Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday No.81

ATTENTION everyone...we have a problem here...PLEASE LISTEN UP!!! As I was visiting around last week at all the great links here at NTT...I was so SAD to discover how many of y'all are not linking my party button or blog name on your post...what's up with that? Is it really that hard? I join lots of other parties during the week and I can say...I never link up to a party without posting their party name with a link back to their blog on my post...I play by the rules and I would appreciate it if everybody else would too!!! What I really was surprised to find was a lady that has a large following at her blog and she also has a very popular linky party...she knows the rules but didn't bother to play by them...soooo SAD!!! For the ones of you out there that always play by the rules...THANK YOU and for all of you who don't...I will be deleting your post because you need to learn a few leasons in life...it's not all about YOU!!! I hope you all understand where I'm coming from...I taught my girls to play by the rules and to treat others with respect and that's just how life is here at COASTAL CHARM. I really would like to hear your thoughts on this subject...I'm all ears!!! Thanks for coming by and thanks for reading this...now let's see all your NIFTY THRIFTY stuff!!! I have some wonderful features today...take a look. If you are featured here today...I have a cute little starfish button on my sidebar that you can post on your blog...thanks ladies for being wonderful guests at NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAY!!!
                           Kim at MAIDEN D'SHADE
                    Donna at SUGAR SPICE AND SOUTHERN LIFE
                      Lynda at SOMETHING CREATED EVERYDAY
                                Sallie at TEXAS COTTAGE
****Please everyone, follow these guidelines!****

1 Please make sure that you have put my NTT button or my blog name with a link on your post where it is easy for others to find it...the more people at the party...the more fun we will all have here.
2. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from garage sales, thrift stores, consignment shops, craigslist and even those awesome deals that you find at any retail store. Also you can share any thrifty DIY projects...love seeing what y'all can make on a dime!
3. Please go and visit the other participates and leave a comment about their treasures and thrifty ideas…this is what makes the PAR-TAY so much FUN and what a great way to meet new friends. I would love for you to add yourself as a follower if you haven't already and please let me know, I love to know when I have a new friend. I appreciate all your comments, they really make my day.


Cassie Bustamante said...

that bench is so cute! and doesn't that drive you crazy! i try to politely ask people or offer to help them figure out how to add the button if they are new. but if they keep linking up week after week without adding the button they wll find their link has been deleted. argh!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Love the features, Linda! Thanks so much for hosting! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said...

Well said Linda. I host a recipe link party and I am amazed at the number of people who refuse to add a link in their post. It annoys me to no end!!! I mean come on, how hard it it to add a link?!

Thanks for hosting this fun party.

Janet Pelczynski said...

I am one of those bad bloggers. I forget to put the linki in my post since I usually
Post very early in the am. I am very sorry and now will remember. Thanks for a great party every week.

Brandi said...

you said it better than i could have, Linda. i don't host a link party, but it bothers me that so many bloggers fail to link back to the party host. also when they have text in their post that says something like "joining these parties". which you then have to click a separate link to see which parties they are joining. sorry for my rant! I've had a bad blogging month with 2 bloggers using my pics and copying my entire blog post.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Great post and great features. I so agree. I see so many that don't link my party either. Even more, I have way over half that never ever leave a comment either. Such a shame. Hugs, Marty

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

Thanks for hosting Linda! Have a great week. Hope EVERYONE will link back next time :)

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

I'm glad you said this because I also have something that has been bugging me. What is up with people not leaving comments on other link ups? I always try to visit people on either side of my link up and then visit others as well. But I can stop by some link ups and they will not have one comment and that is so sad. And I'm usually late at linking up so I know others have had plenty of time to do so! Sorry for the ramble.

I will try to link up later today but I'm busy cleaning, my mom is coming tomorrow! Have to clean for mom :)

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

Thank you for featuring my box Linda! I love the other features too.

Thanks for hosting the party each week! I love participating and love seeing all of the creativity by others!

I'm sorry people aren't linking up. Maybe they need a tutorial on how easy it is???

