Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday No.82 and a GIVEAWAY

We all love celebrating birthdays and anniversaries right? Well I know I sure do, but how can we celebrate if we forget about it...now that's just I have done...silly me!!! Back on August 31 Coastal Charm had it's second birthday...who knew? Sounds like I didn't...well I did know it was coming up, but just let it slip right by me. I always like to celebrate a birthday with gifts...don't you? So I have a little something to give to YOU my loyal followers and FRIENDS...sure hope you like it:) Check the end of the post to find out what it is. Next let's see a couple of thrifty goodies that I have just added to my nest and also check out these awesome features from last weeks party...y'all make it really hard to only pick a couple to feature with all the wonderful links at the party and boy...we sure had a HUGE crowd there...my largest party so far...300 links...thanks so much ladies for showing up...LOVE a HUGE crowd!!!
                                      Happy to have you here,
                                              I finally found her!!!!
                                         Had this darling little pumpkin
                                            for many years...always
                                           hold on to my favorites!
                                  While shopping at a antique mall/flea market
                                     in Montgomery, I spotted her there just
                                           waiting for me to show up...she
                                           was on sale and then I got 10%
                                           off...final price was $22.50!!!!

                                       Tip-most antique shops will give you
                                       a 10% discount off anything $25 and
                                         up, you do need to ask for it and
                                                they do ask you to pay
                                               with cash...give it a try!!!
$2.00 cutie...sooooo many possibilities here!!!
Now let's check out some wonderful
links from last week!
                                Lisa at THE PENNINGTON POINT
                                 April at A KITCHEN FOR TWO
                                      Melissa at SHABBY LOVE
                                    Diane at IN MY OWN STYLE
                             Gail at GAIL'S DECORATIVE TOUCH
                                   Farica at SOUTHERN CHARM

Now what I'm I giving away? It's a one year subscription
to SOUTHERN LADY magazine!!
I know some of you are saying...well I'm a nothern lady
or a west coast girl...but ladies it really doesn't
matter where you live because you will
love this amazing magazine that is filled
with inspiring decorating ideas and
so many yummy recipes
that can be enjoyed
by all!!!
With that said...here is how you can WIN!!!
1. Follow Coastal Charm...let me know with a comment.
2. Link up to NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAY and leave
a comment about this post.
3. Post this giveaway on your blog...let me know with a
Okay you have three chances to WIN...wish
you all GOOD LUCK!!!
Giveaway will end on Sunday Oct. 9 at midnight...WINNER
will be announce on Monday Oct.10.

****Please everyone, follow these guidelines!****

1 Please make sure that you have put my NTT button or my blog name with a link on your post where it is easy for others to find it...the more people at the party...the more fun we will all have here.
2. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from garage sales, thrift stores, consignment shops, craigslist and even those awesome deals that you find at any retail store. Also you can share any thrifty DIY projects...love seeing what y'all can make on a dime!
3. Please go and visit the other participates and leave a comment about their treasures and thrifty ideas…this is what makes the PAR-TAY so much FUN and what a great way to meet new friends. I would love for you to add yourself as a follower if you haven't already and please let me know, I love to know when I have a new friend. I appreciate all your comments, they really make my day.

Linking up to these fun parties...come join me!!!
Tabletop Tuesday
MET Mondays
Tuesday Treasures
Trash To Treasure
Masterpiece Monday
Share The Love Wednesday
Whatever Wednesday
Vintage Inspiration
Feathered Your Nest Friday
Inspiration Friday
Potpourri Party
Home Sweet Home
Featured Farmhouse Party


Blondie's Journal said...

Hi Linda!!

I have been searching high and low for a vintage scale! Your is SO perfect! I love your grapevine pumpkin, too. There are so many cool pumpkins out there now...the more natural, the better!

Very sweet giveaway...Happy Anniversary!! :-)


Janet Pelczynski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Hello! I'm a follower and would love a subscription. I'm a southern girl all the way!

Janet Pelczynski said...

I am a follower and a north lady, but love the south. Linking up my skeleton keys found at an estate sale this summer. Thanks for hosting a great party every week!

