Monday, August 31, 2015

Show and Share No.277

I have been busy around here with my foyer makeover and adding merchandise to my shop spaces, but I did take some time last week to celebrate the birthday of my blog.
Yes, last week Coastal Charm turned six years old. Boy, those six years sure did fly by. Can you believe tomorrow is September 1? Have you already started decorating for the upcoming Fall season? No pumpkins or hay bales around here, just yet, but they will be showing up soon. Thank you for coming by to party with me, so let's get the party started!
Recap from last week...
To help celebrate our birthday, we are having a GIVEAWAY!
                                 You can click here, to enter for a chance to win two
                                             tickets to the Vintage Pickin' Barn Sale.

 Features from last week...
                                                Kimberlee @The Fancy Shack

                                         Rhonda @Ramblings of a Southern Girl

                                                    Lynn @The Vintage Nest

                                                         Joan @Scavenger Chic
Pin It

                       I'd love for you to stay connected with Coastal Charm!!!!
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Party Guidelines 
1.Please have a separate link to this party in your post (not mass link page) or add my party button to the post. If there is not a separate link, you will not be featured and/or could be deleted. I am hopefully bringing you traffic and I would appreciate the same.
2. No more than three links.
3. I would love to have you follow me here on my blog. You can do this several ways…do one…or do all of them. Google Friend Connect…Linky Followers…Bloglovin or by e-mail. You can find all of these on my sidebar.
You can also keep up with me on FACEBOOK,PINTEREST and Instagram.
Please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest, so that the originator of the post gets the credit.
By linking up, you are giving Coastal Charm permission to use any picture or content to share as a feature or on social media outlets.


Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for hosting!!



Thank you very much for the party Linda.
Have a nice week.


Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Thanks so much for the feature! I am so honored that you shared my post on the Ironstone! :) Happy Blog Birthday... 6 years is impressive! And Thanks for hosting... your party brings a lot of traffic to my blog! ~Rhonda

Kim said...

Thanks so much for hosting! :) Fabulous features!

Judy Pimperl said...

Thanks for hosting another fabulous party!
You will recognize what I've shared!

Rustic Maple Elizabeth said...

Thanks for hosting!

Little Farmstead said...

Hi Linda ~ Happy 6th birthday blogging! Thank you for hosting all of us. Hope you had/are having a great summer! ~julie

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Congrats on your blog milestone, Linda! Thanks for hosting the party!

Unknown said...

Congratulation on reaching the 6 year milestone. I just turned 1, so 6 seems unbelievable. And a great big thank you so much for featuring my typewriter table. Have a great week.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Happy 6th birthday to Coastal Charm!!!

Mary K. said...

Happy 6 years Linda, I'm still a newborn compared to you. This is my first time here and I hope to be returning every week from here on it. Thanks for hosting a great party!

Jane@Bluebird1959 said...

Congratulations and happy 6th birthday! Here's to many more. Thanks for hosting. Jane

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

6 years of really great posts. Congratulations. Thank you Linda for Show and share 277.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Happy Anniversary Linda! I've been with you every step of the way. I think we started blogging about the same time. I've watched you grow your blog and expand in so many wonderful ways. Continue on your blogging journey.


Debra@CommonGround said...

Happy Bloggy B'Day, Linda! we're the same age! thanks for having us over!

Rita C at Panoply said...

Linda, thank you for hosting, and congrats on staying the course for 6 years!

Lynda Brandly said...

Congratulations, Linda! Thanks for hosting!
Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

Barbara @ 21 Rosemary Lane said...

Thank you so much for hosting Linda! Wishing you a wonderful week!
XO Barbara

Home Chic Club said...

Thanks so much for hosting!!


Betty said...

Happy 6th birthday blogging, Linda. Thanks for hosting the party!

Donna Wilkes said...

Thank you for hosting!

Sarah said...

Beautiful features! Happy Birthday to Coastal Charm. I think I've been following from the beginning.
Thanks for hosting!

Lou Lou Girls said...

Hello cute lady! I always get so excited to stop by your party each week. It’s so fabulous! Please take a moment to party with us. We pin and tweet everything! Lou Lou Girls

Maelchen said...

Happy Birthday, Coastal Charm... Linda, you did a great job and I am happy to be able to join your fun linky party again! Thanks for hosting!
Greets from Manu

Welcome said...

Happy Sept 1. I am your latest new follower from GFC. I am not able to put out Fall decorations just yet - we are painting and the house is a mess. All these posts I am reading about Fall is making me very anxious to start. Nice to meet you and Happy Blog Birthday.

GranthamLynn said...

Thanks for the party. I linked a Childrens Book Review. I'll be back over to link my Mantle post in a bit.
I wanted to invite you over to my blog for the Link The Link Party going on this week.
Also The Fabulous Fall Party is going on too. You can link any Fall Themed post.
I'd love you to come and party at my house!
Thanks for the party!

Deanies Stash said...

Hi Linda, Thank you for this weekly get-together. Love looking at all the posts that are linked up!


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