Have a great week!

Donna said...

Thanks Linda for featuring by bench makeover! Why can't people play by the rules?
I plan on linking up later.

Miss Kitty said...

Hi Linda, thanks for reminding us what is expected if you join a link party. Is a colored "click-able link" in or at the bottom of a post acceptable? Also, some might not realize that it is polite to make a comment to/for the hostess too, like Marty's comment noted.

Carly said...

Hi Linda,
Thanks for hosting, I arrived early today!

Artsy VaVa said...

First of all, thanks for hosting the parties!

I am still learning as I go with this whole blogging thing. I keep a list on my sidebar which is visible on every post that shows where I link up to parties. Is that sufficient or do I need to do something different? Please let me know so I can change the way I do things if need be. I'll wait to link up until I know for sure.

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Hi Linda, I think sometimes when people wrote the post during the week, rather than specifically for a certain party, that's probably when they forget to go back in and edit the post to add the link. I understand it must be annoying though, and I try to remember. Some people have a linky tool which doesn't allow them to add their post unless they have a back-link - maybe you could look into this?

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Hi Linda~
We have all probably oops on linking back on occasion but I agree- I get disappointed too when I visit people and they have no reference to linking back to my party. Hopefully people will start doing it. Thanks for hosting!

Sallie said...

Thanks for featuring my pumpkins. It's so easy to add a link, I don't understand why people don't do it. Thanks for hosting again this week.

Michele @ {Primp} said...

You know I never really thought of this before. I've joined lots of parties but have never linked directly in my post, although I do have a list of blog parties I join on the sidebar of my blog. I also have never required that of those that link to my blog party, but it makes sense. We are all very busy, and sometimes we just need a little friendly reminder, or 2 or 3!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Thanks for all the comments ladies. I so agree with what Marty, Anita and Miss Kitty had to say about leaving comments on the hostess post and other link ups...whats up with that? Do you really go to a party and never speak to the host or hostess? If so...how RUDE!!! Then while you are there...do you not speak to the other guests? If this is true...again...how RUDE!!! With around 230-260 link ups...I hope you understand if I can't get around to all of you...I do try my best to get to some every week. I have done what lakota said about making people havea link back to the party or they can't attend and I just might go back to doing this...I sure hope it doesn't get to that.


Sherry@Back2Vintage said...

Great features today!!! Thanks for hosting..I hope everyone links up correctly this time!!!

Cap Creations said...

Hi there! I just linked up! Thank you for hosting. I ALWAYS link back to all the parties i join in the form of a text link at the bottom of the post. Will that work?

Also want to mention that we are starting a new link party over at Cap Creations for all things thrifty if you or your readers care to check it out! http://blog.capscreations.com/2011/09/does-anyone-love-thrift-store-more-than.html

Gracie's Cottage said...

Thanks for hosting Linda...I agree; linkees should be polite and play by the rules! :D


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Linda I 100% agree with you. It is rude not to link back to the party you join. I had that problem when I hosted and its frustrating. Good job in making it clear to all! I love your party and while I haven't participated in awhile I love to visit the participants!
hugs, Linda

Susan Freeman said...

Hi Linda! I linked back to you and I always have your blog posted on my sidebar. You featured me once on Nifty Thrifty Tuesday and you will always find that feature button on my blog. Thanks for hosting. I always enjoy it when I can link up.

Susan and Bentley

d e l i g h t said...

I agree with you 100%! Those that don't follow the rules should be deleted! There are really no excuses because you have the rules stated and it only takes a few seconds to link back.

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said...

Hi Linda,
Gosh! I didn't realize that people weren't linking. I always add the party button or a link. It only takes a very little amount of time to do this. I appreciate you hosting this party. I would just delete the people who can't follow the rules.

Ethereal PLUS what I Love said...

Thanks for hosting! :)

Ivy and Elephants said...

I am adoring that bench. Thanks for being such a wonderful host!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Linda, I know how much work goes into hosting a weekly party and it can be frustrating to the hostess to not even receive a comment or link! Thank you for hosting each week.