Decor To Adore said...

Oh I love Southern Lady! Even though I live in the desert. :)

Thank you for your kind comments on my bird lamp. I've linked up my newest project ~ a darling spice cabinet makeover.

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

So happy to be able to link up this week! You've featured some awesome projects! Thanks for hosting!

reFresh reStyle said...

I would love a subscription!

reFresh reStyle said...

I linked up! Thanks for hosting, love your party!

Karen said...

Love your scale, I have a similar ne in blue. I'm tempted to paint it ... still thinking that one over. Those are great features too. I linked up.

Karen said...

I'm a follower and I love that magazine. Thanks for hosting and for having such a great giveaway. Happy anniversary!

The Joyful Thrifter said...

I am a follower, and love this blog!!!!

The Joyful Thrifter

The Joyful Thrifter said...

I would never miss linking up with Coastal charm

The Joyful Thrifter

Melissa said...

Thank you so much for featuring my dresser redo!!!! Congratulations on your 2nd blogaversary!!


Congrats on your second blogaversary!! I will have one soon and will let everyone know on my giveaway too! I love your vintage scale and pumpkin, great find. Terrific features, I specially love Melissa's. Thank you for the chance on your giveaway and for hosting. Have a super week. FABBY

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said...

Hi Linda - Sounds like a fun magazine! I follow via Google Friend Connect.

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said...

...and I just linked up my wheat bundle tutorial. Thanks for hosting!

The Pennington Point said...

How fun to see my living room over here at Coastal Charm! I loved your party last week...great ideas! Thanks so much! You're doing a wonderful job. Lisa~

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

Yes, I'm a happy follower! I would love to win!


Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

I just linked up my rustic flag post. Thanks for the party and thanks for the chance to win!


Gail said...

O'Linda, thanks for the feature! There was a lot of great features from last week. I love your vintage scale! I have one and I love mine too! Happy Birthday to your lovely blog.

Have a wonderful day,

urbanmingo said...

I am a follower already but i guess i can't win the subscription as i am not living in the US. Or can i?? That would be an amazing birthday gift because my birthday is the same day the giveaway ends ( October 9th) and i absolutely love american magazines!

Anyway, happy anniversary!!

Beach House Living said...

Nice find. As for the rest I haven't a clue to link to anything nor is their one fall decoration. I would rather still be in sandal season!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hey Linda, I have a scale just like yours, love it!! thanks for the party, just linked up, xo

Marcia - Crafty Sewing and Quilting said...

I am already a follower and I linked up and I tweeted this party for you! Thanks again for hosting!

lisaroy said...

I've been looking for a scale like yours for a long time - it's lovely.
I'm already following your blog and am a southern girl wannabe. :)

Jan@southernjunkin' said...

Yep, that scale is "purty" special, and pretty too! Great find! I'm already a friend of your blog and enjoy your friendship! Oh, I'm a J-GRITS, JUNKIN' GIRL RAISED IN THE SOUTH!! Blessings!!

Honey at 2805 said...

Congrats on 300 links to your party! Thanks for being a gracious hostess!

I am linked up!

Honey at 2805 said...

I am an avid follower!

Honey at 2805 said...

I have posted your giveaway on my sidebar!

Toni said...

Hi Linda - Love the scale. Thanks for hosting, I have linked to your party. Happy 2nd anniversity.

Toni said...

Linda - I have been been following your blog for a while.

Toni said...

I blogged about the great give away you are having!

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Linda I love that vintage scale and what a cute little pumpkin! Thanks for hosting, Martina

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

Hi Linda, Thanks for hosting and for the giveaway! I'm already a follower of your lovely blog :)

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

Love your scale, great find. I linked up my $1 thrifty finds.

Marianne said...

Hi Linda,
I finally got around to doing something with some old thrifted sweaters: turning them into pillows.
I am so happy to link up here. Thank you for hosting the party.

Laurel@ChippingwithCharm said...

Hi Linda, LOVE your new scale...I have a bit of a scale collection here at my house. Love the creamy color and little bit chippy paint...perfection :)
Happy birthday to your blog! Thanks for hosting...chat soon, Laurel

Cynthia said...

