
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back To School With My Youngest's finally BACK TO SCHOOL this week!!! Funny thing is...I don't have any children in school anymore, but I do have two daughters who are teaching for the first time. So, you ask, why is she so excited? It's because Mr.CC and I put in twelve to fourteen hours a day, for eleven days straight, helping our daughters with their classrooms. Now, back when my girls were attending elementary school, classrooms didn't look like this, but they do now!!! My mother retired from teaching twenty three years ago, she was a kindergarten teacher for twenty five years. So, when she came by and saw what we were putting together here, she was blown away. I am so very proud of both of my girls, and today I am going to share my  baby girls kindergarten room. Please be sure to come back later this week, so you don't miss out on seeing my oldest girls first grade's super cute too!

                                   Her dad helped her make this
                                   darling awning while I was
                                   painting furniture at the other
                                   classroom. I think they did one
                                   awesome job...don't you?

                                         A full view!!

                                   The reading loft is all ready
                                   for the little ones! I'm lovin'
                                   the "READ" letters that she

                               She made that cute little doll for a
                               project in college. Oh yes...that's my

                                      She used a lot of pennants
                                          and birdies...LUV!!!

                     Here are the curtains that I made for her. Had my
                     sewing machine right there in the classroom.

                                  I really loved the fabric that she used,
                                  and can you see how we hung them?
                                  I didn't get the best pic...oh well! Those
                                  are clothespins that we glued a crayon
                         NIFTY THRIFTY (that's so me).

                               I also made this skirting for a computer
                               table...perfect fabric for a kindergarten

                           You will also find a lot of chevron in the room.


           The theme for the kindergarten hall is the we
            got it ready for the students to add some really cool coastal
            artwork. Now you know this family had to put some driftwood
                                            and seashells up.

                   I saved my favorite wall for last. I was super excited how
                   this wall came together. She is adding a pic of the student
                   to the clothespins, then they will be displaying their "One
                                             Of A Kind Clip Art".
Pin It
                                       Before you here
to enter my four year blog anniversary
giveaway...a cute coastal pillow cover
is up for grabs!

Linking up here...
Open House
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Inspiration Monday
Feathered Nest Friday
Transformation Thursday
Fabulously Creative Friday
MET Monday
Amaze Me Monday
The Scoop
Be Inspired


  1. Oh my gosh. The room is beautiful. I love the clip art for their photos and the clothes pins are precious. The children are so lucky today to have talented teachers and bring the world to the children in their classrooms. I helped my daughter set up her kindergarten class five years in a row. She went to a different school every year, and two weeks when they had over enrollment she was called to duty. I pray your girls will be blessed to stay in the classroom for along time. Wonderful post. I will be looking forward to see your daughter's first grade room.
    Betty @ My Cozy Corner

  2. Kindergarten in the twins' classroom - the teacher had a water tray with a tree branch mounted in the middle. It was for spiders. The spiders *would not* cross the water and escape. You know what happened... screaming kindergarteners, screaming mothers, screaming teacher - Principal wading manfully into the fray.

  3. Everything looks wonderful! I wish my classroom was like that when I was young! you guys did a terrific job! I;m sure your little one will have a memorable and fun learning time here:-)

  4. Gorgeous!!! I would have loved learning in a room like that!!! They are lucky to have such great help. I am impressed.

  5. I am a retired k5 teacher.....this room is so me! Love it!

  6. SOOO CUTE!!! Who wouldn't want to be a student in this classroom?? I can just imagine how excited her children will be when they come the first day of school.
    Mary Alice

  7. So many great things! I'm jealous of the reading loft! Did the school let you build it??

    Very fabulous and very blessed daughters and students both!

  8. Linda, it is absolutely adorable! So happy for Mary Claire and I can't wait to see Haley's room. Hope their first week is going well and I hope you and Jack get some rest!


  9. the room is looking really awesome! very creative.

  10. What a wonderful classroom! Colorful, cheery, and inspiring...the children are going to love it!

  11. Oh how cute, I want to go to her class! You must be so excited and to think she is following in her grandmothers foot prints! I can see hours of work there, so many cute details. I am wish both of your girls a fabulous year, you sure set them off on the right foot!


  12. This is the coolest classroom I've ever seen! So inviting and exciting. Gotta love the reading loft!

    Blessings, Edie Marie

  13. What a cute cute classroom. I love all the fun touches Linda! Very inspiring for those young minds.

  14. I taught pre-k for 19 years....we never had anything like this. What an adorable room!
    I love the reading loft. :)
    so many great touches, not sure the children will appreciate them, but the moms will ooohhhh and ahhhh over all the sweetness!


  15. Wow, creativity runs in the family!! Lucky students!!

  16. So darling Linda! I can see a lot of happy little faces learning in that cozy room. What a blessed girl your daughter is to have parents like you, so willing to help! It almost makes me want a classroom of my own again.
    I am ever so much more crafty now!

  17. I want to go to school there! That is amazing. Love the reading loft.

  18. This is just the most incredible classroom I've ever seen. It is SO SWEET! I just can't help wondering how many future designers will be born this year in your daughter's classroom. They'll think they're in fairyland. Surely, they'll never forget this first classroom.

  19. This has got to be the best classroom in the entire school. Such great projects, every little detail looks wonderful. I love the fabric. These kids will always remember this special classroom. Your daughters are LUCKY to have a handy mom and dad.

  20. I think Ms. Sikes is going to have the best dressed room in the school. I love the fabric on the curtains and that awning is adorable. You sure have been busy with your new antique mall space and the classroom. Great job!

  21. Wow is what I kept saying at each picture! You have a magazine worthy classroom there! How wonderful for you and your husband to put so much time into helping!

  22. I love it! Is 26 to old to go back to kindergarten??? haha! I especially love the reading nook, I could spend days up there if I was a kid in that class!

  23. It's so colorful and vibrant-- what a joy to go to such a lovely learning environment.

  24. You have thought of everything! What a great classroom, wow! Those lucky children are going to beg to go to school!

  25. Cute cute cute!! Th kids are going to love coming to class everyday...I know I would!

  26. Wow I love all the creativity in her classroom. More classrooms should be this "happy". I love the fabric awning as you walk in, so inviting! Happy Friday.

  27. I think it's wonderful that you helped your girls decorate their classrooms. The memories of working together and the creating of bulletin boards and learning centers will make the first day of all so special. What lucky first year teachers !
    I love the crayon curtains .

  28. Now that's a room I could go back to school in :)
    It is adorable and I love every inch of it! Everything is just too cute. The students will love it.
    You and your husband remind me so much of me and my husband. Would do anything for our girls!
    Can't wait to see the other room now!

  29. Oh my gosh Linda! You're right, I've never seen a classroom like that. It's amazing! How exciting for her students to start their school life in such a beautiful place!

    Have a great day.

  30. Oh, this post almost brought tears to my eyes! What a fabulous classroom, what child wouldn't want to learn in this magical place! The reading loft is too cute. I taught kindergarten for ten years! I live for this kind of stuff! I now teach 3rd grade after 8 years in fourth. I'm getting a little closer to that level but I love starting the year and decorating the room best. You guys have done an amazing job. I'd love to have you link it with us. Hope the girls have a wonderful year!

  31. What a great classroom! I love the reading loft (I want one!) Dropping by from Met Monday. Hope you'll come see my grandson's playroom.


  32. That reading loft is amazing! What lucky kids to have such a beautiful classroom! And how wonderful that your girl's have each other for support and encouragement. Teaching is so rewarding, but also very challenging. Hope it's a great year!


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