Monday, July 26, 2010

Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays No.22

It's NIFTY THRIFTY time again...hope all of you have some awesome treasures to share with all of us here at COASTAL CHARM! First this week...I would like to say thanks to all of you who have been coming to my party...I started this THRIFTY party back in March and I never dreamed that it would take off like it gals have really surprised me. I have made so many new and dear friends here at let me tell you about one of them...her name is Jennifer. The name of her blog is ALL THAT GLITTERS...hop over and meet her and you will have a wonderful new friend too. Jennifer has been coming to NTT for some time now and she always has the "coolest" treasures that she finds for just pennies...she is for NIFTY THRIFTY GAL! One week she found a brand new monogram flag with a "S" on it and bought it because it was only 50 cents...that's correct...50 see this is not her initial, but she just couldn't pass up such a great deal. I was joking around with her and told her that "S" was my initial and next thing I knew...this SWEET GAL was mailing this flag to me! The last two months have not been good for my family...lots and lots of illness and then Mr.CC got a gift from a friend in blogland just made my day. Please be sure to go by and visit will love her and her FUN be sure to tell her that Linda said HELLO!

Found these while out thriftin' a few weeks you know where I can get some cute labels for them?

****Please everyone, follow these guidelines!****
1. Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, include the NTT button in your post (copy and paste the html code under the button…the button is located on my sidebar). Please make sure that you have put my NTT button or my blog name with a link on your post. I have seen that some of you have forgot to do this…so this is just a sweet reminder.
2. This party is for sharing thrifty finds from garage sales, thrift stores, consignment shops, craigslist and even those awesome deals that you find at any retail store. Please do not link to an Esty shop or something similar (I will delete the link). If I see that your post is not really on track with the NTT theme and also if you don't link back, I'll delete your link...please don't make me do this. It's common courtesy to link back to the person having the party, so that all of your readers can find it too.
3. Please go and visit the other participates and leave a comment about their treasures and thrifty ideas…this is what makes the PAR-TAY so much FUN! What a great way to meet new friends.


Unknown said...


ChRiS said...

why don't you tape off the labels and use chaulkboard paint

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Linda, I have been following sweet Jennifer for a while now. I told her she looks like Kelly Rippa and we have been commenting on each other's blog since. She even signed one of her first comments, Kelly. She has a great sense of humor. So nice of her to send you that flag.

Anita Diaz said...

Hi Linda! This is my first time linking up, so I"m excited about seeing everyone's finds!!

Teri said...

Those are the exact spice jars my mom used in the 70s (maybe earlier but I didn't pay attention then).

All That Glitters said...

Oh.....Linda!!! How sweet of you! I saw my picture and I was thinking, I'm so glad that's a good hair day!!! lol!!!! I'm so glad you liked the flag!!!! I'm a slow shipper so please forgive me. Please pray for us! We have no air in my house today. It's 83 degrees in here! Yikes!!! Waiting on the air man to get here hopefully real soon! Thank you Linda!!!!

Kelly! lol!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Linda, I have been a follower of Jennifer's wonderful blog for a while now. How sweet of her to send you the flag. I am always amazed at the generosity and kindness of fellow bloggers. I have "met" so many wonderful and talented friends through blogging. Linda, I count you in that group. Take care.
Hugs, Sherry

Denise Marie said...

tried to tag into your meme for the 1st time but can't figure out how to get the linky to grab my pics when it is this style. I'd have shared that S with ya too. lol

great score on those spice jars.

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Hi Linda!

How sweet of Jennifer to send you that darling flag! She is such a sweetie! I LOVE blogging! You meet the best YOU!


I like the idea of the chalkboard paint ofr your spice jars!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Lucky you, I've been looking for one of those flags with a K but so far no luck for me, so very nice of her to send you the flag!

Love your finds and I think the chalkboard paint idea would be great!


Victoria said...

I knew I recognized that adorable smiling face on my blog sidebar:) Jennifer is a sweetheart for sure! I love the flag and your spice jars are lovely:)

The Lazy Peacock said...

that flag is beautiful! what a nice friend. i love spice bottles too!

Mary Ellen said...

How sweet! I've been following Jennifer's blog for awhile now and love it.

Mary Ellen

Kelly @ Much To Do With Nothing said...

Hi Linda,
Thanks for coming by to see the pillows! If you try them, please let me know. I thought of you while I was making them. I'm glad you came to look!.
I added the sizes after you left. One is 18" square and the other is 14"x21" rectangle. Her's were big too. They look great in those larger sizes.

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

How sweet! The flag is gorgeous! Thanks for hosting!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

That flag is adorable and how sweet of Jennifer to send that to you!! I love those spice jars I have some also and like you need new labels.

Brenda said...

How luck are you what a cool flag for a gift. And I love the spice jars.

Blue Creek Home said...

I hate that you have had a bad month. Hopefully, August will bring better things for you and your family. I know it will be bringing more unbearable heat! It's killing me I tell ya!
That was so sweet for Jennifer to send you the S flag.

Amanda said...

If you find some labels, let me know! I picked up an awesome lazy Susan spice rack with glass bottles, but the labels are too 70's for me :)

Pearl Maple said...

Nothing like a nifty thrify find to make your day, found your blog space today and enjoying all the fun things you have going on here

Sue said...

I remember those spice jars from when I was a kid. I think you could print out your own or use chalkboard paint to write out the spice names. Yes, Jennifer is a keeper. She makes a big effort to visit so many people and say such positive things. Thanks for hosting, once again!
:-) Sue

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Linda! What a sweet gift! Aren't our fellow bloggers just the best?? I love your spice jars! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Linda, how great to be gifted with the flag. Jennifer must have been very sure that she would find a deserving "S" to send the flag to. Your spice jars are so cute. Thanks for hosting. laurie

EYE can make that! said...

Hi Linda, I've linked up... just wondering if you could tell me how to link my post back to your blog. It's not working. Thanks Nikki

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

I know Jennifer, too!!
Yes, she is a sweetheart!
I am glad to be at your party!
It's great!
Who spiked the punch again?

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Hi Linda--You could probably print some fun labels right on your own printer! Jacqueline

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting each week :)

Jeanne said...

Hi Linda, love those spice jars. A fine treasure to have. Jennifer is adorable. I will check out her blog for sure. She DOES look like Kelly Ripa. smile!
HUGS, Jeanne

Unknown said...

What a nice story about Jennifer! Thanks for sharing that and for inviting me to link up. So many things to look at now!

GoodyGirlRed said...

Thanks for hosting this party, I'm having so much fun visiting everyone's blogs!

Michelle@ A Full Cottage said...

Hi Linda! Thanks so much for hosting NTT. It is one of my favorite parties, you are always so kind to come by for a visit. I am sorry things have been so rough for you and your family lately, you are in our prayers. Jennifer is a very thoughtful blogger. I am sure no matter what the cost it made your day to receive it.

I love your spice jars. You can print free Cath Kidston labels at this link

:) Michelle

René said...

Thanks for hosting Linda. All this time, I thought I was a follower. Someone wake me up please:)


Kristi said...

Fun! Now I just need to make something. :)

Diann said...

Hi Linda!

I am bummed I wasn't able to link up this week.

What a sweet lady to send that flag to you! And what an awesome flag!!

I hope all is well with you and your hubby!

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