
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall Fluffing

My hubs Mr.CC is always kidding me about fluffing around here...does your hubs do the same thing? I tell you...these men just don't get the seasons change (to be doesn't have to be a season change to get me fluffing like a wild woman) our home decor needs a tad bit of fluff...don't ya think? My best friend also kids me about how my home never looks the same...oh well what can I say...fluffing is sooooo much fun! I started early this year with my fall decor because I plan on starting putting up my Christmas decor (inside only) in early November...okay I know some of you must think that I am nuts and maybe I am. Well the reason for the early start is, I put up a ton of Christmas  items and it takes sooooo long to get it all done. Since I put so much time and effort making my nest a beauty at this time of the year, it's a shame not to enjoy it for more than a couple of weeks. I will wait until after thanksgiving to decorate the outside...don't want my neighbors talking about me. So now let's see what I have done. If you are looking for NIFTY THRIFTY here...we are still having a great time go by and join in.
                                                I love comments and
                                                     I'm all ears,

                                      I'm really proud of myself...I
                                      have only purchased two new
                                        items for my fall fluffing!
                            Just couldn't leave this cute black crow
                            all alone at Hobby Lobby...the cashier
                            said these guys were flying out the door
                                               really fast!
                                    I guess only $5.00.
                                  Some Dollar Tree pumpkins painted
                                            to match my decor!
                                       These are now two years old.
                              Another new chicken wire goodie. What can
                              I 50% off it just jumped right in my
                                       Love those wooden handles.
                                            Love me some popcorn!
                           These items  I have had for years, some
                             came from flea markets...some from
                            garage sales and others from TJ Maxx.
                                        What a great shape!!!

Even smelling a lot like FALL!!!!
Linking up here...
Wow Us Wednesday
                                                                 Show and Tell
                                                                 Open House Thursday
                                                                 Show and Tell Friday
                                                                 Potpourri Friday
                                                                 Feathered Nest Friday
                                                                 Inspiration Friday
                                                                 Vintage Inspiration
                                              Idea Sharing Wednesday
                                              Penny Pinching Party
                                              The Inspiration Board
                                              Show Off Your Stuff
                                              Frugal Friday
                                              Flaunt It Friday
                                              Flaunt Your Fall Link Up Party
                                              Fall Nesting Party
                                              Frugalicious Friday
                                              I'm Lovin It
                                              Just Something That I Whipped Up
                                              Sunday Scoop
                                              Tuesdays Treasures


  1. Linda, great fall fluffing. My mom says the same thing here. Always different when she comes over. What can we say. Love your dough bowl and filler. Thanks for joining Wow.

  2. Linda, just too cute for words. I love the wooden bowl with the pumpkins...that is sooo adorable.


  3. Hi Linda, I was out looking at new Fall decor today. The crow and the painted pumpkins are so cute.

  4. Your "fluffing" is darling! I love that crow, too.

  5. I love to change it up! Keeps the mind active and happy to have new things to look at in the home. Your Fall Fluffing is awesome. Love that crow.

  6. I love that long tray, Linda! You've got the perfect amount of decor out.

  7. Love the fluff. The crow is so cute. Loven the wire basket too.

  8. Oh, your fall fluffing is so comfy looking! I am just not ready to give up the summer feeling around the house! I'm going to give it another week maybe? xoox

  9. everything looks great! Boy do I love fall!

  10. Yep, you do good fluffy! :) I don't understand how anyone can keep their home the same all the time. I have a deep need to fluff.

  11. Love all of your fluffing and those painted pumpkins. And no, my husband doesn't quite understand all of my fluffing. Wouldn't a house be boring if one never changed it around?
    Marianne :)

  12. Looks great! If it makes you feel any better, I plan to start decorating the first of November for the very same reason! Sounds perfectly logical, to me! ;o)

  13. Love all your autumn displays, especially the painted pumpkins. I hope to get some painted soon.The rest of the decorations are in our attic, but it has been so hot this week that I haven't dared to go up there. It's supposed to cool down this weekend, so that's when I'll be fluffing.

  14. Linda your Fall decor is so pretty! I love how you displayed the pumpkins! I like the painted pumpkins!

  15. Linda your Fall Fluffing looks beautiful!! Things would get boring if we left them the same way, right! Martina

  16. Happy fluffing!

    I love your pumpkins ♥

  17. Love, Love, LOVE all your fall fluffing!!! Fluff ON!!

  18. Uh, can I borrow the pumpkin, please? Yes, the lovely white one with the lovely oblong shape?

    For 18 years?

