
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Giveaway Coming and I Have A Question

As I have been blog hopping around and going by to visit everyone who came by my NIFTY THRIFTY TUESDAY party...I came across a problem:( I would write a comment and then blogger would delete it...loose it...anywhoo...something would happen and it would go away...what's up with this? Have any of you had this same problem and if in the world do I fix it? It has really made me sad that I haven't been able to leave some of y'all a comment...but I have no idea how to fix this...I need HELP!!!! Now on to the upcoming you like decorating magazines like I do? I can spend hours looking and dreaming through some of my please be sure to come by to this weeks party and enter to WIN a one year subscription to...well now you will find out which one at the party...see ya there!!!                        
Have a guess on which one it will be?


  1. Sorry, I don't know how to fix the problem. I am finding that some of mine disappear also, and that blogger is soooooooooooo slow. Hopefully things will get better. Hugs, Marty

  2. i don't know how to solve it either, but i heard that the same thing had been happening to some other friends, too. BOO on blogger! i hope they can fix it!

  3. Same thing happened to at least one of my comments on someone's blog - and I'm telling myself that's the reason I've not had as many comments as usual too! It's very annoying.

  4. No, sorry Linda, Blogger has these annoying things sometimes..remember the time when we all " lost" our followers.. or at least you could not see them ..? What a panic that was.... I hope it straightens itself out.. but I am sure you are not the only one and I think they may be working on a solution!!

  5. I don't recognize the magazine...but I am a magazine junky!
    I've not noticed the comment issue but now am curious and will have to investigate. Thanks for the heads up!

  6. I have had the problem at a few blogs and I don't know why either!

  7. I had the same problem and here is what is working for me. I have to go to sign in on my blog, but do not check the box that tells you to stay sign in on google.

    Come back to the blog you are trying to comment on and beneath the comment box you have to be sure you are sign in or it will just dissappear. Like mine right now says Willow(Google) than beside that is says Sign out underline. So that actually means I am still sign in to google. Than hit preview first and than another box will come up and you are set to leave a comment.

    I hope it helps.

  8. I have had similar things happening to me!!! People that follow me have had to re-follow me over and over again. And blogger says I'm not following certain people :( makes me so sad!!! I can't wait to see the giveaway- boy do I love magazines!

  9. Oh no! I hate that when it happens. I do not know how to fix it. Just keep trying.

    Yes, I love my decorating magazines and I am slightly obsessed with them. I cannot throw them out and they are taking up tons of space in my home. Maybe one day I'llg et around to letting go! LOL!


  10. I actually tried to leave a comment for you and it would not post. After asking around, I was told that I needed to download Google chrome. That solved the problem so far!

  11. My experience with this problem has been that I didn't stay on the window for a few seconds or so afterwards to type in the secret scramble. if you exit out and don't fill that in, your comment will not be saved. Some blogs have a spam scramble and some don't. andrea@townandprairie. PS oh, and I FINALLY figured out how to do a link to text. Wilma Flintstone is still online, here.

  12. I've read a few others that are having problems! I tried to link with a party last week and never could link! Maybe it's just blogger problems! I would be happy with a new magazine...not sure which one this is though! Hugs! ♥

  13. I am new to Gmail and blogging, but I just found 3 draft emails in my "drafts" folder that I thought I'd sent yesterday or the day before. I'm a Yahoo girl for years, and haven't figured Gmail out yet.

  14. That has been happening to me since about Friday. Not all comments, but quite a few. Driving me batty! Some of my comments are lengthy and I have attempted to retype and post again, with no luck. If you find a solution I would love to hear. Fingers crossed that this one posts.

  15. I just read Bootersmom comment. I wonder if it is a problem with google, and my not having Chrome, because when I tried to check out the new blogger format of Stats etc. on the design/dashboard, it said that my browser would not support it and to try to switch to Chrome. Hmmm.

