Just last week we lost one more person due to this oil spill...a boat captain here in Orange Beach took his own life over this mess and it hit home with us because we knew him...his name is Allen Kruse. I told Mr.CC back in early May that I thought that this would happen, but I never thought it would happen to someone that I know. Allen has a twin brother Frank...Mr.CC and Frank have been friends for about 30 years...please remember this family in your prayers. Let's all try and do something about this disaster so we don't have this happen to another gulf coast family.
Here is the info that I received...please pass this on to everyone you know and ask them to help us too. I would like to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
We need your help!! The Administration has yet to waive the requirements of
the Jones Act which would permit vessels of foreign registry with foreign
crews to assist us in skimming oil from the Gulf of Mexico. Several
countries have offered assistance in this regard but are reluctant to
proceed due to the provisions of the Jones Act. The president has the power
to waive the Jones Act; the last time this was done was after Hurricanes
Katrina and Rita. The most recent offer is from a Taiwanese vessel which is
touted as the largest oil skimming vessel and can ingest up to 500,000
barrels of oil-contaminated water a day. It set sail last Friday from
Norfolk on its way to the Gulf of Mexico where it hopes to assist in the
oil-clean-up effort.
We believe vessels of this nature and other foreign vessels like it should
be permitted to participate in this massive clean-up effort. We believe we
can use all the help we can get! If you agree we would appreciate you
calling the White House Comment line at (202) 456-1111 and the White House
Main Switchboard at (202) 454-1414 and let them know how you feel about the
situation. Ask the president to waive the Jones Act for the duration of
this crisis.
Please feel free to forward this email to your friends, relatives or anyone
else you feel could help us with this endeavor.
Thank you!
Ono Island POA
28491 Ono Blvd.
Orange Beach, Al. 36561

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Strut Your Stuff Thursday
Hookin' Up with HoH
Feature Yourself Friday