I'm a huge fan of SWINGS...I can spend hours with a great book or magazine and just swing away! My favorite place to swing is out on my balcony at the beach watching the surf and of course...PEOPLE WATCHING! When we sold our beach house in 2008 the buyer asked for two things to remain...guess what?...yes you are right...they wanted my SWING!!!! I was soooo sad because I knew I had to let it go. Houses were not selling at the beach at this time and we were sooooo lucky that someone was buying ours...soooo GOODBYE buddy...I sure hope your new owner will LUV you as much as I did! A month later my SWEET hubby bought me a NEW swing and I'm lovin' it now. I have one question...are you a FAN of swings too?

Oooh...I LUV the cushion...soooo inviting!
(Photo from Southern Living)

COZY...COZY...COZY! Perfect for you and your SWEETHEART:)
(Photo from Country Living)

This is my DREAM swing...a BED SWING.This photo was taken right here in my area at a home on the bay. I do have a swing on my balcony at my beach condo that folds out to make a bed, but it's not near as neat as this one!
(Photo from Coastal Living)
Hi Linda,
What country gal doesn't love a swing. Or any gal for that matter. I have wonderful memories of my Grandmom's porch swing. It was covered with a barkcloth fabric cushion that was pink and green. Sure wish I had it.
Thanks for reminding us of one of life's sweetest pleasures.
I love swings, too! There's a swing sitting on both of my porches waiting on my sweetie to decide he's ready to put them up. What's a house in the woods without porch swings?!
I love swings too. We bought a hammock swing years ago on one of our trips to Nags Head. It has moved with us 5 times!! Too cold for a swing right now but looking forward to putting it up this spring.
Oh I love swings but do not have a good spot for one...
There is nothing more relaxing than a porch swing...I have great memories there:)
When I go to my aunt's in Michigan during the summer, I sit on her bench swing in the backyard and read. So relaxing! I wish I could have a great porch and swing like in the pictures above. Now that would be NICE! Have a great day. :) Tammy
I've never seen a bed swing but now that I've seen it I want one or at least to try it out. I just don't have a place to put it since we tore down our screened in porch to expand our house and now we have a deck. I liked the screened in porch much, much better. Oh, well. Anyway, thanks for posting these pics. Love 'em. Linda
Love swings too, especially the creaky ones with flaky paint! Okay, now that song is totally in my head - little charlotte she's as pretty as the angels when they sang...*singing*
Oh, I have a love affair with swings. It started with an old chippy red swing on my Gram's back porch. We'd swing and giggle, she'd call the birds, Grampa would share stories. Ah... WE're now on our second swing here at home. The first was a sweet little metal swing with cushions. Most Sundays you could find me there after church and lunch with a book, pillow, blanket and phone. Now we have a big beautiful cedar swing on the deck... just perfect for Dear to come and join me and anyone else who can fit!
Blessings, Kim
A porch is my favorite place to hang out. My mother in law used to have a swing on her porch that I would sit in for hours. I especially like the first picture with the green cushion. Cozy.
Love swings! We don't have a swing, but we do have a glider and I love sitting in it and reading on the porch!
I LOVE swings! That was one of the first bits of outdoor furniture we bought for the deck with this house. I've always wanted a home with a covered porch and a swing. I'd just spend my teatime every afternoon out there if we did. (My deck gets all the afternoon sun, so summers are a little tricky.) Thanks for the pretty pictures!
Mary Lou
jease, louise! that is a giant button! sorry 'bout that. i just resized it, so try it again if you want. I am grabbing your button now.
...and, love the swings!
I love those swings! The pictures are beautiful. I think that bed swing is my new dream swing too!!
I love a swing too. I have a wonderful one on the patio...I spend many happy hours on and a hanging front porch one. The front porch one I love to sit on and just watch the world go by....hugs, Linda
I love porch swings! My parents house always had one and I have such great memories from that. Our current house has a very small porch - no room for a swing. I have actually thought about adding on a huge front porch just for a swing! Is that crazy??
ooh, I love the big one from country living... I'm glad you got a new swing! Lezlee
Hi Linda
That was nice of your hubby to get you a new swing...I guess I understand why you had to leave yours behind. I would love to swing on one of those swings I do like that...it sounds heavenly to being swinging in nice weather reading a book and watching people. I don't have such a great view from my balcony.
Great pictures and thank you for sharing..
hope you have a wonderful week!
Yes, I love swings! Have one in my backyard and dream of a big front porch with one on it too.
Girl... you put a swing like that on your porch and your likely to find me sitting out there on it one morning with coffee in hand! LOL I love swings.... and hammocks - but I can't seem to stay in those, so I'll stick with swings!
;-) robelyn
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