Diann said...

Hi Linda!
Do you see me over here in the corner standing and applauding you? LOL. I could not agree more with you in everything you said. And what Marty said. I was so shocked when I started TTF party at how many people don't leave the hostess a comment and don't have a link back to the party. I am still always amazed at that. I have asked on several occasions t please link your party post back to TTF and I still have folks who don't. and I do not think the whole "These are the parties I link to" little tag line at the bottom of a post is courteous at all. First of all, you have to go to a different linked page and then it just lists every party know to blogkind on it. So, which party did yu link? Who knows. It's just rude! this is YOUR blog. YOU are taking the time to set up a party each week so ther bloggers can show off something fun that they are excited about. Not leaving a comment when you link is uncalled for. Do the folks who link up not want anyone to stop by and leave them a comment? Once in a blue moon something may happen that I can't leave a comment. But, it is very rare. Even if it is just a quick thank you for hosting comment. I try to visit everyone that links up to my party and always leave a comment. Granted, my party is very small and I am not one of the big bloggers out there but,I still put work into my party(s). What really blows me away is I have one blogger who generally joins each week and NEVER has my party on her list of parties she is joining with that post. This is not a newbie blogger either.I am very baffled. Also, my "I'm joining" clickable list of parties are the way I join those parties. I click my own link and join. Don't peple do that? I might, with your permission, use your above post on my party. Personally, I think anyone who has this problem with their party should use your post above. :) And your features this week are inspiring!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Linda, I hear ya and sure hope it wasn't me that didn't have a link back because that drives me crazy, too. I'm not sure I even joined last week.
Thanks for hosting.

Diann said...

Whoa! I did not mean to write the great American novel in that cmment! I'm so sorry!

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

No..it was not you:)


Blue Creek Home said...

Hi Linda,
First of all - War Eagle, and sorry we were tailgate no-shows. I guess that's in the same "rude" category as not linking back to the hostess!!!! I really meant to call, but time management doesn't seem to be my friend lately. I didn't even go to the game.
Things have been weird lately - read my latest post. I can't believe I didn't post for 3 weeks - definitely the longest ever for me.

So I don't have anything to bring to NTT, but I wanted to stop and say sorry and I hope these party crashers will finally start doing the right thing.

Debra@CommonGround said...

Oh my goodness, that frenchy settee is taking my breath away! just linked up my "flea market" mantle, thanks for the great party, Linda! xoxo

Karena said...

Linda, I really applaud all of yoou ladies who host parties like this. I don't get to attend many with the hours I work, family and health issues. I think that is why I try hard to pay it forward with my giveaways.

Everything you said is so true. It is just common courtesy and good manners!

Art by Karena

Gail said...

Great features this week Linda. I love that bench! Very well said and you should delete links. Thanks for hosting and enjoy your evening.

Unknown said...

Hi Linda,
I'm so glad that you spoke out and "told it like it is"...honesty is so refreshing on a blog. Most of us try to play by the rules and appreciate all the effort it takes to host a party for us each week...I'd be embarassed not to link back to a hostess blogger. Hopefully your willingness to address this on your blog will remind people that, even on the internet, manners count. I always enjoy visiting your blog and conttinue to love your weekly linky party. Thanks for hosting it for us!
Cheryl at My Sister's Cottage

Unknown said...

newish here and I just love your party- how I am drueling over the smores...


Natasha in Oz said...

You have voiced the opinion of many Linda! Good on you. As my mother always says, "Good Manners Cost you nothing and get you everything"!

I have linked up a post from my Christmas blog today. Thanks for having me and I hope you have a wonderful week!

Best wishes,

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Linda,
When it comes to computers, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. lol! But hey, even I fiqured out how to link back. I always do it right after I link up. I say that's the least I can do for letting me get to know so many other bloggers. Thanks so much! Some people must not know that you should "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you."

andrea@townandprairie said...

