
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy Anniversary Cotton City Antiques

Way back in 1990, Cotton City Antiques opened their doors here in Mobile, Alabama. I wonder, if they ever thought that 22 years later, that they would still be going strong. Well, they are, and today I want to say, CONGRATS to you!!! Starting today, they will be celebrating their anniversary with a huge SALE. If you are local, come on by and check out all the great deals. Discounts are up to 75% off, now, how nifty thrifty is that? I have marked down a ton of merchandise in my booth, that is just waiting on finding a new home. As you enter the store, my booth is the second one on your left. Look for the yellow sale tags, and help me make room for some new merchandise, that I have waiting just for you.


  1. Your booth looks great! I'll be in Mobile this weekend and hope to stop by!

  2. Love it all Linda! I hope when I grow up my space is as cool as yours!


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