
Monday, April 2, 2012

Just Say "NO"!

You may have noticed that Blogger has changed their format on “Word Verification”. Instead of legible letters, which were bad enough, now they are using a new “captcha” format with illegible letters sometimes in bubbles and odd shapes, with part of them in reverse (white on black). To make matters worse, you have to negotiate 2 words instead of one. It’s time consuming and often takes more than one try. Many will just give up and not comment, so it's to your benefit and you should received more comments. I myself, have given up at times and have left the blog without leaving a comment. Just say “NO” to Word Verification.

Just Say No - Word Verification

One thing blogger does well is catch spam. You may not realize that your Word Verification is turned on.
To turn it off, (using the old Blogger format) go to your Settings, Click on Comments, scroll down almost to the bottom of the page and it says “Show word verification on comments” Just mark it “No” to turn it off!
Spread the word! Let’s all “Just say No”!
See y'all on Monday at
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday!!


  1. Wonderful post Linda! Hope you don't mind that I share it!

  2. Thank you! I could not agree more. I am also going to share your post if that is ok. I have bad enough vision as it is without having to literally decipher what those letters are. I hate not commenting but it really is irritating. Blessed Week, Barb

  3. Good advice......thanks!
    TM xx
    Scandi Coast Home Australia

  4. I totally agree! Sometimes it takes me several tries to get those darn words right!

  5. I agree! I have had a terrible time with my eye & these new wv's.

    Have a great week ~
    TTFN ~

  6. I hate word verification! And yes, I had it on my blog without knowing. In fact, it's set by default, if you haven't turned it off, it's probably on. You won't see it when you comment, because it's your own blog!

  7. Thank you for doing this post; I, too, get frustrated when trying to leave comments and have to retype those silly words (?)---this will help many bloggers who didn't know about it (I used to be one of 'em). Thanks again; have an awesome week!

  8. Amen! Amen! Amen!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. I agree!! I turned off WV last yr when it just got too much trouble.

  10. I've actually asked a few people, whose blogs I really love to comment on, if they could possibly turn it off. I don't want to NOT visit them, but if I have to spend 20 minutes commenting blogging is no longer enjoyable. Geez, I'm so bossy sounding huh? haha

  11. Well said! It is one of the most annoying things in the internet!

  12. Amen Linda!! I get spam everyday, but it has never gotten past blogger spam. If I ever need to find nude photo's I sure know where to go though LOL!


  13. You are so right about the word verification! I have left several times without posting the comment simply because I could not make out the verification words. I have never used them on my blog and Blogger has always caught the spam. I do get notifications that the comment has been left but it never is posted on my blog! I agree....Just say No!


  14. Oh are dream to put this out there. I HATE it, and it takes so much time! It truly is a comment killer.

  15. Thanks so much for the great info!!! Just did this to my blog!

  16. Love this Post! Patti from Pandora's Box posted something about this as well recently. I have got to the point even with my glasses that I find it very difficult to read so therefore do not comment on those that requires me FOREVER to get it right! Sorry! Thanks again. Hugs and blessings, Cindy P.S. Can I repost this on my blog and give you the credit???

  17. You're right, it is a pain in the rear. But I have noticed that when I take it off of one of my blogs I get SLAMMED with spam. The other one is go figure. I hate it so much but what are you going to do about the spam?

  18. Amen and hallelujah! I've started avoiding blogger-powered blogs because of it. Also, I don't have an open ID, and I DO NOT WANT ONE. Please, blogger people, enable the Name/URL option! I won't comment if I can't create a link to my own blog.

  19. I totally agree that the word verification is annoying and deters people from leaving comments.

  20. Shout it from the rooftops!! I hate this 2 word one even more!


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