I am honestly a little taken. As a new blogger, I would like to ask, is it appropriate to direct readers to the sidebar tabs to get to the party? I am sorry if it is not, because I thought it was. I do not know how to connect a link to the actual text itself. I am still learning quite a bit. Someone assisted me with my blog set-up and my existing tabs and I thought it was appropriate to have them on the sides so they would always be available. Please let me know. andrea@townandprairie

High Street Cottage said...

Linda what stunning entries! I will have to hop over and take a peek at their posts. Thanks for allowing me to link up this week, even though I've been a bad blogger and more absent than present;) Have a wonderful week, tami

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I have never hosted a linky party, but I do link to a few. I always make sure I have the link back to the host blog.

I recently linked to a blog party and I can't remember who, but by accident I like to their main blog address and not the link post. I got a message from the linky system saying that the host required a link to the post...so there is a way to make sure that people do link. If I run across it, I will let you know!

WhyCuzICan said...

Linda- I have a side bar with the terrific linky parties I do on a regular basis, and yours is always there, but not in the posts themselves as I have so many parties, but because others are not showing any love at all, I will now PROUDLY feature your BUTTON link for you on Tuesday when I party with you. It's the very LEAST I could do for you. I am honored to be here,for sure and I party with some pretty popular folks and you are #9 overall for views to my site in general! THANKS FOR ALLLL YOU DO and I'm sorry for your worries.

Sincerely, Suzanne @whycuzican (#79 this week)

Julie said...

Hi, Linda--wow! so many comments about the linking back! i link every project I do to whichever of my favorite link parties are happening that day. I have my page of favorite parties that i always link to even if I didn't actually link to that party that day. I've always thought this is a good way for all the parties to get traffic, even if I didn't link up that day. Hope that's ok with you!

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Thanks for hosting, Linda. It's your party. Speak your mind. Great features, btw.

Lynda said...

Hi Linda - Oooooooh! Thank you so much for featuring my vintage world globes. It is so much fun to be featured among such an interesting selection of sites. Thanks!!!

Judy said...

Hey Linda! I'm guilty of this sometimes as I very rarely join a link party so I forget...a lack of bad time management on my part, but I don't mind if the hostess asks me to link to her party, I think that's just good manners.

Did you buy anything at Eastbrook on Sunday? I wanted to go out thrifting but we had a lazy Sunday afternoon around the house.

And despite how our boys look so far this year I still love my Auburn Tigers!!! I saw above where Rhonda didn't make it to tailgate....I still hope we three can get together at a game one of these days.

War Eagle friend!

Laura S Reading said...

What if we as commenters start to ask WHICH parties did you join, since I don't see a LINK back?
I know that even when I was having blog trouble getting links to work I tried to at least add the name.

And those marshmallow treats at the beginning of this post just added 3 pounds to my hips!

Kelli @ The Loss Cause said...

I'm pretty new to blogging and I love your party. I have a link to all the linky parties I post in all of my posts. Does this not count? I am happy to play by the rules.

Kelli @ TheTurquoisePiano.blogspot.com

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

I think it's just polite to say thank you to your hostess by linking back! I join lots of parties and to my knowledge, I have never joined a party without linking back. It's just part of the process. I appreciate having a place to share my projects! And I know it takes time and work to host a party. You are appreciated Linda!

Kim Rosema said...

Thank you so much for featuring my Ritz S'mores!

I agree abut playing by the rules. Wonderful ladies like you that take the time to host parties deserve to be treated with respect. I am very appreciative of the time it takes to host. Thank you for hosting and for not being afraid to call people out. :)

RhettDidntGiveADamn said...

Thanks for the opportunity to link up! xo

RhettDidntGiveADamn said...

Btw - I confess to being a newbie and if you'd take a look at my post and see how I show which parties I'm linking to, I'd be much obliged. Check here - http://rhettdidntgiveadamn.blogspot.com/2011/09/book-page-wreaths-and-oil-painting.html

sandra said...


