Easter is two weeks away and in church today we sang one of my favorite songs...THE OLD RUGGED CROSS. When I was trying to decide what I wanted to put on my front door for Easter this year...the idea of a CROSS with a frame came to mind and this is how it looks. My CROSS might not look rugged but it reminds me daily that Christ died for us and when I see it there on my door...my heart is filled with joy...because one day I will get to meet him...what a wonderful day that will be!
Don't forget to get your THRIFTY goodies ready for NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS...hope to see you there!
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Vintage Inspiration Friday
I've never thought to put a cross on the door, but yours looks fantastic! How very appropriate during the Lenten season. So pretty and such great deals! Thanks for sharing.
very pretty. I love the fillagree.
The Old Rugged Cross is one of my favorite hymns! Yours is the perfect Easter decor!
I like that hymn. My fave one for Easter is "Christ Arose." I have been singing "Crown Him with Many Crowns" all day today. Our church does not start-up again here at the lake until Easter.
Your cross is so pretty! What a nice way to commemorate Easter :D
Have a blessed week!
Ricki Jill
Like laxsupermom, I too never thought of using a cross as a door decor but love the way yours turned out. I think you may have just started a new trend.
Wonderful project for any room of the house.
What a wonderful idea ... now let me see what I can come up with ... TY
Happy pink April ~
Giveaway ends 4/5
How pretty. I collect crosses, probably have close to 100. I have a big iron one on the wall by my front door. I think I will try one in a frame now.
"for 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died, to pardon and sanctify me." Amen!
It's Beautiful
That is a beautiful cross and it is great to remind us of His suffering and death but also His resurrection.
We often forget the Reason for the Season. I love the cross....I only have one cross out right now for Easter....I plan to get more crosses out. Thanx for the spiritual reminder and blessings. tiff
How beautiful is your cross and frame.......I love your post!!! So true...I have a rugged cross outside my front door. Okay...actually two different types....and they do remind me of what Jesus has done for all of us.
I just want you to know that you are a blessing....and may you always be blessed!!!!
Oh, Linda I too am so thankful for the cross and what it represents. The crucifixion was such an ugly part of a beautiful story of love. "There is wonderful power in the blood".
My favorite Easter song is Down The Via Dolarosa. It is such a powerful song.
Thanks for this...and I love your framed cross.
I've never seen a cross on the door, but I really like the look and the sentiment behind it. Very pretty.
Great deal on that beautiful frame! And thanks for the kind comment on my finds. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog. I'll definitely join your party on Tuesday!
Love it! Have a blessed day!
Love your old rugged cross and great score!!!
That is just beautiful Linda! You've inspired me to add a cross to the wreath on my front door so that all who drive by will know that Easter to us is so much more than bunnies and eggs. :-)
I truly love this project! It's such a sweet way to honor the Easter Holiday!
A beautiful project and a reminder that this project cost you little (as do most of mine!) but the gift of eternal life was very costly -- the life of God's Son! Thanks for the reminder!
You have certainly inspired an awful lots of us with this post Linda. I love it!
beautiful! thanks for sharing this at my party!
hiya , what a great alternative to a wreath x tfs
am visiting from amaze me monday and your newest follower , hope you pop by mine and follow me too
It's beautiful. I was raised to believe you should not worship the cross. It was sac relig because that was like worshiping his death not his life. As I've grown to develope my own opinion I find them to be so beautiful and I really have a new appreciation for them. I would be delighted if you would link this up to my VIP party Friday =)
Cheers! Sommer
Now this is beautiful & timeless!! Thank you for linking to my K.I.S.S. blog bash this past week. I so appreciate you taking the time to share your charming craft. Tomorrow is another blog bash, please drop by & share more of your inspiring ideas!
Drop By The Tattered Tag
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