  19. So glad I clicked on your link on WOW as I can tell we think alike by your first paragraph! So true, its fun to fluff the house and hubby and relatives think its so much work! I also have plans to put up my Christmas decor in early Nov (though here in Canada, our Thanksgiving will be over so I don't have to worry about what the neighbours think!) I love the style of the fall decorating you've shown, very classy...that raven is great - I, too am trying to resist buying MORE fall items but its so hard! I'm off to check out some of your other posts!


  20. It's funny how everyone is always in such a rush for Fall to get here. I think we all know it's everyone's favorite season. Love the pumpkins!

  21. Hi Linda~

    I love all of your fall decorating, and your fluffing has paid off! Everything looks beautiful. :) The chicken wire basket is so gorgeous...Alas, we have no Hobby Lobby here. :(

    Now on the matter of your Christmas decorating, I completely understand! Sometimes there is just so much I want to do, and it always seems like there is not enough time to sit back and enjoy it. :)

    I hope you are doing well, and that your summer was wonderful! Congratulations again on your daughter's marriage! The wedding looked truly beautiful! :)


  22. Hi Linda, I just love all your fall fluffing! You have been one busy bee. I love the chicken wire basket. I've been picking up a few here and there.

    Enjoy your day,

  23. Your Fall fluffing is fabulous, Linda! Love the vignette on your table ... the painted pumpkins ... the crow (I wish they had had those when I went there)! ... and, the awesome dough bowl! My fave, I must say, is the wire basket ... I have one, but it's not nearly as deep. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Hi Linda, I love your term fluffing. That is kinda what us strong nesters love to do. I love what you have done. Black and neutral are my favs this season.(I found the same crow and just had to have him for myself) Lovely, Wanda

  25. I love your fall decor! I had to laugh because all of a sudden I start changing things around the house and my husband thinks its a hormonal thing. Men just don't get it!
    Great job!

  26. Linda, your Fall fluffing is wonderful!! Very festive!!

  27. It all looks great! just don't get it!!!

  28. So pretty! Just about can smell that "fall" over here.

  29. Everything looks so gorgeous Linda! I've been working on my fall "fluffing" this week too and with cooler temps it makes me almost giddy! I'm with you on decorating for Christmas early. It takes forever and seems like a lot of work to only have out for a little while! :-)

  30. You are just full of terrific ideas! What cute vignettes you created!

  31. Wonderful fall and halloween decor. Great inspiration. I would be thrilled if you shared this project on my Inspiration Board {link party}. I know my readers would really enjoy it.
    Thanks for the inspiration.
    carolyn | homework

  32. Awesome!! Loved the 'Bird on Corn' idea.

  33. I love the crow! I have my fall stuff up, but I'm waiting a bit for Halloween. I do love white pumpkins and I'm waiting to get my hands on a few real ones as soon as I see them.

  34. Love your Fall Fluffing! Every little detail is so pretty and just perfectly coordinated! :)

    Hope you don't mind, I added you to my blog roll! I like your style and would love to visit again! ~Rhonda

  35. Linda, love everything. I've decided after seeing all your fall decorations that tomorrow is the day I haul my stuff up too. I got that same crow at HL, love him. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

  36. Hi Linda, I wanted to drop by again to thank you for joining the Open House party this week. Take care!

  37. It looks great! I love me some popcorn too!!!!

  38. Looks great Linda!
    Looking forward to fall here in New England!

  39. Hahahahahaha, okay yes! Everytime I dont find a thang, Mr. R blames my fluffing.Men, I tell you.

    This is some really cool fall decor Linda. I will start mine now.


  40. Yep, its starting to feel like fall! Love the crow and the wire basket... i had a similar crow statue (found at Goodwill!) but it scared my pet birds so much that I had to take it outside!

  41. Fluff away! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. That crow is cute. I'm going to run to HL to see if they still have any of them.

  42. Love the "fluff"! What a great idea...painting the pumpkins. I'm gonna have to do that...
    Jane (artfully graced)

  43. Please come over and fluff my house and bring those dough bowls and everything else ...along with those awesome painted pumpkins!! I'm loving all of it!! Do you have a tutorial on those painted pumpkins??

  44. Pure gorgeousness! I really love your fluffing!

  45. Loving the dough bowl with the great shaped pumpkins. Joining you at Inspiration Friday.
    Have a great weekend.

  46. Love that you have popcorn amongst your painted pumpkins (which are absolutely adorable!).

    Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!

  47. I love all of your Fall fluffing, Linda! You are really putting your wire basket and dough bowl to good use. The painted pumpkins are so cute!

    Thank you so much for linking to Potpourri Friday. Your participations makes the party more special!

  48. Your flufing is very inspiring. I started to fluff but need to do more. Oh my hubby is just beside himself when he comes home and things are different. He's not one for change...
    Luv the fluff.

  49. Love your fluffing. I always love crows and white pumkins.The arrangement in the dough bowl is great.


I'm all ears...