I am still fairly new at this whole blog thing, I have joined two linky parties since I started...I really have no idea what the blogging etiquette is
and am just learning as I go along. I do apologize for not linking back, but I'm not very computer savvy and sometimes find it very confusing and frustrating when things don't work the way they should the first time.

Again, sorry. Maybe I should just stay in my own backyard!

I love your blog!

Highpoint Circle said...

I totally agree that people should link back to the party host--it's only polite. I did wonder if I put the buttons on the side of my blog, do I then also put the links at the end of each post that I link back to? I'm still learning, but I always link back at the end of the featured post to the parties I've joined. Just wondered if there was an easier way to do it.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

So sorry that happened to you! I don't have anything to link this week, but I have in the past and so enjoy your party!!


Honey at 2805 said...

Hi Linda! I am away for a few days at the Roundtop/Warrenton antiques show. I just opened my laptop and fully agree with everything you said. Amen. I have just linked up and will be by tomorrow to visit with some of the entries. I'll also be on my way home.

The features are terrific and I will look forward to seeing you on Thursday afternoon!

Thanks for always being a great hostess!

Chi-Chi Studio Designs said...

Thank you for hosting! Not linking back to a party is pretty rude--the participants get all the exposure while the host gets nothing in return. It's pretty disappointing that this is so common. :(

Debra said...

Thanks for hosting, Linda. It's always fun for me. Sorry you're having problems with people following rules - but you handled it prefectly. :)

Erin {Lavender and Lemon Drops} said...

Sorry to hear that people aren't playing by the rules! I hope I'm not considered one of "those" bloggers. Tell me what you think. I have an actual page set up on my blog to help me keep all of my parties organized. I have the name of the blog/site and it is linked up. Every time I do a post I add a link to that page at the bottom. Is that bad blogging? I would love some feedback so I can change if I need too :) I also agree that you should leave comments for your host/hostess! I think its common courtesy and it's nice to develop some type of a relationship with other bloggers! I've also developed some fun friendships by stopping by other links to visit so why wouldn't you?!

Erin {Lavender and Lemon Drops} said...

P.S. Thanks so much for hosting and sorry for the LONG comment ;)

liZ said...

I'm fairly new to your blog and link parties but love them. We keep a link to your blog permenently on our side bar with the day written next to it that you have your link parties. I hope that works for you.

ibshell said...

Shame on me! I thought I had added you all these times, but hadn't. I have a link to the left of my sidebar for parties I link to since I link to a few and it gets so time consuming to link each one individually each week, I have a special page for parties like yours. Thank you for all you do and thank you for reminding me to check and update my linky page! SO agree with you and appreciate your wonderful party!! XoXo ;)

Anonymous said...

Honestly. It's only fair to link back to those generous bloggers who host parties. I put the link in my post - not on the sidebar or a separate page. This way, it helps me to see whom I've linked to and helps me to remember to link.

Thanks so much for hosting.

Curtains in My Tree said...

I sure hope I didn't forgrt to mention your blog on my blog after linking up to the linky party.

I always like coming over here to see what great things show up and like your blog very much Linda


Tammy @BeatriceBanks said...

Thank you for the vent session today! lol I enjoy your party even though I don't link up that often. As far as I know, I've always linked back though. And thank you for always commenting back. I know it's hard to comment on every single post but I have linked to certain parties and never received a comment from the hostess. Just like you mentioned it being rude to go to a party and not say anything to the hostess, I think it's equally rude to be hostess and never say anything to the guests. In no way do I expect a comment every single time but occasionally it is nice to be noticed.

Marianne said...

Hi Linda, well said. Please let me know if I am linking back correctly to your blog...I won't get offended. I don't link up here all the time but
do enjoy your party and blog. It's only fair that we mention the lovely hostesses of our linky parties. You are what keeps the blogging world going.

Thanks so much for hosting,
Marianne :)

WhyCuzICan said...

As busy as you are, Dear Linda- thanks so much for taking the time to check out my listing (I went from #79 this week to #77 which leads me to believe two folks had to be politely asked to exit).

I think you handled this great, and you are a great hostess! Thanks again!

Pam Kessler said...

