Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Farmhouse Style

 Do you live in a farmhouse?
I don't, but I do dream of living in one someday. So, since I don't live in a true farmhouse, I do my best to make the inside of my home look and feel like one. We have added sliplap, beadboard, board and batten, painted several rooms in all white and this has made a huge difference. I would say this, all my home décor screams...FARMHOUSE! Since, I own a business that sells farmhouse décor, then it makes it easy peasy for me. Today, I thought I would share some pins from my Pinterest board...Farmhouse Style. You can click here, to view and follow that board. All the photos below are via Pinterest. Thanks for visiting us here at Coastal Charm and I hope you get some inspiration...Farmhouse Style!

                                     I'd  love for you to stay connected with Coastal Charm!!!!
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Linking up here...
Talk of the Town
MET Monday
Feathered Nest Friday
Shabbilicious Friday
Inspiration Monday
Amaze Me Monday


vintageandart said...

Lovely farmhouse photos...the first one is my favourite but l also love the bathroom, the huge farmhouse table and the lights hanging over the kitchen counter...thanks for sharing your farmhouse vision.

Melissa N. said...

We do live in a farmhouse and I WANT THAT PILLOW...will try to find it...your home is beautiful!

Our Hopeful Home said...

I love it all! And I'm with you, someday - farmhouse here I come! xoKathleen

mamasmercantile said...

I too loved it all but the large farmhouse table was stunning. Maybe one day....

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

After seeing all of these beautiful Farm House styles, I want to redo my entire house! Thanks for the inspiration Linda!


Creations By Cindy said...

I love it all! If only I had the money to do all of those pretty things! Thanks for sharing such wonderful inspiration with us today. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Kim said...

I love farmhouse style and that pillow is so super charming!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love everything you showed here!
I too dream of owning a farmhouse someday; for now I'll stick with decor and selling my favorite pieces! I'll be doing a home tour on the blog soon, hope you'll check it out!


Taylor from sugar&succulents

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Great inspiration.

camp and cottage living said...

Linda I have so many of the same pins!
How wonderful you have a nice collection of Farmhouse goods to chose from in your shop.

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Great farmhouse inspiration Linda...I LOVE the bathroom!
Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!

Unknown said...

Love it all ... just wish Hubby shared my taste. Thanks for sharing, Cynthia

Tonita said...

I recently bought a tiny farmhouse online, sight unseen, in a town I had never been to or heard of. Loaded up 5 dogs and a cat and drove 3000 miles to reach my new OLD farmhouse in the Appalachian mountains. I love it. You will love a real farmhouse also. Life is short - makes plans soon. Many blessings as you move closer to your dream. So happy to have found your blog.

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