You hire a dressmaker and the two of you design the dress (all the dresses are different). The cost of the dress is around $2,500.00-$4,000.00 (my husband still can't believe that he was so lucky to have both of his daughters chosen). I can say that after all was said, we both are happy that they had this opportunity...even if we are broke!
Haley our oldest daughter was very honored that her court was chosen to participate
in President George W. Bush's Inauguration Day Parade in 2005...she said this was her favorite trip out of the four that she participated in. The Azalea Trail Maids also participate in Chicago's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Disney World's Easter Parade and the 4th of July parade in Atlanta. Since it's almost time for our beautiful AZALEAS to bloom here on the coast, I thought you might like to see a little bit of our true SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY!
Mary Claire and Haley(this pic was three years after Haley was an Azalea Trail Maid..and she could still fit into her dress...we don't think she has gained a pound since 7th grade....must be nice)
The girls with their matching "pantaloons".

This is all 50 girls for the 2007-2008 court

Mary Claire at the Bragg Mitchell Mansion in Mobile

Mary Claire designed the flowers for her attire and her dressmaker Susan did a wonderful job making them for her

I always wanted to be a Trail Maid when I "grew up" ...haha! Growing up in Mobile was so fun! I love the Bragg Mitchell Mansion! So gorgeous.
How fun! Congratulations, and yes I can see how your husband would feel lucky! ;)
How wonderful!! A testimony to their parents! These are beautiful!!! Mobile is such a gorgeous city!
Beautiful girls!
I am yearning for the beach!!!
Lou Cinda :)
What an honer for your beautiful girls!! Yikes on the dress costs but oh so fun!!
Wow - those dresses are amazing! Congrats on both of your girls being selected. I was @ GWB's inauguration in 2005 and was at the parade, so I must have seen your daughter go by! It was a VERY cold day!
I had never heard of a Trail Maid until now. How interesting and what an honor for your girls, who are just beautiful! You have wonderful traditions there in Mobile!
Beautiful girls and beautiful dresses. I loved Mobile when I lived there in the 70's. Gorgeous town. Congrats on two great daughters and a wonderful husband also.
From one Southerner to another....the girls are BEAUTIFUL!!! Straight out of GWTW! Love the dresses and it all looks like SO much fun!
Wow...what an honor!
Ouch...on the cost of the dresses!
Be proud mama, sounds like quite an accomplishment!
Oh, how wonderful and thankfully they both got to do it. I wouldn't want to have one get to and one not! The things we do for our kids! We sent our son to play basketball for a week with Michael Jordan (twice).
Your girls are stunning and those dresses! Beautiful!
What good parents you are to support your daughters' achievements. Those dresses are so gorgeous! My DH grew up in Mobile, and has talked a lot about that event. It must have made a really big impression for even a boy to remember. He said it was a great honor to be picked. Congrats!
We had Dairy Princesses where I grew up but I was never thrilled being associated with cows! What an honor for your daughters to promote the history and southern grace in your town and participate in so many fun events. WooHoo
I know you must be one proud Mama! Your daughters are beautiful and what an honor to represent the city of Mobile.
That looks like a ♥friday favorite♥
Hey Linda, Glad I came across a Local blogger!! I was born and raised in Mobile!! Just became a follower!! Stop by sometime!! Rhonda
So cute! You should be proud!
Oh my GOODNESS, it's great to see there are still real SOUTHERN BELLES!! You have a great deal to be proud of!!!!!!!! ((Judi))
Oh I wish sometimes I had been born in the south. My granmother was from Rosebud Alabama, maybe some day I'll visit.
What beautiful girl's you have. Oh I love the dresses, remind's me of "Gone With The Wind".
How adorable, I am sure the girls loved seeing this!
Art by Karena
Beautiful dresses and beautiful belles!
Kat :)
I have always loved the Southern Belles! Your daughters I know are honored to do this!
They are beautiful!
That is quite an honor. The girls looked beautiful in their dresses.
Congratulations Parents! An honor indeed! I love tradition! Beautiful girls and gorgeous dresses!
What a special time for you and your family. Oh what men do for their girls! I'll bet your husband is thrilled and so proud, even if you do go broke!!Congrats!!
Lovely picturs, and lovely girls. Thanks for the info about the mansion. I didn't know of it, and will visit next time I'm in Mobile.
Oh Linda, how very beautiful these girls are and their dresses! Being a mama of 3 girls I can only imagine all the excitement you all had. Daddy must be drooling with being so proud of his girls! What a blessing. Be blessed. Cindy
Oh my, I do declare she is beautiful!
Stopping by from the Girl Creative, come visit me too!
Are you kidding me? That is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Those dresses are amazing.
Just stopping by from The Girl Creative!
Oh my heart be still!!!! As I always wanted to be Scarlett O'Hara, these dresses are making me drool! What an honor for your beautiful girls! I live in Charleston and pray something like that is around when my daughter gets a bit bigger! Thanks so much for sharing!
What gorgeous dresses!
Absolutely fantabulous dresses and GORGEOUS girls! You must be very proud that both of your daughters have been selected for such a prestigious award! Tell your husband to pray for lots of granddaughters! :)
The girls are just beautiful and what a wonderful and exciting experience with lots of happy memories. hugs, Linda
Those dresses are beautiful and your girls are breathtaking in them! Just lovely.
Thanks for entering my giveaway and posting it on your side bar. I'll be entering your extra entries for you!
Congratulations, Proud Mama! These pictures are just delightful! I'm stopping by from New Friend Friday at TGC... I'd like to invite you over to my place one day this week!
Hi, Linda! Congrats to you and your two pretty girls. :) The Disney pics looked like so much fun. I can't imagine spending that much money on a dress...maybe you can bleach them white for their weddings? ;) ;) Looks like so much fun!!
Thanks for the visit today!
When I was a child I would watch the Easter parade on TV every year. Those gorgeous dresses were something that always stuck in my memory, and having the chance to see them again brings me such joy. Your daughters look absolutely beautiful in them.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos.
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