One thing that I have noticed recently is the sheer number of parties some people link their post to. With huge numbers of parties linked on one post there is no way that they are actively participating in the party. I feel that if you can't participate in the party by checking out at least some of the other people's posts in the party, then it's rude to just link and run.

Pam Kessler said...

Now I better go check out some other party goers!!!

Shannah @ Just Us Four said...

Wow, that really stinks that people aren't linking back. I hope I wasn't accidentally one of them last week! I always try to go back and ensure all my link backs are in place.
A few of the parties I link to will reject the link up if there isn't already and exisiting link back in my post. Is there anyway you could do that?

Thanks again for hosting!

Unknown said...

I found you via The Girl Creative Blog. I linked my project and subscribed to your blog feed. Thanks for hosting.....there are some really great projects here!

Megan Gunyan said...

Thanks for hosting! Is it bad to have your link on my blog homepage and not on my post? That way, people see it all the time, and not just with that specific post. I find it hard to add everyone's link to my blog post each time I link up to a party. I understand that it's your party and you can set the rules, I just want you to know that not having the button on the post is not due to malicious intent, just lack of time. With 3 young kids and one on the way, I'm always strapped for blogging time, something I enjoy doing just for me. Maybe your argument would be to not join your party then, and if that's the case, I understand and will stop joining, although I will still enjoy coming by and checking out all the wonderful things. Your button is always on my home page, though! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Linda, Thanks for hosting this great party with wonderful features!! I have just started linking to parties, so if my link is not correct...Please, PLEASE let me know...because I want to Party!
Sending Wandaful Wishes your Way :))

Unknown said...

Hello Linda, this is my first time to party here. Hopefully, I have done everything correctly because I could not agree more and feel the same way.
Hopefully everyone has linked back since a lot seem to feel you have a very valid point.
Thank you for hosting!
Jenni (plays by the rules)

Tanya Anurag said...

Hey Linda, I did host link-up parties for a few weeks and I totally understand how much efforts it takes to play the hostess. On top of that, not getting your due credit gets disheartening at times.

I have created a page on my blog, where I have listed all the parties that I attend, in alphabetical order. Hope that is acceptable, if not do let me know! I'll figure out something else. I don't wanna be a bad-guest.

Sue said...

It's your party and you make the rules, so I say enforce them! My pet peeve is visiting a blog that is linked to a party and doesn't put the direct link into the body of the post. Instead they direct you to "the parties listed on my sidebar."
What the HE**?! How do I know which party out of the 99 listed on the sidebar they are linked to?!
Rudeness abounds.... I say delete them~
Okay, now I'm done.... Thanks for hosting, once again, Linda~ hugs, Sue

Unknown said...

Hi there!! I'm a first timer to your site linking up a couple of projects. I promise I put your buttons on my POST (It's better than the sidebar, in my opinion). I know how it is...I host a linky party and it's hard when not a lot of people link back. I just don't feature em. :-) If they are always doing it....I comment on their blog. I haven't deleted them yet....but I have thought about it. Thanks for hosting!!

Always Nesting said...

Thank you for hostessing. Not linking back is like going to a dinner party empty handed, without a thank you for the hostess and all her hard work. I'm linking back AND sending you a virtual bottle of wine :)

reFresh reStyle said...

Thanks for the party! I would love to have those globes that you featured! The other items are wonderful too!

Kahli said...

Thank you for hosting. I'm pretty sure that I have linked you directly in my posts and I link you on a separate party page. I link up to a lot of parties on a weekly basis. And I try to visit at least 3 or 4 out of each link party I attend. However, I know some people hate the "parties" page, but I must say when I go to a post with a thousand parties linked to it, it distracts from the comment. So I only link inside my post to the parties that require it and the others on a separate page.

Faye said...

Thank you for hosting. I hope they do better this time, I don't get it either. I always add the link to parties, it's just the right thing to do and it's so EASY to do! If I ever screw up it was completely by accident. I always try to thank the hostess too but once in awhile, I admit, that gets away from me.
I just linked a post from last week, (hope that's okay) only because It's been so insanely busy here lately.
Thanks again...you have a great party here!

