Hope you are all having a fun holiday weekend. Here at Coastal Charm, we spent two days at our beach condo, so yes, our holiday weekend has been spent relaxing by the sea. After all the hard yard work, that the two of us did last week, these two lazy days, were just what we both needed. Now, it's time to get back to work. While I was relaxing, I had some time to think about changing something up here at my blog. I have had this idea for a few weeks now and I think today is the day to share it with y'all. What do y'all think about me changing the name of my linky party? What? No more NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAY? I started this party four years ago and have really enjoyed it, but I am feeling that it might be time to give her a new name. The name that keeps popping up in my head is "SHOW and SHARE". I need all of y'all to be honest with me and tell me what you think. Should I change the name? If so, what do you think about it being called "Show and Share"? If you have any names to suggest, it would be greatly appreciated. Please help this gal out, and let me hear from you. Now, let's see what you have to share this week. Just a little heads up...next week at the party, there will be a great GIVEAWAY, so be sure to come back then and party with us.
Look what caught my eye from last week...
Kaylor @Fisherman's Wife Furniture
Melanie @Lost and Found
Carol @Art and Sand
Kathleen @Charm Bracelet Diva
Titia @Crafty In Canada
If you are featured here at NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAY...please be sure to grab my starfish featured button for your blog.
Party Guidelines
1.Please have a separate link to this party in your post (not a mass link page) or add my party button (you can find it located under my header/buttons) to the post. If there is not a separate link, you will not be featured and/or could be deleted. I a hopefully bringing you traffic and I would appreciate the same.
2. No more than three links.
3. I would love to have you follow me here on my blog. You can do this several ways…do one…or do all of them. Google Friend Connect…Linky Followers…Bloglovin or by e-mail. You can find all of these on my sidebar.
4. You can also keep up with me on FACEBOOK,PINTEREST and Instagram.
5. Please go to the source of a photo to pin it to Pinterest, so that the originator of the post gets the credit.
6. By linking up, you are giving Coastal Charm permission to use any picture or content to share as a feature or on social media outlets.