It's hard to believe that week six has already come and gone here at NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAYS...time sure does fly! All of you have really been busy out thriftin in this beautiful Spring weather that we are having, and here is what caught my eye this week.You know the drill...if you see your name here this week grab my cute little starfish button because you have been featured at COASTAL CHARM!
Please click on each blog name and go by to check out these NIFTY THRIFTY treasures...these four gals have some incredible stuff. I can't wait to see what all of you have to share at this weeks party...see ya there!
Manuela@The Pleasures of Homemaking
Diann@The Thrifty Groove
Sherry@No Minimalist Here
Anita@The Floppy Cow
I'm having a sure to enter
I am enjoying our Tuesday's! Congrat. Manuella, Diann, Sherry & Anita on your post beings highlighted. Be blessed. Cindy
Those are some GREAT finds!!! Looks like Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays are something I need to join in on!!!
So many great ideas, looking forward to linking up for tomorrow!
I just found you. I shall go visit these gals!
Great nifty, thrifty finds!! Looking forward to another week.
Thanks Linda! I am glad you like my little tureen. I just love it and a great bargain! I have your "featured" button on my sidebar!
Great finds!! Thanks for sharing. I went yard saling on Saturday and came home empty-handed for once. Better luck next time. Love & blessings from NC!
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