All That Glitters said...

Hey Miss Linda! There is some rudeness out here lately for sure. I hope you are doing well!

love ya

MiriamR said...

I always link back right when I am linking up. How can you forget when you are manually linking up to the party? I am bad about leaving comments on your blog though sorry:( I try to visit all the others that catch my eye when I link up though. Its a fun party

MiriamR said...

Oh and one of the reasons I forget to comment is because its way after all the link ups. I know what an excuse but I feel like I have a hard time finding it when there are over 200 link ups. I will remember to comment more though!

Laurel@ChippingwithCharm said...

Thanks for hosting...again :) I haven't had much to party with lately...but I couldn't wait to get back! Chat soon, Laurel

Laurie said...

Everyone needs to play by the rules! 'Nuff said! Good for you for saying it. I really enjoy your blog party and play as often as I can!

Arabella said...

Thanks so much for hosting and sorry to hear about some not following the rules...that's a bummer.

Happy Fall, Linda! :O)

April @ An Urban Acre said...

I'm with you, Linda! People should always be well-mannered, especially at a party! Sometimes, if I have a really great project I link to quite a few places and I don't love a ton of buttons down at the bottom of my post. But I AT LEAST list all of the blogs to which I'm linking, along with an active link to each party. I hope everyone this week will play fair!

Jane said...

Hi Linda,
Great features today! I'm having a love affair with maps and globes right now so I loved the featured globes.
Hope you're having a great week.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

There's always sooo much to see! I wish I could visit each and every one of these creative people!

Come on over and join Time Travel Thursday this week. I would love to have you join me, Linda. The link goes up tonight.

Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

Mary @ Sea Quilts said...

I'm the new kid on the block here in blog land. Come over and see my thrifty find at


Thanks for stopping by. I DID put a link button on ... I'm all about the rules.


Marcia - Crafty Sewing and Quilting said...

Linda - Thanks for hosting!
I came over from the Thrifty Groove!
I just started doing the Linky Parties on September 7th with Diann. I found several parties to join in on and I am loving it!
I read your post about linking up and linking back. When I started doing these, I read all the rules and did everything - YES - It is the polite thing to do with the linking back on that post and I also do a button with the link in my sidebar. And I am following you too. I am still pretty new to blogging and I am learning something new everyday! And I am still very new to the linky parties.
Thanks again!

Pamela said...

I am always late to the party Linda but I am here and thanx so much for hosting!!! Btw, love all your new treasures in your home!!

Rose @ Confessions of a Curbshopaholic said...

Hi Linda,
I've been barely blogging this summer, but came over to see your party and scrolled back a few posts to catch up with what you've been up to and then come to this post. I'm glad you brought up the subject. Though I haven't linked up in a while, I've always done double link, text AND button, just to be sure. It's really not that hard to do, and honestly, there should be a limit to how many parties anyone can link a post to! One clue is if you feel it takes too long to link back to ALL the parties you joined in the body of your post, then that means you're joining way too many parties! I really hate when I see the same project over and over on every party I visit that week!
You're a most gracious hostess and I don't think you've ever missed on commenting on one of my linked posts. I don't know how you manage to do that! That personal touch is what I look for when I decide which parties I want to join.
(oh, and when I visit a link in your party I always leave a comment saying where I came from, just so they know.... )

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

delete! girlfriend! :) yeah, easy to say. I don't delete those who don't link back to my catch as catch can.
Seriously, why do bloggers link a single project to 30-40 blogs?
I appreciate the time you spend on your party and your blog. I know it's not easy.
I tried the "must link back" and people either don't know how to do it, or I'm doing something wrong. (at the link party setup)

I don't mind so much when people don't say hello to me when I host my party. I do realize that a lot of my partygoers link and run. However, that doesn't really do them any good. If they link and run, but then expect the others to visit their blog, what can they expect?
Thanks for opening up this topic!

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