Happy 2nd Birthday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Congrats on lots of fun blogging! I would love to have the magazine! What a thoughtful gift! Hugs! ♥ I'm a follower! ♥

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Happy Blog Birthday!! I love your scale...

Thanks for the chance to win the magazine!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I am a very happy follower!!

Pamela said...

Hi Linda! Thanx for hosting! Happy bloggy birthday! I love your new scale! I have yet to find one but it makes the hunt all the more fun!

Pamela said...

I am a follower! Thanx for a lovely giveaway!

KimMalk said...

Hi, Linda, the scale is perfect and what a great price!

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Linda, great price on that scale. You are right most places do give 10% off over $25 with cash except one place I went to it is $100. What?? I thought that was kind of ridiculous. Thanks for hosting.

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Oh, I would love this! Thanks for the chance to win...I'm a follower! :)

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

You sure find some great deals Linda, just love your scale! I've linked to your party. Thanks so much for hosting and for the chance to win this GREAT giveaway!

Cindy @ Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home said...

Your giveaway is on my sidebar! :)

Judy said...

Okay girlfriend, I FINALLY joined your party! Also, I think that darling white scale was meant for me!!! You can just drop it off here next time you go to Auburn (LOL!)

Seriously, I love your scale. I have an old black one that I'm going to add a white pumpkin to.

War Eagle!

Judy said...

Oh, also forgot to tell you that when I had my booth at Eastbrook we were told that if anyone asked for a discount they had to give at least 10%...not sure if there was a $$ limit or not.


Jan@southernjunkin' said...

Thanks for hosting the party! I've linked my Westmoreland glass find!!

Jan@southernjunkin' said...

Ooops, forgot to tell you! In my blog post I told others to drop by to check out your giveaway and your blog! Blessings!!

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Darling vintage scale Linda~ all linked up- thanks for hosting! :)

Donna said...

Happy 2nd b'day to CC! I have been looking for an old scale ... you are so lucky to find this one! I am still looking for one.
Thanks for hosting the party! The magazine is one of my favorites.

Diann said...

I am of course a follower!

Diann said...

Love the scale. And great features. I have never seen this magazine before. It looks like it would be a great magazine to get! thank you for hosting and for the chance to win!

Miss Kitty said...

I don't have anything thrifty to post in the party this week but I would like to be entered in the give-away. I will enjoy seeing other folk's thrifty finds and crafts this week. Thanks for hosting the party, Linda!

andrea@townandprairie said...

Thank you for hosting the Linky and also the Fabulous giveaway. I do love your little white scale...I love it even more so because it is white. Mine is brown. Wanna trade?? Just kidding. I love it even more with the wicker pumpkin. andrea@townandprairie

pballard said...

Just became a follower! Glad I found your blog.. thanks for the chance to win this wonderful giveway..

pballard said...

Heading to my blog to add your giveway to my blog..

Rose @ Confessions of a Curbshopaholic said...

Hi Linda, Just wanted to say happy 2 yr blogaversary! Hooray for you! I've been a bad blogger all summer, sorry to say. Linking up to your party...don't laugh too hard when you see what I came home with this time! ;)
Don't count this as an entry for the giveaway, I've way too many magazines now, trying to cut back.
Thanks for hosting such a fun party! Oh, almost forgot, love the scale! I've got a soft spot for scales..

Always Nesting said...

Happy Blogaversary! I've never heard of Southern Lady magazine but it sounds divine!! Thanks for hosting another great party.

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said...

Hi Linda,
Congratulations on the 2 year anniversary of your blog! I linked up to the party this week-thanks for hosting. I am a happy follower of your blog and please count me in the giveaway. I am a magazine fanatic and I love Southern Lady.

Coleen said...

Good Afternoon Linda,
My name is Coleen Reed & I just joined your site today, and I love it! I adore anything coastal, southern and crafty so your blog is my cup of tea! There is a sweet yarn bird on you Coastal Charm blog header, did you make it? I would love to see directions on how to make one. I adore the scale - as I do most everything on your blog. Thanks for the inspiration & God Bless.
Sincerely, Coleen Reed cpr-wer@sbcglobal.net

Always Nesting said...

