
Monday, May 16, 2011

Mr.CC...The Farmer

Now ladies not only does my hubby provide for his family by working very hard as a business man, he also grows the food that we eat...yes...I married to a FARMER!!! Well if any of you are thinking that Mr.CC is a big time farmer, let me clear that up, this is really only a hobby of his. Last year was the first time that he had a garden and he had sooooo much fun with it, that there was no doubt that he would have another one this year. Mr.CC's best friend (and our family doctor) lives in the country on about 40 acres and he shares his land with him. These two love the outdoors... they hunt, fish and farm together...two peas in a pod! Okay now let's take a look at what Mr.CC has growing for us this year.
                                          Thanks for stopping by
                                            and I hope to see ya
                                                 here at NTT!
                                       A basket full of squash!!!
                                I don't eat squash, but I have promised
                                       him that I would give them
                                                another try.
                                 This was his time to grow squash
                                     and they have come along
                                              really good.

                                          Hard at work!                       
                  Can you say...FRIED GREEN TOMATOES?
                                We have WATERMELONS
                                 this year...oh how I LOVE
                                      I also love some cucumbers
                                          for my summer salads!

                             Just planted some bell peppers!!!
                                 Our friend shares his corn with us...we
                                            just have to pick it!

I'm going to these parties...come by and join me!
Met Monday
Motivate Me Monday
Amaze Me Monday


  1. That is awesome! (So, are you going to have to learn how to can food now...?)

  2. Linda, what a nice garden. I wish we had one. I love squash fried, boiled or in a casserole. Yum.

  3. Linda fresh fruits and veggies are the best! Kudos to your husband!

    Art by Karena

    Come and enter my New Giveaway from Serena & Lily! You will love it!

  4. I'm so jealous!!! I would love to have a garden. We eat squash almost everyday here. I like it sautee(sp?) it with onions!

  5. How fun! I can't believe you have all that produce already Linda, I just planted my garden last week-enjoy:@)

  6. Oh yummy, I love squash. My hubby decided last year that he was a gardener. I gave him a space in the yard and he worked so hard in it-I had to sneak around and give him some help though. I couldn't figure out why his onions weren't coming uhe had them planted about a foot deep!lol!While he was at work I dug them up and replanted, he never knew!

  7. That squash looks so good!! We grew a few tomatoes and a couple of peppers! That it the extent of our vegetable garden! The tomatoes and pepper plants are in containers! My hubby is an excellent gardener but he prefers to work with flowers!

  8. We used to have a huge garden in both our side and back yard, plus we had two greenhouses. That was in my childhood home. My family misses having a garden, but we traded that house for privacy and tresses in the suburbs. No sun for a garden now. I envy that you are able to have one.

    I didn't like squash until a few years ago either. I love it roasted or boiled with carros and zucchinin now.

  9. Girl, I can't believe you don't eat squash! I made my version of squash casserole on Friday and we've been eating on it all weekend.

    Every year I tell hubby to put out some tomato plants but so luck! You garden looks great!


  10. Looks all so fabulous! Wish I was closer I could buy some.Enjoy! ~Cheers Kim

  11. My husband and I planted a garden last year for the first time. We had great success (and a lot of weeds) so we have a garden going this year. I have lots of lettuce and radishes and plenty of squash.I've even been giving it away to people which I love to do! Congrats to Mr. CC!

  12. It all looks like it's doing wonderful. My hubby planted his first garden this year. I tried to warn him to spread things out but he is learning the hard way. The zucchini seems to have a mildew and isn't doing well. Lots of flowers but then nothing. But the rest is doing good. Fingers crossed!

  13. Looks like an amazing garden...good for Mr. CC! So rewarding to grow your own veggies, especially when can do it along side a friend!
    Hope your week is wonderful! :)

  14. There is something so exciting about seeing all those beautiful vegetables and fruits on the vine.

  15. Well it looks like he does quite well!!! I like squash on the grill with other veggies and chicken, yummy!!! Question, do you think he'd part with one of those yummy rusty cages and some watermelon?LOL!!

  16. WOW,they are ready... we still have at least two more months before stuff is ready.. Your lucky, It's so nice to have fresh veggies


  17. I can't wait for my dad's garden to have all these things in it!! He has a huge one every year but it's been so dry the past couple of years and we haven't had tomatoes!! Hopefully this year we will! I need to get my mom one of those market totes, very good idea! I have one, but I would've never thought to use it in the garden :-)

  18. It all looks good! My garden is coming along, but the most we have reaped from it so far this year are radishes, lettuce and broccoli.

  19. Wow, that is an amazing garden! Growing your own fresh veggies really encourages you to eat better too. How great is that!

  20. Linda, you must give yellow squash a re-think because they are divine. A squash casserole or simply stir fried with onions is fabulous. His garden is lovely. I just grow a lot of flowers at my vacation house but have by accident grown tomatoes and watermelon in my compost pile. hugs♥O

  21. Gorgeous produce!! This reminds me of Green Acres :)
    See you later for NTT.

  22. Oh Linda, I love the much fun and good food too! I only started planting a few
    things this year...Sunflowers and Cucumbers..
    we shall see what happens!

    Flora Doora

  23. I want a garden so much. Love the garden!

  24. What a wonderful garden Linda! That is so great that he can share the land and love of outdoors with his friend and provide some yummy food at the same time. :) Enjoy!!

  25. Oh Yum! Nothing like working in the garden and growing your own produce. Sounds like your husband and his friend have a great setup. I love tomatoes... eat them like apples. Not kidding :) We just started to plant so we won't see any fruit of our labor til August. Enjoy it! Sweet post, Linda!
    :D ~Michelle

  26. The closest I've ever come to growing vegetables, is a few in pots on my patio!!

    You are fortunate to reap the rewards of Mr. CC's hobby. Everything looks really good.


  27. I just love summer squash!!! You are one lucky woman!! That garden looks marvelous!

  28. There is nothing like fresh vegetables in the summer! You are so lucky!

  29. What fun! I'm not a squash lover either, but my son is, so I do make it sometimes. :) It looks like your husband's crops are thriving! Congrats to him.

    Have a great week!

  30. There's nothing better than garden fresh veggies! And the prices at the store...EEEE! Yours will be so much better and save money, too! ♥

  31. Oh My, I am SO jealous of all that bounty! I LOVE Squash!!! Oh How I wish I had a veggie garden...
    Thank you for sharing all these yummy things,
    Hugs to you,

  32. That looks so delicious! You are some kind of lucky! Nothing like fresh veggies.

  33. Linda,
    Mr. CC's garden is really producing! I love squash, tomatoes, peppers, corn ... all of it! We have planted our garden and it is all blooming. I am just waiting for a fresh tomato!

  34. My grandparents and parents always had a garden like that. I grew up eating all those goodies and have converted my husband now too- he will even eat the squash!

  35. I love to see vegetables and fruits growing in a garden. Everything in your garden looks so scrumptious!

  36. Wow I can't believe it producing so much already. That is wonderful to have so much fresh produce.

  37. Your garden (and your husband) are awesome!

  38. You lucky girl! I wish my hubby liked to work in the garden!!

    Susan and Bentley


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