
You will Betty Crocker Brownie Betty Crocker Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix.....One tub of Betty Crocker Chocolate Icing..oops I have Duncan Hines...soooo sorry Betty! Follow the directions for the brownie mix and pour into a 13x9 pan,then mix up the cookie dough and drop by rounded tablespoons into the brownie batter, bake for 35-40 min.@350 degrees (preheated). After they are done, let them cool for about an hour and then frost don't blame me if you get addicted to these!

Don't they look delicious? Sorry I forgot to get a pic after I put the icing on was late!
I have a hard time passing up sweets like this. It sure looks good, even without icing!
Thanks for inviting me over to your lovely blog.
My husband (and me too!) would love this! Thanks for sharing this sinful recipe!
Oh so sinful! We've been making brownies a lot lately so I'll have to try this one out.
Thanks for sharing and Happy Monday to you. :-)
Oh sheeeet, I'm in trouble now!
Added this to my favourites.
Definitely had to print this one!! Looks yummy! I try and not eat a lot of sweets but there comes a time when I have to bake something and it's usually brownies.
Have a wonderful day!
ohhhhhhhhhhmyyyyygooshhhh. I found what I am having for dinner! My husband is on a hunting trip in Kansas and my son is asleep. hmmm...if no body i here to see me eat this, aren't those empty calories! Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing!! Gotta go preheat the oven...
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