I posted about the giveaway on my sidebar :)

Pat said...

Your scales is in really good shape! Most are very faded on the numbers. Great find.

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

I always love to stop in and see what you are up to Linda...congrats on your milestone!
I am a happy follower and will be keeping my fingers crossed!

Karena said...

Linda great finds and can you believe all you have accomplished in 2yrs!! I would love to join your party, I cannot this week and be able to visit everyone, which I feel is a must, promise to join in in the future!!

I am a faithful follower of course!


Art by Karena

Korrie@RedHenHome said...

I linked a project this week.

Korrie@RedHenHome said...

I love your little white scale! I have a black one, but I'm on the lookout for a white one as well.

beachcomber said...

hi linda sorry to bother you but are you able to delete my post No.73, something wrong with the link. if so i will add again after. thanks so much for hosting!
cheryl x

The Polka Dot Closet said...

What a generous giveaway! I love your vintage scale. Thank you sooo much for hosting this fabulous party!


A Vintage Vine said...

Love the scale! I have a green one, they work anywhere! Great giveaway and thanks for the hosting!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Love your scale and the pumpkin on it!! I joined in the party this week...thanks for hosting!!

Erin {Lavender and Lemon Drops} said...

Awesome party last week! I love your little white scale. I have a little blue scale on my new shelf I just built that is similar to yours.... I think I like yours better ;) I love great antique finds! Thanks for hosting and have a great week :)

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Linda,
I am a follower and love your blog! I have won recently so it's fine if I am not eligible. I have bought that magazine a couple of times and love it.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

I linked up. I love your scale, I have one very similar. Thanks for hosting.

Diane said...

Hi Linda.

Thanks for hosting. I am always inspired every Thriftin' Tuesday, gets me out to see what deals I can get for the week. Diane

Becca Bertotti said...

I love your *new* scale ... I've been searching for one! And, wonderful features, too ... thanks for hosting! I'm off to be inspired! *Becca*

Unknown said...

I had an old scale like yours and sold it. Now I am regretting it! Yours looks so nice with the pumpkin on it.

Unknown said...

I am a follower of yours. Love your posts.

Unknown said...

I just linked my post about an old buffet top I picked up at a yard sale for $9. Thanks for hosting.

Unknown said...


Thanks for hosting this party. It is one of my favorites.

I am a follower, and would love to win this subscription!

Have a great week!

Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Linda, what a great find! That scale is great! Thanks so much for hosting this great party! Glad to link up!

Curtains in My Tree said...

I love Southern Lady magazine

Also Happy Anniversary funny how time flys by us when we are having fun

I am a follower and your name is on my side bar
As always I enjoyed coming


Jill said...

I'm a follower and I think your scale is wonderful (have one myself!)

Jill said...

I've linked up for the first time today. Thanks for hosting!

Pam Kessler said...

Thanks for hosting. That scale is gorgeous and a great price too.

d e l i g h t said...

Love the scale! They are one of my favorite decorating pieces! Thanks for hosting!

Shannah @ Just Us Four said...

I love the scale! The pumpkin looks adorable up there too. Thanks for hosting!

Karina Wetzel said...

Hi Linda! I'm sorry I just posted a recipe to your link party by mistake.. but I dont know how to erase it? Please remove it {Brazilian Pastel}

Sherry@Back2Vintage said...

I'm a follower and I appreciate the opportunity to win a subscription to Southern Lady!!! Thanks for the giveaway and the party!!!

Ethereal PLUS what I Love said...

Hi Linda, Thanks for hosting!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I love your scales. It is wonderful and the pumpkin is just perfect on top. Great features also. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

Pat said...

I follow you and think your giveaway of a magazine subscription is a wonderful idea, I'm a southern lady at heart...and think you are grand!

Faye said...

Hi Linda,
I'm late but better late than never!
Thank you for hosting...

Marlee said...

