
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Water=New Flooring

Yes...a water leak in a bathroom leads to new floors and I promise you Mr.CC I didn't sabotage that water line! I have been dreaming about new hardwood floors for months now, but believe me I didn't want to get them this way. A few weeks ago while we were in the kitchen cooking for a upcoming family reunion  our daughter Haley came in from work and heard a strange sound coming from the other side of the house...Mr.CC went to check it out...we had a inside water fountain flowing in our hall bath!!! It had only been going on for a few minutes...just a few minutes and we had a HUGE mess to deal with. We knew right away that we were not going to try to save this OLD up it came!

I'm hoping and praying that it looks good next to the split brick floors in my kitchen!

Just look at what we have been walking on for the past few weeks...I'm sooooo glad we have not had any company drop by!!!


  1. Before we got our new flooring upstairs, I was just fed up with the old carpeting and I pulled it up and we walked on plywood like yours all summer. It sure made us appreciate the new flooring when we finally put it down. Our downstairs is hardwood and I LOVE it! You will love yours too, when you get it installed. It is so easy to take care of. Sorry about your leak, but it was a great way to get new flooring!!! Love & blessings from NC!

  2. Sorry to hear about the leak. Water can be so damaging. But hurray for the new floors!

  3. I had my whole house recarpeted at one time because of a back up of the sewer line...Sold that house shortly after that.

  4. I overflowed a bathroom sink one year when I was in high school, the hallway carpet shrunk after it dried. I thought I was going to be grounded for a year. But, my parents got the whole back of the house recarpeted with insurance, every room because it shrunk away at each bedroom door entrance. Yay for me washing stockings.

  5. Ugh! I hate anything having to do with water leaks. The good news is that you get beautiful new floors :) Love your choice.

  6. Sorry about the leak but :) about the new floor!

  7. My parents just found a leak in their foundation and now they are on the hunt for new floors. I like what you it laminate, engineered, or real hardwood?

  8. Water damage is one of the worst things to deal with and we have had a lot of it both inside and outside! The new floors will look wonderful!

  9. When we updated and did an addition to our house for Amber we ripped up the carpet and put new hardwood flooring in and I love it! I have ruined lots of socks walking on plywood :)
    I am so sorry about your water leak but hey you got a new floor!

  10. I'll bet it will look gorgeous! We ordered ours last week - should be here any day! It looks really similar to yours. I only wish I was able to do my entire home!

  11. Linda, that floor sample looks so pretty, It should be gorgeous with the bricks! Water damage! I just found that the roof over my storage room leaked all over everything. I'm washing years worth of fabrics that I should have given away. I don't want them to mildew! I am trying to come up with some quick craft ideas for old fabric!

  12. How's the old saying go....when one door closes, another one opens (or something like that). Sorry to read about the water leak but you'll be getting a beautiful new floor!
    Have a great weekend.

  13. Wow! lucky/unlucky you. Such beautiful flooring though, I am sure it will be beautiful next to anything.

  14. New flooring is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO exciting-what you chose is beautiful!
    Can't wait to see the transformation!!

  15. Yep, that's one way to get yourself those hardwood floors you have been wanting!

    I can relate to having to walk around the remodeling mess. I can't wait to see your new floors installed!

  16. That floor is beautiful! Great choice. I am sure you love it. Linda

  17. Thank you Linda for your visit.
    But guess what, I just dropped by on your un-finished floors :)
    Just cannot wait to see there beauty when you are done!
    I have to go back now and cheack out some of your older postings :)

  18. That was a funny story. A fiasco leading to a home makeover! Hardwood floors look good. Actually my husband and I took time in choosing between hardwood flooring and laminate wood flooring. Tampa, Fl offers a lot of flooring types and that gave us a hard time. We agreed on having laminate wood, it also looks good! Hope you can also check some of it. Thanks again for posting.


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