
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Working Seaside

Hello ladies...coming to you from the beautiful Gulf Shores, Alabama beaches...if you gotta work...what an awesome place to do it at. Mr.CC and I are here at the condo painting a bedroom...any guesses on what color is going up on the walls? I love guessing games, so this should be lots of FUN! I better make this short and sweet because Mr.CC will be after me...can you believe it...that man really likes the way I paint. I hope to be back tomorrow to show you the finished walls.
                                              Thanks so much for coming...see ya soon,
                                  I have loved these soft blue walls for seven years now...but it's
                                                                  time to move on!
                         Want to hear a funny little story? I guess it was about 20 years siblings
                         and I were painting the inside of our parents home and silly me sat down on a
                         very HOT light bulb (just like the one you see here)...and I burned my BUNS!!
                         You see...I was wearing some really short shorts...don't worry ladies...I  will
                          not be wearing anything similar to short shorts tonight...since I'm up 40lbs...sweat
                          pants look much better! I will say...I was in a very small closet and didn't have
                          much room to work in, but my family hasn't let me live this one down!

                                          This has been here for seven years too...I do think
                                                                    it's a keeper!

I found these tiny shells right outside my front door
                                                      Yes...right here in my front yard!
I'm going to party over here...
Show and Tell Friday
Home and Family Friday


  1. Wow-have to say I'm pretty jealous of your gorgeous view-I'm looking out at about 30 inches of snow covered in a few more inches of ice and getting another storm on Friday-haha-enjoy the warmth!!LOL-Claire

  2. I love (and envy) your front yard! Beautiful! Funny story about your buns!

  3. Beautiful picture of the ocean...Such a lovely front yard!!!

  4. Beautiful! Why I'm feeling envious of your beach, when I've got my own little place by the water, I don't know. Maybe it's because yours looks a little warmer? We were in the forties (with drizzle off and on) yesterday when I was at the beach -- what's your temp?

  5. Hee hee! Cute story!
    Oh I love your front yard there...must be fabulous! Hope the painting goes well, looking forward to some "after" pics.

  6. Now that's my kind of front — no mowing and shells right within reach.

    I found some gorgeous shells this morning in the oddest place I've ever shelled in my life. I'm going to be blogging about it latter this week. I think it's my new favorite shelling story.

    Can't wait to "sea" what color you chose!

  7. Linda...How Shall I say this?...I envy you;) It's true. Is that your back yard? Or front yard? Sigh. I love the Ocean, I love the smell. I love the air, the clouds, the sand. Now, onto that bed. An incredible Sea Grass headboard, it appears. and is that a grass hula skirt I see standing in for a bed ruffle? To me that says...."you are on holiday, relax, just relax, your mai tai is waiting. Love what you've done so far, don't work too hard, after all, you're in a room with a hula skirt ;) xoxo tami

  8. I've heard of Buns Of Steel but I don't know what yours would be hubby wants nothing to do with painting, etc. He says no honeydo lists for him so I just start and since I always do it wrong...he takes over and helps me.

  9. love that view! I know the new color will be awesome.

  10. Don't rub it in girl, if I could I'd jump in my car and head south to join you for a painting party!

    Is that a seagrass headboard in the room you're painting? I've seen some in catalogs and love them.

    Have fun painting!

  11. The bed came from WORLD MARKET...for the ones that wanted to know.


  12. Can't wait to see the new color... of course it may not be able to compete with that fabulous front yard view.


  13. Maybe a pale yellow...who cares really with that view!

  14. Well, at least it doesn't sound like you had to explain that burn at an emergency room!

    It's going to be hard to beat that blue but, let's see...I'm thinking green.

  15. I need a front yard exactly like yours. Wow. Can't wait to see which color you choose.

  16. I love your headboard and the wall display with the tiny shells. I live in AL too but I sure don't have shells in my front yard lol

  17. That's right rub it in that you have that wonderful front yard! Hmmmmm, maybe a sand color. The blue was really pretty. Can't wait to see. That is funny about the buns! I have had I don't know how many accidents painting. That is why I wear paint clothes and use lots of drop cloths.

  18. Can't even guess what color it'll be but can't wait to see the big reveal!

  19. I am going with a cream color...don't know why. Love your piece you've had for 7 years, those shells make it even prettier! Sorry I laughed(but winced too) at your burnt buns story:)

  20. "Working Seaside".... j-e-a-l-o-u-s ...I'll admit it! :)
    What a great room and can't wait to see the new color!


  21. Oh Linda I am jumping in the car and coming to sit in your front yard!! :) I can't wait to see what you are up to and I love your sea grass bed, beautiful!!!

  22. Good Morning! Hoping to see you back today for
    Cottage Flora Thursday's! xoxo

  23. Sweet pants? Okay... too funny! I love that Mr. CC likes how you paint. Mine does too, lol! So much that he doesn't lift a brush. Anyway, I'm guessing that the color is going to be a very light blue.

    Enjoy your day, Linda!


  24. Hmmm...I am guessing the walls will be a brown or cocoa color with white trim and lots of white accessories. Green and Blue accents for pops of color. All colors of the beach!

  25. You tease...we are getting snow, again! I can't wait to see what color you picked...maybe a soft seafoam?

  26. I don't know Linda, I really like that blue on the

    What a beautiful yard view you have...would love those early morning walks on the beach.


  27. I will not even hazard a guess and look forward to the reveal. I love the headboard and the wall display.

    ~ Tracy

  28. No more bun burning! I love the wall sconce. I can't wait to see the reveal!

  29. I want that view!
    Just gorgeous and I think the color will be wonderful because the one you had was quite gorgeous too!

  30. What a view!! Lucky you to get seashells right out your door:):)

  31. View is spectacular. Story is too funny. Sounds like something I would do.

  32. Oh boy....I live on the coast of Texas and I gotta tell you.....your shell collection and your front yard...well, awesome...simply awesome.


  33. My toes are craving a little sand. That picture is enough to make me smile. Another friday's favorite for sure :-)

  34. Linda...we have so much in common! First and foremost...AUBURN!! Yippee to know another fan. My brother and his wife are both grads. Also...I have many family members who live in AL. Most around Mobile. Anyway...thanks so for paying me a visit. Please come back soon.

  35. sigh- it's cold and gloomy here, I long for a warm beach!
    I'm loving that blue though... even after 7 years!
    lightbulb story. hahaha!
    thanks for sharing with us at catch as catch can!


I'm all ears...