happen! We got rain...sleet...some huge SNOWFLAKES falling off and on during the day on Friday...but not enough to cover the ground...sooooo...if the SNOW doesn't come to you...then you go to it! The SNOW fell really good at my sister's house about an hour away...sooooo off we went for a visit. We had so much FUN making our LITTLE WAR EAGLE SNOWGIRL...luv her rosie lips...don't you? If you read my last post, then you know that my youngest daughter and her friends didn't get to make it down for the BIG MARDI GRAS weekend...KING CAKE is in the freezer and ready for her to take to them later:) They canceled classes at her college on Friday because of the SNOW...soooo...all was not lost...they had an AWESOME day playing in the SNOW and making some wonderful memories!

Posing with my SWEETHEART!

She got her dad to take her to the golf course for some FUN!

Mr.CC always wanted to be in the WINTER OLYMPICS...you think he has a chance?

My favorite SIS!

They didn't get to make it to MARDI GRAS this weekend...not good! They made the best of it and spent the day off from classes playing in the SNOW...it looks like they had a blast!
What a CUTE couple!
Now that AUBIE...he is one COOL CAT!!!!

I'm going over to join three parties...1. Pamela@From My Front Porch to Yours for a SNOW PARTY.
2.Kathleen @Faded Charm for WHITE WEDNESDAY.
3.Susan@A Southern Daydreamerfor Outdoor Wednesday.
Wasn't the snow fun???? Enjoyed seeing your snow, too!
Loved the cute snowman! We actually got almost 7 inches here in Middle Ga. last night. This afternoon almost everything had melted except for what lined the rooftops. So I fully understand your journey to find the beautiful white stuff. Our entire neighborhood partied on the lawns until around 10PM last night. It was truly wonderful! Happy Valentine's Day!
Look like you guys had a blast! we sure did!!! I posted about our snow day minutes ago!
Have a great weekend!
Looks like snow much fun!! I can't believe all this snow! We hear that your snow is headed our way :) Great pictures!
P.s. We use inner tubes here in Pa to sled on! I like the raft idea.
We had snow, too! We had so much fun with it, but as soon as the sun popped out today it was gone. =( Everything looked so pretty covered in snow.
That looks like fun! Great pictures. I like your blog too. I'm following now. I live in Mississippi.
How fun! And your pictures are wonderful! So glad you got to go visit your sister and see a little of the white stuff! And tell Mr. CC that I think he deserves a gold medal!
Kat :)
Oh my gosh! That is something we sure would done too! Our first winter in Baton Rouge it was suppose to snow just 30 minuted from us and we were gonna pack up and drive to see it. Just rain. Thanx for joining in on the fun and letting others know about our party!:) Happy Valentines Day!
What great pics! It looks like everyone had a blast! Lisa
It's so much fun to play in the snow when you know it won't last for long. Looks like ya'll enjoyed it big time. Blessings, Tammy
Hi Linda!! That was one COOL cat for sure LOL!!~ YOu have to come see snow in SC hard to believe it happened twice this year! It sure was pretty though!
Linda, Glad you all are enjoying your southern snow! We are always glad to see it go! Looking forward to warmer days and cold nights so the sap will start running-then Maple syrup boiling happens up here. Many of the sugarhouses have restaurants-very rustique! Pancakes, waffles, fritters, etc. Maple milk shakes. That is my favorite first sign of spring. Happy Valentines day! Sherry
Linda, How do you get these icons on the blogs you follow? I can't seem to find that option anywhere and I like it!
I know what you mean, Linda, I live in the Florida Panhandle and we waited all day for the snow. When it finally started I ran to get my camera and when I got back it had ended!! Three minutes and it was gone, so disappointed for the grandchildren but they did get to see the flakes and that made their day!!
Looks like you all had a great time in the snow! Happy Valentine's Day.
Love the snowman, I never did get around to making one. I'm glad the snow made it close enough that you got to play in it. Looks like everyone had fun.
Oh that looks like fun. The float would be fun, that sounds like something my kids would use for some snow fun.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I love your snowman with the rose lips. My daughter's best friend attended Auburn and my husband was pulling for the Saints in the superbowl. Yay!!Sorry you didn' get the snow at your house. We sure did and more than they had said. I love it for one day and then it can go. Most of it is gone now except where the sun doen't shine. Have a great Valentin's Day....Kim
Linda, Thanks for the Blogger help. It worked. I love it! Have a great day! Sherry
Love all the snow! Fun pics :)
Happy Valentine's Day!
I love it!!!! Sounds like everyone had a great time no matter what they were doing!
I saw some grass in my front yard today where my hubby dug a spot for the trash can. It was so exciting!
Mary Lou
Hi Linda! So nice stopping by for a visit! I have perused many of your posts and enjoyed getting to know you a bit. Very cute snow girl! :)
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your comment!