I'm a southern lady and have never heard of that magazine. Maybe I will get lucky and win it. Thanks for hosting.

Kathy said...

I follow your blog and enjoy so many of your ideas. I would love to win! kradams54@hotmail.com

Kathy said...

I follow your blog and enjoy so many of your ideas. I would love to win! kradams54@hotmail.com

Kathy said...

I follow your blog and enjoy your ideas! I would love to win! kradams54@hotmail.com

Kathy said...

oops , I'm new at this posting stuff and I goofed and posted 3 times sorry!!!!!!!!!

Shabby Marilyn said...

Hello, thanks for hosting and the giveaway!
I have been a follower, I did link up, thank you! I will post your giveaway on my blog!
My daughter lives in the South and have hear so many good things about the magazine!

very merry vintage style said...

Lots of great links and features! I'm off to click around them a bit--thanks for hosting!

Lori said...

I follow to the coast and back to Texas.

The Corson Cottage said...

Thanks for the invite Linda:) Thanks for hosting! I'm you newest follower. Hope you'll consider following The Corson Cottage:) Carrie

Vicki said...

I'm a follower/subscriber! Happy Anniversary!

Lauren said...

Also linked up to the linky party with my steal of an awesome owl wreath. So glad to be here. Thanks for hosting!

Erin said...

I'm a follower of course! Happy Thursday!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I am a follower, Linda! You've reminded me that I need to start subscribing to my favorite magazines again, now that we've moved.

PAINTORDIG.blogspot.com said...

I love Southern Lady magazine,I did subscribe, but after hubby's heart attack, I let all of my subscriptions go-needed to pay all of those doctor bills! Anyway I just never got around to re subscribing. I am a follower. That is a neat scale and I love the pumkin,I like this much better than the bright orange ones.

Mary Ann said...

I'm a follower and a southern lady. Would love to win the subscription.

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

Of course, I'm a follower...


Linda @ A La Carte said...

I'm a follower and think this magazine looks wonderful. Thanks for the chance to enter. Your NTT is one of my favorite parties of all time!

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

I love the rustic pumpkin on the rustic scale... I have a new scale that i may have to use this idea on!


Suzy said...

I'm your newest follower! Thanks for the chance to win the Christmas Issue of Southern Lady.

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Oh the magazine looks great! I am a bit addicted to magazines and hang on to them all. I'd love to win. Happy blogiversary Linda!

Geneva said...

Thank You for the invite you left on my blog...had to come right over to see what you were up to. Love your giveaway...what a great way to celebrate your second anniversary! I'm already a follower and will gladly link to your party... always fun! Wouldn't mind winning your giveaway either.. ":o) Thank You again!

Honey at 2805 said...

Just stopping back by to say thanks for linking to Potpourri Friday!

Bonnie Bee said...

I'm a SOUTHERNER through & through... would love to cherish Southern Lady articles with each issue! ...so glad to have found you, and now I follow!

Leen said...

I've never heard of this magazine before but I can tell from your pics that I am going to LOVE it!! I am a follower :)

Cottage and Broome said...

I'm a follower! And love the scale you got, perfect for all sorts of uses. Laura Cottage and Broome

Anonymous said...

Okay, I follow your blog on a regular basis and you already know that :)

thank you so much for hosting such a wonderful party.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and i wanted to add that I share at NTT every week and it has been so great to share and see beautiful projects around the world. It is absolutely inspiring.

In my heart: (I'm a southern lady- repeat) lol

Congratulations to whoever wins.


Sue said...

Always fun to see all the inspiration here at Coastal Charm! Happy Second B-day! hugs, Sue

Sue said...

I'm a happy follower, Linda! Thanks for hosting this give-away. hugs, Sue

Sue said...

I've posted the give-away on my sidebar! hugs, Sue

Blessings from Cindy said...

I'm a new follower! Happy 2nd Anniversary!

The Charm of Home said...

Hi Linda,
I love your scale and the metal mold too. I saw a metal mold last week and now I want to go back and get it! Great finds! Thank you for linking up with Home Sweet Home!

Solar panel installations said...

Hello many many congratulations. May god bless you.

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