
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Go Low-Fat

I don't know about you, but I need all the low-fat recipes that I can get my hands on. Over the past 6 years I have put on way too many pounds and I hate what I look like. Last year I lost 15 pounds and felt so much better...I was working out and cutting down my calorie intake. Things came along  in my life and I got away from my plan...first thing was the OIL SPILL and the second thing was Mr.CC being robbed at gunpoint...these two things really hit me hard...thank goodness I'm all better now. In December my daughter Haley got engaged and her wedding is July guess what? This heavy gal has got to get some pounds and soon. I want to look good for myself and for my goal is to be the same size as I was back at her high school graduation (it was 6 years ago). My friend Judy over at GRACIOUS SOUTHERN LIVING is hosting a weekly party called WEIGH LESS WEDNESDAY and I would love for all of y'all to join me over at her new party. This week I will be sharing with you an Creamy Cucumber check it out because I know all women love dips...don't you agree? My SHABBY APPLE GIVEAWAY is still going can click here to enter.
                                                                  Thanks for coming by,
Creamy Cucumber Dip

2 cups low-fat plain yogurt
1/2 cup reduced-calorie mayonnaise
1 tsp. table salt
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper (optional)
1 1/2 cups diced English cucumber
1/2 cup diced red onion
6 Tbsp. chopped fresh mint leaves
6 Tbsp. chopped fresh dill

In a medium bowl, stir together yogurt, may, salt, cumin and cayenne pepper until smooth.
Add cucumber, onion, mint, and dill: stir to mix.

This cool, refreshing dip is great with pita wedges or fresh veggies. Leftovers make a tasty topping for grilled chicken.
Yields about 1/2 cup per serving
Serves 8

Linking up here...
Home Sweet Home


  1. A half cup per serving is great because it sounds like a yummy recipe. Good luck on your plan. Sounds great.

  2. Thanks for the recipe.....Yep, I'm in need of a bit of a weight loss too.... Think I'll join you over at Rhonda's... :-) Maybe I'll look great by July 23rd too..... It's my birthday!

    Warm blessings,

  3. The recipe sounds yummy! I just looked in the mirror the other day and it was depressing...summer is upon us and I can barely find where my waist used to be!

  4. Hi Linda,
    Good luck on your new eating plan. I'm doing the same and down 11 pounds. Seems like it comes off pretty slow these days! LOL!
    Thanks for the dip recipe, sounds good.


  5. I quit smoking 2 years ago, and as a result I gained 30 pounds...I have recently been working hard to get it off and I have lost 10 pounds so far.. I sure do miss my Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice cream though!

  6. I am also trying to lose weight right now and am excited to get some new recipes that I can use. this one sounds yummy. I've lost around 10 pounds since Jan. 1'st. My goal is 20. Best of luck to you on your goal.

  7. Sounds delicious, Linda; and who couldn't benefit from losing a little around the middle, lol!


  8. that sounds really yummy thanks for sharing the recipe.

  9. Hey girl, I just sent you an e=mail...let me know if you don't get it!


  10. I love cucumber, that dip sounds good! I've been dieting since New Years day and have lost over 20lbs. I've never had a weight problem in the past so this was new to me but I'm working out 5 days a week and walking for at least an hour. I'd like to get back to where I was when I met my husband 4 years ago so 15 more lbs. to go!!!

  11. Thanks Linda! Hope you feel better SOON!

  12. Another thing I have done, is I don't use dinner plates anymore, I use salad plates for my dinner, and I only half fill it up, and that is it, no going back for seconds.

  13. This is a refreshing recipe. To be healthy and feel good is a constant struggle for me. I lost 50lbs with Weight Watchers in 09 and really like that program and understand their new program is even better. I need to go back so maybe I would loose more. hugs♥O

  14. Well, I can so relate to weight gain frustrations! Best of luck with your new eating plan (I don't like to use the word "diet"!). Sounds like a great dip, I love cucumbers!!

  15. I've lost some. What seems to help me the most is having a protein shake with fruit for supper.

  16. Thanks for sharing the recipe and the linky party. I'm thinking of a delish low fat dessert recipe right now. Good luck on your journey!

  17. Such a great ,sharing recipes with one another! I'm always looking for healthy alternatives...thanks so much for sharing!


  18. Oh, good luck to you Linda! I know the feeling. Just started going back to the gym, myself. I sure wish the pounds came off as easy as they go on. Looks like a great recipe. I'm going to print it off.
    You go girl :)


  19. Linda,
    I am very much in support of you! I am also wanting to get healthier! I have been on an organic kick and I can tell the food is much tastier. I am eating Ezekiel Bread with an avocado spread and I make it a veggie sandwich or tuna. I am so in the mood to get healthy! Thanks for sharing this tasty dip. It sounds delicious.
    Thanks for linking up!

  20. What a yummy sounding recipe! I'm always on the lookout for low-fat stuff that still tastes good. :) Thanks for sharing!!

  21. Cucumber is one of my favorites~ I'll try this.

  22. Sounds delish! I actually lost 12lbs over the winter, because of WD's wrestling season. I was cooking so much leaner and healthier in support of his weight. So it's not so much that I need to lose weight, but that I need to tone the weight that's there. It'll be easier once the snow melts and I can run outside. I'll be cheering you along on your way to the big summer wedding.

  23. Linda, this recipe sounds yummy and I have printed it out! I , too and dieting....I lost 16 lbs last year and gained 14 back! I make myself so MAD when I do this over and over!! So far I have lost 5 and really want to lose 15 more....
    I know the plans for the wedding are coming along beautifully!

    Have a great weekend!

    Lou Cind a

  24. Good good luck with your new way of eating, Linda.
    xo bj

  25. this looks super taste-y. Good luck on the getting healthy and the upcoming wedding :)


  26. This does sound delicious and I'm going to take your grilled chicken idea and wrap them both up in a wrap with some garden fresh tomatoes! Yummy, I can taste it already! Thanks for sharing this and reminding me I need to take off a few pounds myself!

    Love that wall planter you won in your last post. Would that be a great wedding gift? I already added her store to my favorites.

  27. Sounds delicious!!! Good luck with your weight loss!!!!! You can do it:)

  28. I am right there with you! But it's so hard. I love everything you aren't supposed to have like real butter and sour cream, etc. And good icecream...the list goes on and on...ugh!

  29. Looks really good! What a fun thing to do and share with friends. :)

  30. I have 20 lbs to lose and I am planning to
    lose it through Weight Watchers, just started
    going to the meetings. It really helps as I am
    -2 lbs. so far. So many good tips you would not
    get if you didn't go to the meetings. The foods you can have are regular foods that you just plan for during the day. If you are on low fat foods you have to plan for those, too. I would
    suggest trying weight watchers with a friend as I did-it works!

  31. I can relate, I need to lose a few myself. One thing I have found that works well is making smoothies with protein powder, they taste delicious. I don't even buy ice cream anymore I just make those and even my kids love them.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower :)

  32. Sounds yummy...I too want to loose weight...with summer coming and I love the outdoors I want to look better. Will check out the site.


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