Kindly, ldh
I am sorry that you didn't get snow. My daughter in Ft Walton was pretty bummed too.
At least you got to play in it at your sisters.
And I love the Auburn snowgirl! Cute!
We may get a tiny bit more here tonight but only lasting about 4 hours.
I can't believe you got snow down there! How fun!
Glad you found some snow! What a treat! Lezlee
Looks like everyone had a BLAST! I wanted to sled in our snow but didn’t come across a good hill. I’m sure I could have found one if I looked a little harder. Seeing your pictures is making me wish I did.
Happy Monday to ya!
Kendra “Domestic Princess In Training”
Geesh - I am soooooooooooooo jealous!!! I waited and waited for snow - and got nothing!!! LOVE the sled! LOLOL
Happy Monday!
;-) robelyn
I wanted to let you know my blog has moved and I would like to ask you to PLEASE come over to my new site and Follow me over there
itssoverycheri (d o t) c o m
My boys sure have missed the snow this year. We-the parents not so much.
Oh what fun!! We got a very nice dusting Friday night - enough for a very pretty winter wonderland Saturday morning and picture op's and then off to run errands! Your pictures are so good - love the one of your girl and your guy racing down the "southern slopes"!!
I'm originally from Baton Rouge - we ordered our king cake from Gambino's for our Super Bowl Party - do you know they've started sending the icing and colored sugar separately so you can DIY it? It wasn't bad, just different -
Enoy your week -
Your snowman is adorable! Looks like you had a great time. We had record-breaking snow in the Dallas area as well. It was so beautiful!
I didn't realize that the coast could get snow!!!
What fun pictures, love your snowman. Great picture of you and your DH...you are a cute couple. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day...hugs, Linda
Thanks so much Linda for posting the giveaway button!
I'm glad you got to enjoy some snow, like we do here in New England!
Maya @ Completely Coastal
Looks like you all had fun in the snow even if it was at your sister's house. We had 3-4 inches here where we live. It was a surprise...we thought south of us would have more. It was beautiful.
Snow in Alabama? What's next, snow in Phoenix? Looks like fun
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the nice comment. I've added myself to your list of followers, I'm loving your Coastal Charm.
Oh Linda! What hoot! Driving to snow!!!What would our Minn. bloging friends think! I need to get Miss War Eagle Girl's lip color! It is to die for! he he
smiles, alice
War Eagle....Love your SnowGirl too cute. We have had some snow here in southern TN...not a lot. :( Looks like y'all had a blast! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Take care!
Blessings~ Tonya
That is crazy that you got snow! I'm glad you had some fun with it too. So much for global warming.
Hugs, Rhondi
Love the Auburn snowman!! War Eagle!
That looks like so much fun! I would have joined in the fun and took a turn going down the hill too.
Congrats on your 3.5 lb weight loss! Way to go!
Loving the snow girl and looks like fun was had by all. Hope you are enjoying your WW.
A little snow can be so much fun- and you look like you took full advantage if it. Your snowman is so stylish and full of school spirit!
Absolutely loved your snow girl! I love snowmen and even thought it's just my husband and I now, we still get out and build snowmen. This year I took a ton of pictures of ours and I want to use him for our Christmas card next year. Glad you guys had so much fun playing in the snow. xo Happy WW
LOL! What fun you must have had...it cracks me up to see so much snow down south...here in Idaho we don't have any:) Happy WW!
Love the snowgirl! She is a class act!
Blessings, Kim
p.s. we hit snow in Texas... LOTS of it.. enough for them to lose power at the unviersity and to cancel half a day of classes.
Linda -- Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Everyone freaks out here in Houston too, on the rare occasion that we get a dusting of snow. I LOVE the float turned sled, too CUTE!
I loved your pictures. Only a true southerner would drive an hour to play in the snow!
I am going to link up with my blog so I will be able to come to the coast when ever I want.
Looks like you're having a blast! I'm so tired of snow, and we don't normally get much at all here in E. TN. This year we've broken records. Come on spring!! ♥
I laughed out loud at the $1 float used as a sled! Glad to see everyone enjoyed themselves despite missing Mardi Gras. AND that rosie snowgirl is the cutest one I've seen by far!
That is so funny that you are chasing the snow and I am cursing the snow that won't melt! Amazing what a difference geograpy makes. Thanks for stopping by and I plan to link up to you party. It looks fun.
I just found your blog and have been enjoying reading through it. I grew up in B'ham., went to Auburn and have a second home on the Bay in Fairhope. I also have a darling daughter and handsome son and son-in-law. We seem to have a lot in common!
Honeysuckle and Hissy Fits
LOL, a garbage bag and cafeteria tray work too!
Cute post!
I love that snowman(snowgirl?), it's so cute!
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