  16. I can't help ya out Linda, but I am having a problem too with blogger it's not showing me everyone's followers so If I wanted to follow someone I can't UGH! Hope they fix their problems soon. Martina

  17. I get so frustrated with blogger problems too! I was having trouble becoming a follower on some blogs last week. Half of the time my followers don't show up, half of the time they do... Ugh!!

    I hope you had a great weekend!

  18. I did not read all your comments I am just leaving mine and hope it is not redundant. The problem is with internet explorer. You have to download google chrome, not only is a faster you will have NO problems commenting. Hope that helps and hope I did not repeat what has been said LOL.

  19. Does it make a difference if the comments are embedded under the post or if they are in a pop-up? I know for awhile there the embedded comments were having problems. I changed mine to a pop-up because of it :)

  20. I don't know how to address the issue at all. However, boy do I love your photo. The flower in the milk glass is just wonderful.


  21. Yeah. What Willow said. That's what worked for me.

  22. I've had that happen, too, Linda, but have no idea how to avoid that problem. I almost bought a Christmas Ideas decorating magazine today, but stopped myself!

  23. Thanks so much chrome was the answer!!! Loaded it up and now all is good!!! I knew I could count on you:)


  24. Undoubtedly another Blogger glitch. I've had a few problems but it it seems to be when I try to "preview" my comment, the comment disappears. If I just post the comment without previewing, it seems to post fine.

    Generally, when I leave a comment longer than a sentence or two, I try to remember to right click and copy it. That way if something goes wonky, I don't have to recreate my comment from scratch; I can just paste it in the comment box again. However, sometimes I forget, the comment is lost and unfortunately, I don't have an over-abundance of free time to be typing and retyping comments so I have to move on.

    **Lost this comment 3 times trying to preview but I remembered to right click/copy first! :)

  25. Two things I can suggest or experienced. This is information I got from the "Help Forum" 1.Did you sign in to leave a comment? Sometimes you have to sign in starting at then once you sign in you can begin to comment. 2.Did someone else use your computer and they are still signed in? Then your trying to comment does not correspond with the person who is signed in. Again start at to sign in. According to the forum this should fix the problem. Fingers crossed.

  26. Been having the same problem as well! Can only seem to leave comments on blogs where the comment is saved till approved by blog owner. My other comments are lost. Hope blogger can fix this soon. I tried signing into blogger and that doesnt help anymore. On one blog I repeatedly typed a comment and signed in 5 times to no avail. It's been very frustrating.

  27. I just realized that I was able to post my comment on your blog, Hopefully the problem is fixed Linda!

  28. I've had the same trouble too but not on all blogs! Google Chrome? I'll have to look into that:)

  29. I've had the same problem, it's very frustrating! I do love magazines, so I'll be back!

  30. I would not expect chrome to solve all your problems. Google just recently made changes to the commenting sequence and it is affecting commenters at random.
    I have had troubles with comments and with giveaway entries. People are noticing their comment numbers dropping even with traffic stying steady or climbing.
    It is a Google thing and we can not fix it.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. My removal of my earlier comment was NOT a google glitch. It was misspelled! Can't wait for your party! I am trying to get parties organized and times posted, made note of. I hate missing such a great party like yours! I hope the google chrome works for you. I intend to try it as well. I have had similar issues! Love, Me

  33. I've not had that problem, knock on wood. Can't wait to see which magazine. I'm addicted to decorating magazines! Have a great week!

  34. I've heard from my mother in law countless times about this issue. My own mother has had problems commenting too. I hope it gets resolved.

  35. Ok i think I may have discovered a partial issue though I don't know if anyone has mentioned it yet...I just checked my spam today and some comments are going strait there. I am sure other bloggers like me are not checking the spam folder often enough so the comments aren't getting posted up!

  36. I have had the same problem and it is so frustrating!! I cannot figure out a reason for it...sometimes it does it...sometimes it doesn't! I am a magazine-a-holic and I think I need an intervention! lol French Country is one that is a little pricey....but I break down and by it everytime....can't resist!

    Lou Cinda :)

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